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Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns 100 Christian homes in Lahore

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Mardan rally: Nawaz promises peace if voted to power :rofl:

PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif lashed out at the current government on Friday and said that his party had concrete solutions for the innumerable problems faced by Pakistanis every day.

:raise: Kill every body non Wahhabi peace and quite plus no unemployment :omghaha:

The launch of a bullet-train across the country, one that will reduce travel time between Peshawar and Karachi to merely seven hours.

So all infidels traveling on trains will be shot and not blown up any more as less and less suicide bombers are available.

Long term Peace coming form the man who is one of the founding Fathers of terrorism in pakistan.
Do you want to check in their Shalwars as well?? See, the mindset already troubles you, you just have to givein to it wholeheartedly... Wake up my soldier, go do God's and al-Wahabs work, lest it's too late... :D

Khan Sahib jaaan dawooo ghussaaaa ! :fie:

Mein twadaaa keyyyy bigariyaaa ehhhh ? :cray:

Abbbb bandaa aaap ke saaath agree na kareiii touuu usss ko Wahabi banaa dooo - Bohat achee....isn't this what the opponents of Wahabis accuse them of doing by declaring all & sundry as Raw, Mossad, CIA agents etc.

Would Peshawar Khan please your eminence? :P

Gulaaab Khan would please us better ! :lol:
Yes indeed it is about Pakistan but seems the saffron smoke got into your eyes and you have drifted into some justice's fan club.

Your capability of drawing analogy is just as weired as your name.
First you post a bogus irrelevant blog link then you yourself puts question mark on it's relevance .It seems you just quote someone for shake of quoting. Pointless arguments seems to be your prerogative .
Haye Allah, let's first remove the biggest Wahabi biggot freeing the terrorist every other day... the Chief Justice of Wahabistan... :D

Zia-ul-Haq kay anday hatch ho rahay hain, aahista aahista.... :P

Brother As all humans are not good,all pakistani are not good.all Muslims are not good like that all wahabis are not good but one shouldn't blame for the deeds of others...As my baba said "belief what you are doing don't question others about their belief"...That's my opinion you are free in yours...
Mate you are in idealist. You say education and to educate? 50 odd years and where are we exactly? Or is it a pun that I didn't get??? :blink:

No, I meant it as in educate kids in school and adults via the media. That message must be flooded throughout Pakistan.

At the same time, we need to exterminate all those who break the law -- again, without getting hung up about labels.
Educate people that all Pakistanis have equal rights, man or woman, Shia, Sunni and non-Muslim.
Educate them that the state, and only the state, has the right to enforce law and no maulvi can issue fatwas to break the law.

Focus on these basic concepts and any negative ideology -- Arabian, Iranian or American -- will be thwarted. It will also future-proof us against any new ideology that is dreamt up in whatever corner of the world.

The last thing you want to do is to attack Islam in any form.
It will backfire and help the extremists like you won't believe.

We should do nothing of the sort. Our people go, will go, and want to go, for umrah and hajj to KSA. We can ill afford to make new enemies. If specific individuals in KSA are funding these schools, then the best way is to choke the stream at our end where we have the most control.

The solution you are proposing is the long term one my friend we can only make our future generation tolerant by teaching them about different sects show them that ideological differences and religious difference can only be solved by debate killing each other will not solve anything.

But what should be done about the current uneducated extremist who only know to solve problem through killing.

In my opinion a religious institution should be established which should have sane ulemas from all sect and what we need is some sort of religious course established under the guidance of the institution for Imam masjid's. And only those Imams should be allowed to hold Jumma prayers because that's the only time in a week when almost everybody goes to mosque.

What do you guy's think.
Do you know how Ata-Turk solved exactly the same problem in 2 weeks?

1. All the light poles (candle) were used for hanging. Not one was left empty, and dead bodies were removed every morning.
2. Buka-clad Wahabi women were taken in the middle of Ullus Square (Ankara) and ... should I say more...????

No, I meant it as in educate kids in school and adults via the media. That message must be flooded throughout Pakistan.

At the same time, we need to exterminate all those who break the law -- again, without getting hung up about labels.
The solution you are proposing is the long term one my friend

You'd be surprised how quickly it can work.

The school curricula is a long term effort, but a widespread and consistent media campaign, combined with uncompromising law enforcement and clampdown on adventurous mullahs, can have immediate effect.
Wahabi key gher mein nayaz?
Hmmmm...thats new.

Woh kisi wahabi ka ghar nhi hai mere baba ka hai and my baba is sunni. My baba ,sisters, mother and me are sunni and brothers and my eldest bhabi are wahabai and one would be bhabi is Shia :azn: :victory: :rofl: :rofl:
Do you know how Ata-Turk solved exactly the same problem in 2 weeks?

1. All the light poles (candle) were used for hanging. Not one was left empty, and dead bodies were removed every morning.
2. Buka-clad Wahabi women were taken in the middle of Ullus Square (Ankara) and ... should I say more...????

Needless to say, I don't agree with that approach. I think Ataturk went too far to the other extreme. We want to set an example of respecting individual human rights, not quashing them as expedient.

Wearing a burqa or headscarf is not a crime.
Killing people in a mob rampage is.
Do you know how Ata-Turk solved exactly the same problem in 2 weeks?

1. All the light poles (candle) were used for hanging. Not one was left empty, and dead bodies were removed every morning.
2. Buka-clad Wahabi women were taken in the middle of Ullus Square (Ankara) and ... should I say more...????

Current events do force us to find a quick solution like you proposed but here we are talking about millions and millions of people and every sect has sane people in them as well, what we need is a uniform national policy formed by some sane ulemas not the sort who can't even agree on the damn moon sighting.
Will not work. Religious extremism is a incurable disease, has to be excised. We need to take a page out of AtaTurks book and do exactly what he did. He sent majority of "Mullahs" on a hajj trip in a massive flotilla, and then bombed the sh*t out of the flotilla.

Sorry people, it's either save the country, or to save the "few" innocents who will die with the rest. I say save the country at any cost.

Current events do force us to find a quick solution like you proposed but here we are talking about millions and millions of people and every sect has sane people in them as well, what we need is a uniform national policy formed by some sane ulemas not the sort who can't even agree on the damn moon sighting.
Your capability of drawing analogy is just as weired as your name.
First you post a bogus irrelevant blog link then you yourself puts question mark on it's relevance .It seems you just quote someone for shake of quoting. Pointless arguments seems to be your prerogative .
This is 2013, your own namesake must have walked with the likes of T-Rex that you consider Pakistan to be from some Jurassic period.......since sarcasm is your forte, then have the ability to comprehend what you generate.....and learn to read between the lines.!!
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