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Altaf Hussain is Pakistan's top most terrorist, says Imran Khan

wrong! i have clearly put down that karachi was the most advanced city of pakistan hence it was made the capital at independence!
What can i do if the condition of other cities were worse than karachi
as for muhajir's never being accepted as pakistanis! NOPE urdu was made the national langauge before APMSO being formed!
Urdu was made the national language by founders of Pakistan just because it was easier to communicate bettween people who speak different languages
muhajirs had to live with normal people who were against their entire

oh come on give me a break even though i have nothing to say for the pashtuns but wasn't it your leader that created the biggest clashes in pakistan against pashtuns in karachi?
The first Clash between muhajirs and pashtuns was started by Ayub khan after his election
should proptest against urdu speaking people being given rights? you contradict yourself
I just said if people from other provinces want their language to be national language they should raise their voice its their right
=Pak-marine;741088]regarding your favourite videoTry looking for some police or law enforcement ? Where are they dont you think you should be asking this question to the federal govt ? These MQM people now provide secruity otherwise khi police and law enforcement are world known for their corruption and faint hearts. And thats the whole point behind MQM khi's history is full off abuses , heavy duty gun , drug culture and every time when situation arises the so called stupid law and security agencies fail and fail us all miserably Never to be found! therefore if MQM guys have taken the security in their own hands than i and many others are proud of them , as we will never let any body i.e ( Estabilisment or Taliban ) hijack our city and we will fail and bash them hard if /when they confront us. Try bother looking around Whats happening in NWFP .. What sort of give up statements CM Punjab has given to Taliban. Most of the country men seems aware but you are one of those who are highlighted by various writers who want to stay in their denial ostrich mode.

ice - man :: great so you do admit MQM is taking law into its own hand & clearly terrorizes people! as visible from the 12th may video! and you are proud of it! good going!

so you are saying what MQMs did on 12th may is correct killing innocent civilians on 12th may is correct you are also saying altaf saying creation of pakistan was a mistake is correct you are also saying it is correct for him to have a british nationality! then there is no point arguing

If above is what u have derived from my post than you simply have narrow or no approach .. and yeh rightly said no point in arguing !:pakistan:
Ice man don't argue with Pak marine, he is an idiot who starts personal attacks when he cannot come up with valid argument, he has learnt a lot from his mentor :rofl:. Blind supporter of that joker Altaf Hussain who publicly regrets the creation of Pakistan, Shows a lot about his character. Let him enjoy his favourite drama speeches at Nine Zero. :rofl:

If you think calling your kidish remarks which you think are valid is personal attacks than i really appologise ..

@ ice-man and Raheel

Good idea no point arguing you two deserve each other.
I think in politics tides change fast and yesterday's enemies become partners quite fast that is the true politics -

Imran Khan has potential so does Mustafa Kamal

If they both move up forward I see some positive for our country

But it remains to be seen if these political groups can co exits
Guys, does not matter what we are. We are all Pakistanis. An eye for an eye is not the solution. All Pakistanis are brothers and please refrain from calling each other things that lead to no where.

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah gave us Pakistan with the blessings of Allah. His mosloleum is in Karachi and Karachi is for Pakistanis because Jinnah is for all of Pakistan. Ethnic and racial comments do not add any value and respecting each others ethnicity should be the strength to our diversity.
Yes, regardless of Mustafa Kamal's MQM Affiliation, he does have the potential to lead Pakistan as a Prime Minister or President. Hopefully we have him at a high post, Inshallah.
MQM has only justifiably reacted to various attempts at oppressing the muhajir community.
I agree with Imran Khan.
Support him, I do.

I have mentioned it multiple times now, my friend's uncle, wanted to have a (public, I guess) speech about Altaf HUssein in his area. The very next day of the announcement, MQM men came and filled his chest with bullets :angry::angry::angry:
Every person in Pakistan is well aware of the history of mqm and where their loyalties stand and almost everyday one hears about the shootings and killings in Karachi and it just fills my heart with sadness and anger as a Pakistani.there are a lot of members here from karachi and for that matter every other part of the counrty lets just all rise above the issues of ethnicity and dont be muhajirs or sindhis or punjabis or balochis or pathans and lets just be Pakistanis for once please.choose right people and dont forget may it be mqm or any other part they drive thr power from the masses so if we as a nation get our affairs in order we will make such progress that would be unique and one for the ages.
MQM is the only hurdle in the genocide of muhajirs that would have had been completed in the 90s.

Muhajirs have a right to fight back the oppressive forces; MQM is just a manifestation of the fight for our survival.
MQM is the only hurdle in the genocide of muhajirs that would have had been completed in the 90s.

Muhajirs have a right to fight back the oppressive forces; MQM is just a manifestation of the fight for our survival.

there is NO BLOODY MUHAJIR IN PAKISTAN!!!!! we only have pakistanis!! get that into your head!!

Don't dare call anyone Muhajir! Urdu speaking are pakistanis! if YOU PERSONALLY THINK YOU ARE "MUHAJIR" please feel free to leave my country! urdu speaking are equally pakistani as any other community! :angry:
there is NO BLOODY MUHAJIR IN PAKISTAN!!!!! we only have pakistanis!! get that into your head!!

Don't dare call anyone Muhajir! Urdu speaking are pakistanis! if YOU PERSONALLY THINK YOU ARE "MUHAJIR" please feel free to leave my country! urdu speaking are equally pakistani as any other community! :angry:

And if you want to discriminate others, then please move to other country. People who do this thing, are breaking the peace and unity of the Nation, something we need more than life! :agree:
My grandad was borned in Multan, and my family always has been in Pakistan, but I dont find my self syperior than others, who have been called 'muhajirs'. If you are calling them because the Makans were called at the time of Prophet, then it it totally wrong!
In those days, tribal system was followed, and if want to be tribal, then better go to FATA. :angry:
MQM is the only hurdle in the genocide of muhajirs that would have had been completed in the 90s.

Muhajirs have a right to fight back the oppressive forces; MQM is just a manifestation of the fight for our survival.

Hey Waffen. You have two choices.

1 You consider your self as Muhajir then go back to your land where you belong to.

2 I consider myself as Urdu speaking Pakistani I will live in this country and in this land.

Now stop behaving stupid and make your choice. I have already mentioned mine. :)
same imran khan who claimed Altaf is a terrorsit visited 90 ... now what do we call it hipocracy !? politics !?
same imran khan who claimed Altaf is a terrorsit visited 90 ... now what do we call it hipocracy !? politics !?
Please sir I can understand your love for A.H.
But I.K. has a really soft corner for them and think it would be better to talk sense rather than war.
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