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Altaf Hussain Seeks Political Asylum For His Supporters In India

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ahahaha :woot: I am not living outside of Pakistan you are Aslan(Kuwait).I love my country but some people like you and all those Pukhtoon which are so call Taliban are real enemy of Pakistan who not only destroy the image of Pakistan but all its reputation in all over the world. All Pakistani are suffering because of you guys. Go and ask about the reputation of Pakistani specially Pukhtoon and Punjabi in all over the world.:devil:

Dude I am more Pakistani then you will ever be in your entire life. For me and many here Pakistan doesnot revolve around being a mohajir or a shindhi or panjabi or kashmiri or balochi or a pathan or any other race livin in the geographical borders of Pakistan. We are all one and we are all Pakistan. It is delusional fools like you who listen to a roach living in luxury in some villa in london, and get all excited.
accually I am talking with your sister,you know doing ________:chilli: Lier hahah .If you are not muslim then how u can be Pukhtoon and Pakistani.
I guess you are talkin to your father who is setting in UK rite now :O on the phone in yr avtar :rofl:

Btw We are not muslims :P bacha khush ho ja warna koi aur pathan khush kar de ga tuje easy load kara keh tere avtar wale mobile main :rofl:
Listened to all 3 parts of his speech, The speech was so touching that I had a lump in my throat esp part when he mentions about forefathers graves. :cry:
ahahaha :woot: I am not living outside of Pakistan you are Aslan(Kuwait).I love my country but some people like you and all those Pukhtoon which are so call Taliban are real enemy of Pakistan who not only destroy the image of Pakistan but all its reputation in all over the world. All Pakistani are suffering because of you guys. Go and ask about the reputation of Pakistani specially Pukhtoon and Punjabi in all over the world.:devil:

Ofcourse its always a Pakhtoon and a Panjabi who has done you wrong. You rascals go on killing every one that opposes you and its our fault. Your baigharat leader cant even come to Pakistan, and you............................
Forget it its bigots like you who are the real enemy of Pakistan, not me or a Pakhtoon, I am done with you I will let the mods handle you.
Listened to all 3 parts of his speech, The speech was so touching that I had a lump in my throat esp part when he mentions about forefathers graves. :cry:

AAgaye begani shadi kay dewanay abdallah.
who was altaf's father ??


Note=All the people couldnt have been photographed in this frame............ more people were coming..................As u know... yeh (altaf) aik admi ki beghairti nahin hai.
Balochistan is suffering because of you guys specially Punjabis

Ofcourse its because of us Panjabis, it has nothing to do with the fudal lords supressing their own people. But it is us after all hum nai un ki bhains chori jo ki hai.
again go and ask about the reputation of Pakistani specially Pukhtoon and Punjabi in UK USA Sudia UAE and all over the world.Even in Malaysia they restrected Pakistani visa because of you guys(Pukhtoon and Punjabi ).You Pukhtoons sell your own daughters for money in Tribal areas and Chamen Boader.

obviously man all these countries have specifically mentioned that Panjabis and Pakhtoons no visas. Others ok. But the last time I checked my passport didnt mention what race I belonged to all it said was citizen of Islamic republic of Pakistan. And for the latter part of your ***** that you spewed on the screen I wonder when the mods are going to kick in.
Utterly horrible comment, if true.

If he and the other MQM leadership want 'asylum' for themselves and other 'willing Party Workers' in India, then by all means ask for it for "YOURSELVES'.

By making these 'appeal on the behalf of all Muhajir' in Pakistan, he has misrepresented and smeared the entire community and tarnished their image as patriotic Pakistanis. There will be some hate-mongers who will use this statement, along with his earlier ones, to unfairly malign the entire community as 'unpatriotic'.

Altaf Hussain has no business asking for 'asylum' on behalf of all Muhajir, nor would a majority of the Muhajir community even consider such a move, despite the violence in Karachi.

I do think that the people supporting the MQM should send a clear message to the Pakistan based MQM leadership that Altaf Hussain has to resign from the MQM for maligning the community he claims to represent.
Yeah yeah... some buddy said in Balochistan "ager Snake ur Punjabi jaraha ho tu sub se phele Punjabi ko maro".You guys never learn with your history,what you did in Bangladesh now you are doing with Balochistan and Karachi both Army and govt are involve in this mess and soon you will see the punishment from ALLAH.

Yes remember when Bangladesh split it was a sindhi aka Bhutto. The last time there was a mega operation in Karachi because some b@stards had crossed the line it was his daughter. I wonder where the Panjabis and Pathans fall in the equation. And also when the major operation happened in Balochistan one was ordered by a sindhi aka Bhutto, and the second when bhugti was killed it was Musharaf. Now I wonder where the Panjabis and Pathans came in.
again go and ask about the reputation of Pakistani specially Pukhtoon and Punjabi in UK USA Sudia UAE and all over the world.Even in Malaysia they restrected Pakistani visa because of you guys(Pukhtoon and Punjabi ).You Pukhtoons sell your own daughters for money in Tribal areas and Chamen Boader.

All of these countries don't differentiate between Punjabi Pakistani, Pakhtun Pakistani, Mohajir Pakistani, Kashmiri Pakistani, Baloch Pakistani etc, to them we're all Pakistani, its not like our ethnicity's are written on our foreheads.

BTW a Pakhtun Pakistani Returned 14kg pure gold to a Chinese businessmen in Dubai after he forgot the gold in the Taxi cab, he was later awarded by the Dubai officials for his honesty.
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Yes remember when Bangladesh split it was a sindhi aka Bhutto. The last time there was a mega operation in Karachi because some b@stards had crossed the line it was his daughter. I wonder where the Panjabis and Pathans fall in the equation. And also when the major operation happened in Balochistan one was ordered by a sindhi aka Bhutto, and the second when bhugti was killed it was Musharaf. Now I wonder where the Panjabis and Pathans came in.
You bring up a good related point - for all the atrocities committed by the Bhuttos, father and daughter, and their 'dictatorial rules in the country and within their party', it is amazing that the two are held up as some sort of shining example of 'democratic leaders'.
the question is why he said such a thing ???

- Is he working on some contingency plan, just in case?

- Is he acting in collusion with Indians?

- will he have followers who might consider this as an option??

- In the very speech he also made a comment asking for international recognition? was it simply playing on ethnic emotional card that he went this far ? but then the question comes was it the first time ? (Nope)

- was it an indication to gain East Pakistan like help from India to have their recognition that he mentioned in the very speech, just in case?
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