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Altaf Hussain is Pakistan's top most terrorist, says Imran Khan

i guess this is the first time someone is quoting themselves but the point is PAK-MARINE i hope you read this and reply to it!!!


Tells a lot about your personality ,,, hey man no need to explain i have seen few like you before your problem is you just want to hear your self .. :rofl:
Enlighten your self why Mohajir ::


Since you are so keen to know check below link ::

Ah .. utla chor kutwal ko dantay ... haha .. thats norm for us any how more for you below.

Ever wondered why ... ? I beleive since you think you are so clever and well read and the person on the other end is silly. i beleive this time least you will read and go through the whole wikepedia post, before coming up with complete nonsense.

now please tell me why should i respect a british man who calls PAKISTAN a MISTAKE????

Nor i agree and respect his speech and he has lost a lot of score in my view however His party argues it was said in a diferent context .. i will look for the post shortly.

Try and notice what you posted in little that was there post independence was done by brit , Local population was a mix of all sorts of immigrants residents were mostly Hindus , Jews , Christians and muslims. Post independence all was done by Mohajirs itself.

your link is not working...however, tell me something HOW LONG will you call yourself MUHAJIR before you accept yourself as pakistanis? if ever?


even though the truth is that karachi at time of independence was the most advanced city of pakistan!
Tells a lot about your personality ,,, hey man no need to explain i have seen few like you before your problem is you just want to hear your self .. :rofl:

another very intellectual post by you full of meaning & purpose! :coffee:
=ice_man;741017]your link is not working...however, tell me something HOW LONG will you call yourself MUHAJIR before you accept yourself as pakistanis? if ever?

Ehh ... here we go Listen Mr master in Human intellect try copy and paste in explorer address bar or go to wikepedia .. its quiet visible there and Explains all Who ? Why and When ? about Mohajirs.

I said in terms of development "indi Genius !" Also listen you dont have to use CAPS to make yourself heard all can read you :rofl:

It is claimed, but not verified, that around 30 to 35% of Muhajirs are of Pashtun heritage - most historians assert this claim to be attempts to distance themselves from Hindu origins (BJP and other hindu revivalists uphold this claim). The Muhajir community also includes peoples of Punjabi heritage. In broader terms, it also includes Memons, Bohras and Ismailis that spoke Gujarati, Kutchi and Memoni languages and are now assimilating into Muhajir community. The Bengali and Rohingya refugees in Karachi are also assimilating into Muhajir community.

i think you missed this from your own link....so i guess pashtuns have rights punjabis,boris have rights!

and besides trying to justify your leaders statements check this link out please

now tell me why should i support MQM?? you have done a great job in making this thread a loud sounding BS! instead of giving me proper facts as to why altaf bhai be supported you have gone on and on about nothing!
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the problem is after more than 60 years YOU call yourself muhajirs! alot of people came from india into pakistan into the punjab province (including ZIA-UL-HAQ) but they accepted that they are pakistanis above all else!

but the ones that came into karachi are never satisfied they were welcomed into the city houses like family members by the people of karachi!! urdu was made the national language and yet YOU yourself call yourselfs muhajir it is a name you gave yourself! you made Muhajir Qaumi Movement!

you brought about the divison! then your leader went to india and said divison was the biggest blunder of the sub continet!

The muhajirs who are living in punjab were from Indian part of punjab they were accepted by the local people of punjab but others who were from Dehli Lucknow Bombay Hyderabad(deccan) etc were never accepted in punjab they were welcomed in Sindh
but after that.The bloodshed of muhajirs was started by Ayub khan who even said that the muhajirs belong to Arabian sea

No one likes to call himself muhajir but when a guy from karachi or hyderabad visits punjab and people give him nicknames like "Hindustoray" and "bhayya loug" what should he do ?
what should he do when he is beaten by a group of students in Sindh university just because he is from a different ethnic group

The real problem is after more than 60 years people still donot accept muhajirs as citizens of Pakistan
The muhajirs who are living in punjab were from Indian part of punjab they were accepted by the local people of punjab but others who were from Dehli Lucknow Bombay Hyderabad(deccan) etc were never accepted in punjab they were welcomed in Sindh
but after that.The bloodshed of muhajirs was started by Ayub khan who even said that the muhajirs belong to Arabian sea

No one likes to call himself muhajir but when a guy from karachi or hyderabad visits punjab and people give him nicknames like "Hindustoray" and "bhayya loug" what should he do ?
what should he do when he is beaten by a group of students in Sindh university just because he is from a different ethnic group

The real problem is after more than 60 years people still donot accept muhajirs as citizens of Pakistan

just now one of your friends said that KARACHI was built by so called "muhajirs" now you are saying you have no rights!

and as for muhajir from the link given to me by pak-marine it says the largest "muhajir" population in pakistan is of PASHTOUNS which you are at war with!

memons,boris are also mohajirs from the example! as for the name muhajir it is something YOUR leader started! he started calling himself muhajir! URDU was made the offical language of pakistan!

so now tell me who should complain the non urdu speakers for being deprived the right to speak there provincial langauge!

muhajir is a name you gave to yourself! i prefer urdu speaking! you like to call yourself muhajir and then cry about it!

and as for your leader no one has till now justifed why he has a british passport! or why he called divison of pakistan a big mistake! or why MQM did 12th may 2007 incident!

i am not against MQM i am against its so called leader

It is claimed, but not verified, that around 30 to 35% of Muhajirs are of Pashtun heritage - most historians assert this claim to be attempts to distance themselves from Hindu origins (BJP and other hindu revivalists uphold this claim). The Muhajir community also includes peoples of Punjabi heritage. In broader terms, it also includes Memons, Bohras and Ismailis that spoke Gujarati, Kutchi and Memoni languages and are now assimilating into Muhajir community. The Bengali and Rohingya refugees in Karachi are also assimilating into Muhajir community.

