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Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns 100 Christian homes in Lahore

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These pictures represent the sickest depravity of a human mind when it comes to hate. The images very well resemble Nazi Germany.

While Ata Turk went to an extreme end to solve the problem in two week, his measures work. There needs to be an attack the heart of this abnormal doctrine. A country which continously insists to live with stone age principals cannot survive so without high tech propaganda, export of ideology via indoctrination and its enforcement by terror! The salafacist problem is a much bigger menace than ever thought previously. And measures much stringent than de-nazification of Germany will be required in this regards.
Mate you are in idealist. You say education and to educate? 50 odd years and where are we exactly? Or is it a pun that I didn't get??? :blink:

Khan Sahib aaap marvaaa dooo geiii ! :blink:

What other course of action do we have ? Take these elements in anything close to the callous way you're suggesting; demonizing 5-8% of Pakistan's population along with their sympathizers in other sects (would probably go well into double figures as a percentage) and you're done for !

Can you not imagine the probable devastation that we'd subject Pakistan to ? These sporadic & now frequent target killings will be exponentially more not because the majority of that sect support terrorists because in my experience I've found that to be an absolutely unsubstantiated thing but because you would have given the violent elements a narrative to beat you silly with & to find countless sympathizers from within our silent majority.

And if by some miracle you actually to manage to win over which is an impossibility than you would have provided a perfect vacuum for militant groups from other sects to step up & fill it; even the ones who are lying low right now.

And it goes without saying 'what efforts have we actually made in the past 65 years ?' - We have next to no National narrative, we have next to no Institutions, have more schools housing goats, buffaloes & chickens instead of children & we have a bureaucracy that seems hell bent on being our Colonial Masters; rather comic for us Brownies to masquerade as the Gora Sahib ! Touuu miyaaan agaaar kuch kiyaa hooo tou phir sawaaal utthhh taaa hai na usss ke performance appraisal ka....jubbb kiyaa nahin kuch touuu appraisal kahiiii kaaa ?

So @Developereo is right ! This should be, in my humble opinion, a three stage process :

(a) Using the Media to shape public narrative in our favor, in the virtue of what we're about to do !

(b) Targeted Operations against these elements irrespective of their ethnic or sectarian affiliations along with De-Radicalization classes for those of them who we think can be brought back to our side. Kill the rest !

(c) Get every single religious seminary in Pakistan registered; get all their funding down to the last penny accounted for & get them to teach a Government sponsored curriculum ! Be smart about it - Carrot & Sticks mate....carrots & sticks !
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Because your brothers are educated, and so are most of the posters here on the forum... but that's like 5% of Pakistan's population who can make an educated guess that certain aspects of a religion are not right. Now what about rest of the 95% wahabiz living in little towns and villages.. they are all DEMENTED...

:disagree: :disagree: no sir he have many uneducated wahabi friends but they all are same as he but yes i'm sure wahabi women are jahil once i went to their mosque and i was shocked and than i realized k inki autro ki education ki kitni zururt hai :hitwall:
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Will not work. Religious extremism is a incurable disease, has to be excised. We need to take a page out of AtaTurks book and do exactly what he did. He sent majority of "Mullahs" on a hajj trip in a massive flotilla, and then bombed the sh*t out of the flotilla.

Sorry people, it's either save the country, or to save the "few" innocents who will die with the rest. I say save the country at any cost.

Ok so who is to decide which sect is wrong and which isn't....
Anyone who shows violent behavior towards any other sect needs to be culled... guess how many sects do that? LMAO.... I think ONLY ONE... so who will be culled.... knock knock.... :D

Ok so who is to decide which sect is wrong and which isn't....
Do you know how Ata-Turk solved exactly the same problem in 2 weeks?

1. All the light poles (candle) were used for hanging. Not one was left empty, and dead bodies were removed every morning.
2. Buka-clad Wahabi women were taken in the middle of Ullus Square (Ankara) and ... should I say more...????

:what: :what:
coming from hindu racists who never tire of killing muslims, christians, sikhs and their own low cast Dalits ...............get a life asshole.

There are a 100 Christian households in Pakistan??? I thought most were killed or put in jail or have fled the country :undecided:

Kinda a insensitive, but all you Pakistani's have lost your moral high ground to talk about India's minorities. :)
Anyone who shows violent behavior towards any other sect needs to be culled... guess how many sects do that? LMAO.... I think ONLY ONE... so who will be culled.... knock knock.... :D

Ok seriously my friend come on now we know for a fact that every sect has some nut jobs.... And if you are suggesting we kill all the mulvi's of every sect then Please do keep in mind that we are not trying to form a secular country through the killings you propose in that case you may have to kill 95% of people.
Rab ne banaya noor, us noor se bana Mohammad, us noor ne dikhayi rah deen ki, us deen ki rah se bana musalmaan.. aur aaj, us deen ke bando ne use us Rab ke naam ko bhi kar diya badnaam... Sharam ki baat hei yeh!

God must be ashamed of what a monster he has created when he created humans and if that wasn't enough, what a bigger disaster he created when he created religion to show the path to peace and to the almighty... What was God thinking... we will learn, ever?

This incident is just one in a chain that just highlights how far, so many of us have come away from what religion really preaches... Tolerance and mutual co-existence!!! And this is not a problem of only a nation (we have enough examples of that degeneration in India as well), though it definitely is degrading much more rapidly in Pakistaan... Give everyone a right to live respectfully, following his/her faith! Not allowing 'that basic human right to exist' is Blasphemy!

God can't be degraded or disrespected by a pidly human who doesn't even have the mental competence to understand the Almighty... So, please scrap this excuse of a law known as blasphemy law, else it will bring more destruction...
Yups, once Turkey was exactly like Pakistan of today.. Saudi Wahabi literature everywhere.... ONE man fixed EVERYTHING! :D

I think violence is the only think which makes us different from animals..
It can be done with 1% public executions. People are like sheep, they just need to be shown the path... :D

Ok seriously my friend come on now we know for a fact that every sect has some nut jobs.... And if you are suggesting we kill all the mulvi's of every sect then Please do keep in mind that we are not trying to form a secular country through the killings you propose in that case you may have to kill 95% of people.
Why all of this happening, Karachi now Lahore, they are also our people. what wrong with this country. Really our peoples are behaving like terrorist.Our peoples are so illiterate and ignorant. like this future of our country is not bright but will be doomed with the people who holds the same mentality. sorry some time i really hate Pakistan cuz of its people.. death to all who provoked this and who did this..
Wish some one like Hitler should appear and clean the rubbish not by exile or imprisoning but by blood.
Yups, once Turkey was exactly like Pakistan of today.. Saudi Wahabi literature everywhere.... ONE man fixed EVERYTHING! :D

Maybe he was mentally retarded :what: :confused:
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