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Altaf Hussain is Pakistan's top most terrorist, says Imran Khan

ohhhh so you are an MQM boy!

why does that concern you if i am or not ?.. what matters is members opinion here

fine lets see ANP never broke into other parts neither did Qazi hussains party! or fazal-ur-rehman's party! so woow big deal! but you know what ALTAF lacks all pakistani parties are represented by a PAKISTANI not a BRITISH!!

Ok first of all i compared big ones i.e PPP and PML .. as for Qazi do your self a favour and check how many seats jamat e islami has ? they use to be the biggest party in khi i heard but now simply non existent and unwanted anoying idiots. As for ANP yes they havnt broken into small factions but they have kept a low profile .. they were never out spoken about any thing .. forget all they critised MQM when they raised Talibanisation in Pakistan. Now a large no of their party members are dead , they simply lack balls Now getting back to the point if compare with the bigger parties (PPP -PML) fact is they are split into factions now and MQM under Altaf although tried by our brainless estabilishment but failed more than miserably in dividing reason very simple if you care and get out of the shell ""Leadership""

hell next you know david milibad should represent MQM!!! bal thackrey and altaf had similar start but the indians succeded in seeing the true divisional politics of bal thackrey however pakistanis fail to see altaf's drama!!

Hello ! pakistan is divided into 4 provinces all represent different ethnicities so race card is used by all , let me put it simpler for you ::

PPP sindh
PML Punjab
MQM (Sindh Urban)
BNP in Balochistan

as for BB dying woh sher ki batchi thi!! she went around with minimum protocol beside we all know who killed her! when your own people are against you you are bound to be killed!

Dead Lion is no good. And as far as your kfc theory about her murder is concerned i think i can already gues it !

BUT no one has been able to kill or attack any PPP or PML leader reason being tight security!!!

wake up .. just two years back BB was shot along with100 others ... As far as PML (N) is concerned the saint brothers have already pleaded not guilty to her highness the Talibans <why will any one kil them?? .

t your british boy come back i promise you pakistan government will provide him enough security!!!
IF DAVID MILIBAND,CLITON,BOOLBROOKE can come to pakistan even BUSH can then i am sure your british boy can too and will be safe save me the BS please!!

BS .. !? Why would you use this term here or simply have no idea where to use it ? as far as i am concerned no offence but this part of your reply is irrelevant and utter crap .

as for a leader let me tell you a name that is common that has saved MQM from being non exsist party today!!
MUSTAFA BHAI!! MUSTAFA KAMAL make him your leader and see your popularity grow!! atleast mustafa kamal lives in pakistan & most importantly is a pakistani

i would luv to see him MK the president one day InshAllah , regarding replacement him with Altaf You better off asking him this question he will answer you the best

Here is a suggestion for Altaf Hussain:

Since you think that Pakistan is not a safe place to be in, I request you to take along all the Muhajirs and other MQM supporters living in Sindh to the UK. If a place is not worth living for a leader, it definitely is not worth living for his supporters.

You are conveniently living in UK while pakistanis are suffering from death and destruction on daily basis, Wow what a "Leader"!!!. Last i checked a leader is a person who "leads" his followers from the front.
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Here is a suggestion for Altaf Hussain:

Since you think that Pakistan is not a safe place to be in, I request you to take along all the Muhajirs and other MQM supporters living in Sindh to the UK. If a place is not worth living for a leader, it definitely is not worth living for his supporters.

You are conveniently living in UK while pakistanis are suffering from death and destruction on daily basis, Wow what a "Leader"!!!. Last i checked a leader is a person who "leads" his followers from the front.

You should not bring ethnicity in a political topic
Muhajirs were welcomed in Sindh now this is also there land if you dont like it you can leave :agree:
=raheel1;737421]Here is a suggestion for Altaf Hussain:

Since you think that Pakistan is not a safe place to be in, I request you to take along all the Muhajirs and other MQM supporters living in Sindh to the UK. If a place is not worth living for a leader, it definitely is not worth living for his supporters.

Self delete !

You are conveniently living in UK while pakistanis are suffering from death and destruction on daily basis, Wow what a "Leader"!!!. Last i checked a leader is a person who "leads" his followers from the front

yeh as BB is now !?
You shoul d not bring ethnicity in a politicaltopic
Muhajirs were welcomed in Sindh now this is also there land if you dont like it you can leave :agree:

i wont bother about him too much he is just a troll wants to flame things
i wont bother about him too much he is just a troll wants to flame things

Reality bites?

Very conveniently you have ducked the Questions i threw at you and Altaf Hussain.

I can understand though :rolleyes:
You should not bring ethnicity in a political topic
Muhajirs were welcomed in Sindh now this is also there land if you dont like it you can leave :agree:

You have interpreted it wrong, on purpose i guess.
Reality bites?

Very conveniently you have ducked the Questions i threw at you and Altaf Hussain.

I can understand though :rolleyes:

why dont you translate your question in plain english please "if there is any?
why dont you translate your question in plain english please "if there is any?


Why doesn't Altaf Hussain comes back home? His party has got 20 odd seats in National Assembly, His party has been in power lately in Karachi, they had their own mayor and Governor. Couldn't they provide him enough security?

And this poor law and order situation just arose since 2007, why didn't he come before that?

Why doesn't Altaf Hussain comes back home? His party has got 20 odd seats in National Assembly, His party has been in power lately in Karachi, they had their own mayor and Governor. Couldn't they provide him enough security?

And this poor law and order situation just arose since 2007, why didn't he come before that?

Benazir was elected pm for Pakistan not once but twice ... she was headed the biggest party in Pakistan , when she came back her convoy was blown up on shahra e faisal in khi there were hundreds dead lucky escape first one but liaqat baagh pindi she was eventualy shot dead and than further a sucide blast took her life ... she was much bigger leader comparing Altaf H & so was her security .. in the aftermath not sure about rest of Pak but what we saw in khi was like a havoc .. huge number of life and property was lost. The sindhis raised slogans "Pakistan na Khappay" ... ! May be MQM walas are trying to avoid a seen like that , i dont know what planet you live on or you certainly have no clues but Zia a general and self imposed president was blown up into pieces in the air and so are many other cases. What security do you have mind sir ? there is no security here.
Benazir was elected pm for Pakistan not once but twice ... she was headed the biggest party in Pakistan , when she came back her convoy was blown up on shahra e faisal in khi there were hundreds dead lucky escape first one but liaqat baagh pindi she was eventualy shot dead and than further a sucide blast took her life ... she was much bigger leader comparing Altaf H & so was her security .. in the aftermath not sure about rest of Pak but what we saw in khi was like a havoc .. huge number of life and property was lost. The sindhis raised slogans "Pakistan na Khappay" ... ! May be MQM walas are trying to avoid a seen like that , i dont know what planet you live on or you certainly have no clues but Zia a general and self imposed president was blown up into pieces in the air and so are many other cases. What security do you have mind sir ? there is no security here.

Than according to your logic, all of the national/local leaders should fly to US/UK/Canada or where ever they could but should not be in Pakistan. If Altaf hussain is so afraid of this place, why bother running a political party here? Its like saying My life is more important than 160 million people of Pakistan.

If you are not man enough to come back and risk your life for the people of Pakistan, you shouldn't be doing politics over here. Its as simple as it can get. And by the way as i mentioned earlier this poor law and order situation arose after 2007, what was he doing before that? Is he so afraid that he didn't bother to come here even for once? and that too in Musharaf's era who was his coalition partner in Sindh.
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