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Altaf Hussain is Pakistan's top most terrorist, says Imran Khan

nawaz has scant support even in punjab as his party won only the 3rd highest number of votes in the election. personally he and his baby bro have no portfolio, just a few ministers, like ishaq dar who looks like a maulvi from a small village.
nawaz after being 2 times pm is a nobody and imran turnip khan is just a moron, so in pakistans context he should be the prime minister.
mqm have wide spread support in khi as they have provided what their electorate want ie development. our up contry bretherin must look beyond altaf h.
the aftermath of bb martyedom was said to be a display of raw emosion by our sindhi brothers and her wider supporters. it was not mqm. the looting and the burning etc etc
i wondered why in the uk with about 800000 pakistani and many of them ppp supporters where quite pleased with the anti karachi violence. how ever they claimed it was legimate out pouring of real grief. this grief was not translated back in the uk as none of these great patriot supporters burned their own houses in the uk or their cars.
it seems all criminality against mqm and therefore urdu speakers is ok but any back lash is terrorism.
our pathan brothers are the most racist and small minded people in the world. imran khans obtains millions of dollars of money from khi for his hospital but hates it.
i still remember the billions of dollars that flowed from karachi for the earth quake relief effort in kashmir 2005. God forbid any thing like that happens in karachi but im sad to say i personally believe that most other pakistanis will not even shed a tear. i for one believe in the old saying of pay back in the same coin.
I didnt expected this from you. Would you care to explain how could UK possibly ask for AQ? Is he a terrorist or in any way linked to AL-Queda? Dont compare Altaf with him. Altaf has done some considerable amount of terrorism in karachi. However the resolve to this issue should follow a proper channel i.e court. If he has been cleared, then it should be fine with the pakistanies as well.

Dear Ice,

Firstly everyone in the world considers AQ to be one step behind OBL as he came very close to selling WMD technology to various dangerous regimes for personal profit. Having said that I also recognise the fact that he is a hero and probably rightly so for most people in Pakistan.

The bottomline is that to the world will treat AQ as a terrorist / dangerous crook but Pakistanis may consider him a super hero. Both definations of him are probably true.

As for Mr Hussain I am not sure whether he is a terrorist de-stabilising Pakistan or not but what I know is that he is a British Citizen who has never been charged by the Pakistani Govt. and nor have they bothered to request for his extradition. He has been given a clean chit by our Govt and our courts and thats good enough for me.

Dear Never,
Instead of getting involved in politics of ethnicity you should concentrate on how to reverse or stop the virus that we have in our society.

our pathan brothers are the most racist and small minded people in the world

This was your quote. I found this to be very racist. On the one hand you call them your brother on the other you curse them. I am not pathan but any time ethnicity is made into a political issue I will condemm it. Next time you tell someone you are from Pakistan remember what every alpahbet in the word PAKISTAN stands for. It covers all of us. Calling them stupid is like calling youself stupid. Now I am nt singling you out here, but this is virus.
Dear Never,
Instead of getting involved in politics of ethnicity you should concentrate on how to reverse or stop the virus that we have in our society.

This was your quote. I found this to be very racist. On the one hand you call them your brother on the other you curse them. I am not pathan but any time ethnicity is made into a political issue I will condemm it. Next time you tell someone you are from Pakistan remember what every alpahbet in the word PAKISTAN stands for. It covers all of us. Calling them stupid is like calling youself stupid. Now I am nt singling you out here, but this is virus.

I think we should look for positives and the most positive thing which I am seeing in this whole violence is that due to the support of Punjabis and Sindhis of PML(Q),MQM is not getting any chance to raise the ethnicity issue but people like Imran who has no weight age and NS don’t want this. They explicitly want to raise this issue.
I think we should look for positives and the most positive thing which I am seeing in this whole violence is that due to the support of Punjabis and Sindhis of PML(Q),MQM is not getting any chance to raise the ethnicity issue but people like Imran who has no weight age and NS don’t want this. They explicitly want to raise this issue.

What you have said is no doubt true, but at the same time it is a dam shame. 60 years on we indentify ourselves with our ethnicity, instead of saying we are Pakistani.
What you have said is no doubt true, but at the same time it is a dam shame. 60 years on we indentify ourselves with our ethnicity, instead of saying we are Pakistani.

That’s what I m saying there are few people who want to raise this bogus issue but they will not succeed (Inshallah).

National reconciliation means we have to become one nation but still some people want confrontation.
That’s what I m saying there are few people who want to raise this bogus issue but they will not succeed (Inshallah).
National reconciliation means we have to become one nation but still some people want confrontation.

With all due respect the people who have created this ethinic issue have succeeded. They have divided us. The question is how will we reverse their cruse. Or are we capable of reversing their curse? And if we cant then unfortunately the events of 1971 will be reapeated.
ethnic differences are a reality but does not necessary imply superiority or otherwise. in pakistan we have a strong tradition of underminning other ethnicities ie bengali etc this is the tradition of ayub khan who was a great believer in the marshal race theory when he himself was a coward nincumpoop.
general zia called biharis bhikaris, etc etc
we must understand, i mean the pakistani nation that there is no uber race and no rubbish race, ultimately we are all the same. the reason why i said pathans are racist is that i believe they are, ie they elevate themselves above others in a general sense.
With all due respect the people who have created this ethinic issue have succeeded. They have divided us. The question is how will we reverse their cruse. Or are we capable of reversing their curse? And if we cant then unfortunately the events of 1971 will be reapeated.

I am very much optimistic about this; the last government set a great example as they didn’t commit political victimization and I also was against MQM when their was a separatist voice but now they have changed their path and now they are trying to join the political stream which is a really good thing my point of view is that Zardaari and NS did a lot of corruption but no one is talking about that b/c of national reconciliation but no one is ready to forgive MQM why?

I believe the rule of law should be same for all, yesterday some one has send me a link which contains the video of a Peshawar bar lawyer who gave a bad statement and he must be trailed for treason but no one is accusing him these type of things are harmful. If we set an example by implementing law on every one we will be succeeded (Inshallah).

Imran Khan said that at present country was passing through a very crucial time and it was time to change the fate of the country and second option was of status quo, which led towards havoc. He said that formation of MQM and MQM Haqeeqi was the decision of the military establishment.

This is the same guy who was meeting workers of Haqiqi which is a banned Terrorist organization
==> CHAIRMAN PTI MEETS MQM HAQIQI DELEGATION IN LONDON - SEPT 26 2009 > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf News
he was convincing amir khan's faction and afaq ahmed's faction to join together
to start bloodshed in karachi like 1995
how do you conclude that ? .. any links to support your claim .. ?
What link is needed to support this? Are you not aware that Musharraf patronized MQM throughout his eight years even defended the MQM terror activities and murders of May 12 in Karachi?
Imran a leader without a party!!!

MQM a party without a PAKISTANI leader!
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