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Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns 100 Christian homes in Lahore

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You want to negotiate with Talibans? RIP my friend.... what would you like the inscription to be on your gravestone? :D

No we dn't want to negotiate with them because they are animal but ap Us tuk ko phir kiya kaho ge woh bhi human nhi tha atleast
Any impartial person who studies islam would find that wahabism is the closest to the teachings of quran and hadiths.I find wahabis much better than the muslims of other sects.They do not give muhammad more than required importance like other sects.except wahabis all the other muslims treat muhammad as god by attributing him all false stories.many muslims love muhammad even more than they love god when quran says no human should be praised excessively.in practice muhammad is god for muslims.

Our friend Safriz just declared the entire population of Turkey as infidels....

@Armstrong @Mirzay @AK-47, exhibit one: A real living, breathing, typing Wahabi. Thank you for your cooperation. :D

you my friend have some really good skills at turning the words around may I suggest why don't you go undercover in these extremist ''wahabi's'' and make them fight among themselves we even won't have to kill anybody....what do you say
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Our friend Safriz just declared the entire population of Turkey as infidels....

@Armstrong @Mirzay @AK-47, exhibit one: A real living, breathing, typing Wahabi. Thank you for your cooperation. :D

To be very honest jab se mayne turkey serial dekha hai may bhi kuch ajeeb he lagta hai :woot: :D
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What do you think I am doing in real life... I converted my reluctant-wahabi dad back to real Islam, very recently...

you my friend have some really good skills at turning the words around may I suggest why don't you go undercover in these extremist ''wahabi's'' and make them fight among themselves we even won't have to kill anybody....what do you say
What do you think I am doing in real life... I converted my reluctant-wahabi dad back to real Islam, very recently...

That's some achievement my friend ( not the conversion part, the part where you influenced your dad's thinking. I might lean something from you i.e influencing my dad on completely unrelated matters.)

I don't have problem with different sect's as long as they don't declare other sect's or religion wajib-ul-qatal.

Our friend Safriz just declared the entire population of Turkey as infidels....

@Armstrong @Mirzay @AK-47, exhibit one: A real living, breathing, typing Wahabi. Thank you for your cooperation. :D

Now back to topic.
Ata turk was a communist and followed similar lines as lenin and stalin did in USSR-
Demolished all religions,and it worked.
Its common in Tup
0099to find couples living unmarried and having babies..
Alcohol and pork,while no attendence in Mosques....

Above all they tried all they could,but Europe didnt accept them despite being miles ahead of lame poor Greece.

Its not religion which is drowning us,its our lack of Patriotism.
Bring in Patriotism,specially among the rulers,and once they start giving people reason to live,and better living conditions..
Nobody will bother who is shia and who is sunni.Same as we had in 70s and 80s...
Riots,and restelessness is related to peoples finances and living conditions.
You cannot expect people to be calm when they can barely eat and have to endure 18 hours without electricity and gas..
The anger has to show up somewhere....
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Ok, I'll get back to topic, as long as you stay focussed on it.

What was the common denominator that was missing during the 70's and 80's (before brain washing took hold)?

Guidelines for a proper debate:

1. Don't make a race issue, as you know I'll counter it very effectively.
2. Don't blame ANY other sect has NOTHING to do with terrorism, other than being victims of glorious policies carried out by Zia and his Arab masters. I can dissect them here with you for days and days, and will answer all your false-propaganda coherently.
3. Are you on some sort of prescription meds? When do poor people go out and hunt other human beings? If that were the case, all of Africa would be dead right now.

Please be more objective and sensible.

Now back to topic.
Ata turk was a communist and followed similar lines as lenin and stalin did in USSR-
Demolished all religions,and it worked.
Its common in Tup
0099to find couples living unmarried and having babies..
Alcohol and pork,while no attendence in Mosques....

Above all they tried all they could,but Europe didnt accept them despite being miles ahead of lame poor Greece.

Its not religion which is drowning us,its our lack of Patriotism.
Bring in Patriotism,specially among the rulers,and once they start giving people reason to live,and better living conditions..
Nobody will bother who is shia and who is sunni.Same as we had in 70s and 80s...
Riots,and restelessness is related to peoples finances and living conditions.
You cannot expect people to be calm when they can barely eat and have to endure 18 hours without electricity and gas..
The anger has to show up somewhere....
@Hyperion so what to suggest government should do what ata turk did :undecided: ?
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Yes something similar, however, on a smaller scale. Don't worry, if we wish it or not, it's coming, just a matter of time. :enjoy:

@Hyperion so what to suggest government should do what ata turk did :undecided: ?
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Now where the hell is khadim e punjab, this is a fight of politicians. Now where is our corrupt judiciary who never had a verdict against culprits like these or terrorists. All are sold to their foreign fathers and to each other. Its a shame now a days to call your self a Pakistani. The whole world sees us as a terrorist nation.
Ok, I'll get back to topic, as long as you stay focussed on it.

What was the common denominator that was missing during the 70's and 80's?

Guidelines for a proper debate:

1. Don't make a race issue, as you know I'll counter it very effectively.
2. Don't blame ANY other sect has NOTHING to do with terrorism, other than being victims of glorious policies carried out by Zia and his Arab masters. I can dissect them here with you for days and days, and will answer all your false-propaganda coherently.
3. Are you on some sort of prescription meds? When do poor people go out and hunt other human beings? If that were the case, all of Africa would be dead right now.

Please be more objective and sensible.
Look up Africa on whatever source you find credible.
All of the continent has civil war on top of rampant crimes....
Look up what hutu did to tutsi in Ruwanda.....and Pakistan will look like a heaven...
Proof enough that poverty and uncertainity among public increases violence....
These things werent there all the way to 90,s..
Right now we are suffering the worst economic conditions ever in the history of Pakistan and hence the worse law and order situation.
Yes something similar, however, on a smaller scale. Don't worry, if we wish it or not, it's coming, just a matter of time. :enjoy:

Education is the right solution - removing hate from text books and from religious places would remove the extremism to a certain degree.
Yes something similar, however, on a smaller scale. Don't worry, if we wish it or not, it's coming, just a matter of time. :enjoy:

So sir tell me what is the difference between you and religious extremists ???
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