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Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns 100 Christian homes in Lahore

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He seems soo happy , soo delighted ... A job well done !!!! seriously.....why is this moron so happy with all the chaos ...
you have to admire that kid for the bravery he presented.he is giving poses to photo journalists without thinking about the repercussions.He may well be arrested and sent for years of imprisonment.
you have to admire that kid for the bravery he presented.he is giving poses to photo journalists without thinking about the repercussions.He may well be arrested and sent for years of imprisonment.

He is a moron ... he has no clue of the repercussions of his actions either to himself or to his country in the long run...
you have to admire that kid for the bravery he presented.he is giving poses to photo journalists without thinking about the repercussions.He may well be arrested and sent for years of imprisonment.

nothing will happen to him, this is Pakistan, they feel proud while the others will follow the same.
@Mirzay @AK-47 @Cent4 - Unless we publicly hang everyone who Issue death Fatwas & give harsh punishment on hate speeches, these mullahs will not sit together to resolve their issue and become humans. Laaton ko bhoot baaton say nahi mantay. And most important kick out all illiterate Mullahs from mosques.
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The main problem here is extremists in our nations have no 2nd thoughts of coming out and spreading chaos but the sane minds in our countries are locked up in our homes and ranting about it in PDF , untill we actually go out to the streets ,protest and force a change , nothing is going to happen ...
Wow even i just saw it on tv and you posted first, you must have a fetish for bad news related to Pakistan.....

The fact that i am now even ashamed to call myself a Muslim and understand the misery that Muslims all over the world are suffering from is due to our own bidding. We have fallen so low that even God Almighty has put us on ignore. We really to stop being animals and become human being first before we attempt to become "Momeneen".

Please stop this moronic barbarianism, The Lord says to investigate and than act. I am sure there must be nothing behind the Alleged blasphemy and even if there is, only the culprit should be punished, why burn down the whole community?

what were the police doing while the riots happening? Did the politicians incite the riots to continue or what?? how many of the culprits have been arrested??
@Mirzay @AK-47 @Cent4 - Unless we publicly hang everyone who Issue death Fatwas & give harsh punishment on hate speeches, these mullahs will not sit together to resolve their issue and become humans. Laaton ko bhoot baaton say nahi mantay. And most important kick out all illiterate Mullahs from mosques.

Killing some bad ones is okay but killing all who beliefs in wahabism is right?Is this why we call ourselves human or muslim.i don't think so.
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Ok, I'll get back to topic, as long as you stay focussed on it.

What was the common denominator that was missing during the 70's and 80's?

Guidelines for a proper debate:

1. Don't make a race issue, as you know I'll counter it very effectively.
2. Don't blame ANY other sect has NOTHING to do with terrorism, other than being victims of glorious policies carried out by Zia and his Arab masters. I can dissect them here with you for days and days, and will answer all your false-propaganda coherently.
3. Are you on some sort of prescription meds? When do poor people go out and hunt other human beings? If that were the case, all of Africa would be dead right now.

Please be more objective and sensible.

I come from a syed family and a very religious one our great grand father was sunni but my grandfather brothers became shia now on every family gathering we will have some sort of debate we will counter each other's argument things will get heated but that's all but no one will go as far to physically touch each other let alone give each other death threat. I am not trying to give a shia sunni argument here, what I am trying to say here is that as long as people are religiously educated enough to counter each other with words things won't escalate.

People i.e religious nuts or politicians they will always be there to exploit the situation but if one is educated enough to know what are the limits these opportunist will be ignored.

one sided extremist education policies during 70-80 and current unemployment is the main reason for the mess we are in right now.

@Mirzay @AK-47 @Cent4 - Unless we publicly hang everyone who Issue death Fatwas & give harsh punishment on hate speeches, these mullahs will not sit together to resolve their issue and become humans. Laaton ko bhoot baaton say nahi mantay. And most important kick out all illiterate Mullahs from mosques.

killing is never a solution...... we should target the misguided souls who believe in these nut jobs and punish those mullahs as our law dictates......
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@Mirzay @AK-47 @Cent4 - Unless we publicly hang everyone who Issue death Fatwas & give harsh punishment on hate speeches, these mullahs will not sit together to resolve their issue and become humans. Laaton ko bhoot baaton say nahi mantay. And most important kick out all illiterate Mullahs from mosques.

Agreed.....We have to make some policy against Terrorist and killing illiterate Mullah's who are destroying our society is okay but the and i dn't think that Ata turk act was good ...
why we should kill all wahabis because they have different concepts about Islam :confused:
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Ataturk had NO CHOICE.... you are too young to understand the intricacies of that war. Just have faith in me that it was ALL justified. It was either that or 16 different parts of Turkey being controlled by different nations.

Agreed.....We have to make some policy against Terrorist and killing illiterate Mullah's who are destroying our society is okay but the and i dn't think that Ata turk act was good ...
why we should kill all wahabisbut because they have different concepts about Islam :confused:
Killing some bad ones is okay but killing all who beliefs in wahabism is right?Is this why we call ourselves human or muslim.i don't think so.

Don't listen to @Hyperion, he is also wahabi, difference is his beard is hidden in belly.

One thing is for sure, all this sh!t can be roll-backed only with the help of those who created, if we want to avoid bloodshed. Root cause is funded clerics (irrespective of sect), they can give lectures, brainwash people to kill other but themselves can't even bear a Littar of Police. So, Just hanging few who are beyond repair and involved in terrorism will be enough remain will be online automatically.
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Now you go and shrink all of Africa to Hutu & Tutsis, which doesn't even make sense, go read about it first. What is next from your divine storage of wits?

Look up Africa on whatever source you find credible.
All of the continent has civil war on top of rampant crimes....
Look up what hutu did to tutsi in Ruwanda.....and Pakistan will look like a heaven...
Proof enough that poverty and uncertainity among public increases violence....
These things werent there all the way to 90,s..
Right now we are suffering the worst economic conditions ever in the history of Pakistan and hence the worse law and order situation.
only something like a miracle can save pakistan.one may say education helps in solving many issues but in a society where violence is common practice its almost impossible to give proper education to people.This trend doesnt seem to be a passing phase either.These types of incidents have been happening since the time of rangeela rasool.Infact this extremist mentality seems to have increased now.Beliefs which are not open to criticism will one day get obliterated from the pages of history.
I promise I'm shaved there too... :D

Don't listen to @Hyperion, he is also wahabi, difference is his beard is hidden in belly.

One thing is for sure, all this sh!t can be roll-backed only with the help of those who created, if we want to avoid bloodshed. Root cause is funded clerics (irrespective of sect), they can give lectures, brainwash people to kill other but themselves can't even bear a Littar of Police. So, Just hanging few who are beyond repair and involved in terrorism will be enough remain will be online automatically.
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There was a guy born in land which we call Pakistan today . His name was Baba Bulleh Shah .

few of his relevant quotes

"Mandir dhaa de , masjid dha de , dha de sab kuch jo disda ,
Per kisi ka dil na dhaween rab dilaa wich wasda "

"o tennu kaffir kaffir dassey ( not sure of exact words)
tu aho aho bol "

i bet this guy would have been lynched publicly in Al-Pakistan if he was alive today ...
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