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Altaf Hussain is Pakistan's top most terrorist, says Imran Khan

What link is needed to support this? Are you not aware that Musharraf patronized MQM throughout his eight years even defended the MQM terror activities and murders of May 12 in Karachi?

I queried below "quoted again" how did he get to know that army dismantled MQM ? by dismantaling a political party means they have lost all or most their political support!!

Lahori pa jee Said :: Unfortunately Mush has allowed MQM to flourish and stage a come back after it was seriously dismantled by our very own armypaa jee said ::
ever wonder why the British government are protecting Terrorist wanted in pak? maybe we should demand Altaf in exchange of Alqadea terrorist.

No why dont you provide the kfc conspiracy theory u know ?
I queried below "quoted again" how did he get to know that army dismantled MQM ? by dismantaling a political party means they have lost all or most their political support!!
Army tried to dismantle the party (not its support) during the successive governments of BB, and NS and they did it through killing of thousands of MQM activists, many more in prisons, chasing out their entire leadership etc. What made the entire MQM leadership to find political asylum in UK? it was these Army operations.
and what existing leaders in pakistan are you comparing him with ?

who are you talking about altaf or imran? if imran he is no leader he has limited and very small pockets of support all over pakistan!

as for ALTAF he is seriously stopping the rise of MQM by being its leader! i say hand over the reins of the party to mustafa kamal & see MQM become a formidable party in PAKISTAN! a man who hasn't come to the country in 18 years and HOLDS a british passport cannot seriously know the ground realities of pakistan!!

i know i know the drama he does by saying ohh i want to return but my supporters stop me! i say please come back your country (if it is your country) needs you now!!!

If Nawaz can come back & asfandyar,zardari all can go around safe you can surely be proivided ample security!!! after all your party is in power!!


as for ALTAF he is seriously stopping the rise of MQM by being its leader! i say hand over the reins of the party to mustafa kamal & see MQM become a formidable party in PAKISTAN! a man who hasn't come to the country in 18 years and HOLDS a british passport cannot seriously know the ground realities of pakistan!!

big parties like ppp and pml were shaken broken into several factions after some bamboo but despite a bloody 10 year operation and all worst kind of estabilishment propaganda MQM is the only party who survived ... A good leader manages to keep his people and his followers toghether and thats what Altaf did.
i know i know the drama he does by saying ohh i want to return but my supporters stop me! i say please come back your country (if it is your country) needs you now!!!

what drama ? please look back and see what happened to BB shaheed , 1st attack on her return 100's killed 2nd attacked she was eventually murdered .... same is with him ... MQM is beter off with Altaf alive in London .. no good if he comes back and dead in Pakistan.
Army tried to dismantle the party (not its support) during the successive governments of BB, and NS and they did it through killing of thousands of MQM activists, many more in prisons, chasing out their entire leadership etc. What made the entire MQM leadership to find political asylum in UK? it was these Army operations.

Why did they do it ?
big parties like ppp and pml were shaken broken into several factions after some bamboo but despite a bloody 10 year operation and all worst kind of estabilishment propaganda MQM is the only party who survived ... A good leader manages to keep his people and his followers toghether and thats what Altaf did.

what drama ? please look back and see what happened to BB shaheed , 1st attack on her return 100's killed 2nd attacked she was eventually murdered .... same is with him ... MQM is beter off with Altaf alive in London .. no good if he comes back and dead in Pakistan.

ohhhh so you are an MQM boy!

fine lets see ANP never broke into other parts neither did Qazi hussains party! or fazal-ur-rehman's party! so woow big deal! but you know what ALTAF lacks all pakistani parties are represented by a PAKISTANI not a BRITISH!!

hell next you know david milibad should represent MQM!!! bal thackrey and altaf had similar start but the indians succeded in seeing the true divisional politics of bal thackrey however pakistanis fail to see altaf's drama!!

as for BB dying woh sher ki batchi thi!! she went around with minimum protocol beside we all know who killed her! when your own people are against you you are bound to be killed! BUT no one has been able to kill or attack any PPP or PML leader reason being tight security!!!

let your british boy come back i promise you pakistan government will provide him enough security!!!

IF DAVID MILIBAND,CLITON,BOOLBROOKE can come to pakistan even BUSH can then i am sure your british boy can too and will be safe save me the BS please!!

as for a leader let me tell you a name that is common that has saved MQM from being non exsist party today!!

MUSTAFA BHAI!! MUSTAFA KAMAL make him your leader and see your popularity grow!! atleast mustafa kamal lives in pakistan & most importantly is a pakistani!!
who are you talking about altaf or imran? if imran he is no leader he has limited and very small pockets of support all over pakistan!

as for ALTAF he is seriously stopping the rise of MQM by being its leader! i say hand over the reins of the party to mustafa kamal & see MQM become a formidable party in PAKISTAN! a man who hasn't come to the country in 18 years and HOLDS a british passport cannot seriously know the ground realities of pakistan!!

i know i know the drama he does by saying ohh i want to return but my supporters stop me! i say please come back your country (if it is your country) needs you now!!!

If Nawaz can come back & asfandyar,zardari all can go around safe you can surely be proivided ample security!!! after all your party is in power!!


I don't get the Point why Anti mqm people want him back in Pakistan ?
And it was not only mustufa kamal It was his entire staff UC nazims and Town nazims who worked hard for the development of karachi you should give credit to the whole political party not just one person
fine lets see ANP never broke into other parts neither did Qazi hussains party! or fazal-ur-rehman's party! so woow big deal! but you know what ALTAF lacks all pakistani parties are represented by a PAKISTANI not a BRITISH!!
For your Information Fazal ur rehman 's party has two factions JUI(F) and JUI(S)
and if i am not wrong jamat e islami also has a splinter group called tehreek e islami:toast_sign:
and if i am not wrong jamat e islami also has a splinter group called tehreek e islami:toast_sign:

MQM had two groups haqiqi and altaf wooooooooooow now what is your point?????

i want a pakistani to lead from pakistan not a british to lead from over a telephone!!!
MQM had two groups haqiqi and altaf wooooooooooow now what is your point?????

i want a pakistani to lead from pakistan not a british to lead from over a telephone!!!
I know even Haqiqi is divided into two groups
My point is that you were claiming that jui or jamat e shaitani is not divided into different factions
and you should get your facts corrected before posting on a forum
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