There was also another line and you being obvious and predictable purposly ditched that i will add it here for you "" The uniting factors of Muhajirs are Islam and Urdu language. It ..

i am not sure still but may be .. may be now its a bit clear for you what the term means !!?

i think you missed this from your own link....so i guess pashtuns have rights punjabis,boris have rights!

i gave you the link to read i know who are Muhajirs .. and yes all have equal rights what is your point ?

now tell me why should i support MQM?? you have done a great job in making this thread a loud sounding BS! instead of giving me proper facts as to why altaf bhai be supported you have gone on and on about nothing

it was BS if i started this thread or another glorifying MQM or Altaf ... !!?? :rofl: get your facts right before you accuse me of any thing.

regarding your favourite videoTry looking for some police or law enforcement ? Where are they dont you think you should be asking this question to the federal govt ? These MQM people now provide secruity otherwise khi police and law enforcement are world known for their corruption and faint hearts. And thats the whole point behind MQM khi's history is full off abuses , heavy duty gun , drug culture and every time when situation arises the so called stupid law and security agencies fail and fail us all miserably Never to be found! therefore if MQM guys have taken the security in their own hands than i and many others are proud of them , as we will never let any body i.e ( Estabilisment or Taliban ) hijack our city and we will fail and bash them hard if /when they confront us. Try bother looking around Whats happening in NWFP .. What sort of give up statements CM Punjab has given to Taliban. Most of the country men seems aware but you are one of those who are highlighted by various writers who want to stay in their denial ostrich mode.
Altaf bahi should be hanged i must say... he and his terrorist MQM have made the lives of people of karachi just like living in a hell. and Imran Khan well i know pakistan is not so lucky but hope so this man can get a chance and pray for that day.. he is the one we need to change the lives of the people of pakistan. he is one honest and courageous leader we need.
regarding your favourite videoTry looking for some police or law enforcement ? Where are they dont you think you should be asking this question to the federal govt ? These MQM people now provide secruity otherwise khi police and law enforcement are world known for their corruption and faint hearts. And thats the whole point behind MQM khi's history is full off abuses , heavy duty gun , drug culture and every time when situation arises the so called stupid law and security agencies fail and fail us all miserably Never to be found! therefore if MQM guys have taken the security in their own hands than i and many others are proud of them , as we will never let any body i.e ( Estabilisment or Taliban ) hijack our city and we will fail and bash them hard if /when they confront us. Try bother looking around Whats happening in NWFP .. What sort of give up statements CM Punjab has given to Taliban. Most of the country men seems aware but you are one of those who are highlighted by various writers who want to stay in their denial ostrich mode.

great so you do admit MQM is taking law into its own hand & clearly terrorizes people! as visible from the 12th may video! and you are proud of it! good going!

so you are saying what MQMs did on 12th may is correct killing innocent civilians on 12th may is correct you are also saying altaf saying creation of pakistan was a mistake is correct you are also saying it is correct for him to have a british nationality! then there is no point arguing!
Ice man don't argue with Pak marine, he is an idiot who starts personal attacks when he cannot come up with valid argument, he has learnt a lot from his mentor :rofl:. Blind supporter of that joker Altaf Hussain who publicly regrets the creation of Pakistan, Shows a lot about his character. Let him enjoy his favourite drama speeches at Nine Zero. :rofl:
just now one of your friends said that KARACHI was built by so called "muhajirs" now you are saying you have no rights!
Yes Before independence karachi just had a port and fishing industry and most of the city was developed after the independence
But that has nothing to do with how muhajirs were treated after independence the whole reason why APMSO and MQM was formed was because muhajirs were never accepted as citizens of Pakistan
and as for muhajir from the link given to me by pak-marine it says the largest "muhajir" population in pakistan is of PASHTOUNS which you are at war with!
No one is at war with pashtuns its just your imagination
memons,boris are also mohajirs from the example! as for the name muhajir it is something YOUR leader started! he started calling himself muhajir! URDU was made the offical language of pakistan!

so now tell me who should complain the non urdu speakers for being deprived the right to speak there provincial langauge!

Non urdu speakers have their right to protest who is stopping them ????
Yes Before independence karachi just had a port and fishing industry and most of the city was developed after the independence
But that has nothing to do with how muhajirs were treated after independence the whole reason why APMSO and MQM was formed was because muhajirs were never accepted as citizens of Pakistan

wrong! i have clearly put down that karachi was the most advanced city of pakistan hence it was made the capital at independence!

as for muhajir's never being accepted as pakistanis! NOPE urdu was made the national langauge before APMSO being formed!

No one is at war with pashtuns its just your imagination

oh come on give me a break even though i have nothing to say for the pashtuns but wasn't it your leader that created the biggest clashes in pakistan against pashtuns in karachi?

Non urdu speakers have their right to protest who is stopping them ????

should proptest against urdu speaking people being given rights? you contradict yourself
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