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All hail DRDO ! China Is Building 42,000 Military Drones: Should America Worry?

Ladies and Gentlemen .If you ever wonder why our Indian system sucks here is one example ! This moron living I'm a LALA land where if some one questions impotence of DRDO he is not an Indian .Because DRDO has rights to delay , fail , put our security establishment in a mess. No problem some morons (like this guys) will say "Hey! Watch your mouth its DRDO so don't question them" .

LOL. You are very much an Indian and very much a Big mouth fool. DRDO gest questioned by relevant knowledgeable and responsible authorities. You on the other hand is a frustrated coward who tries to hide your own incompetence by blaming others, in this case DRDO.

The only thing that suck here is YOU. Big time.

But the problem got solved ? I rwallybdont want to go into the projects under DRDO and ADA failed us terribly .Sometime due to impotent and sometimes just because they don't care . I don't blame our pool of you'd scientist for this impotence but why steps not taken to master the technology ? I've you can't do something just accept it .Only them Solution to the problem. Can be found and steps will be taken to master it. Why just accept everything like Yes we can and indulge in blame game for delay? National security is the top most priority than paying these Babu's .

Looks like the one who has Failed the "Serious concern" is YOU. We are still waiting to see what you have delivered.

What technology have you mastered ? What competence have your shown ? Every dog can bark.

Acting like Arvind Kejriwal and blaming others will not make you a hero. It will make you a laughing stock.

Now this guy here want me to make Drones ? As am not general public because I had big mouth. Big mouth ? yes .Big mouth = Why the fuk DRDO can't deliver what we want at when we want ? When China is simply touching new heights? In this article the author has doubt on America's concern due to growing Chinese Weapon industry . For godsake India is not US . Shouldn't we worry about some 45000 thousands drone at our doorsteps ? What we can do? Nothing because our DRDO is a complete failure .Isn't it the fact? Are you still want to love in LALA land saying we are doing great ?

Wonder when these people learn about serious threat and how defense industry is a key in protecting our mother .

You are incompetent to make drones. You are incompetent to even make a rational post.

You will not even get a job as a peon in DRDO. DRDO has delivered on its mandate on its budget and restrictions.

If you are so worried about the 45000 drones at your doorsteps, contribute to making better drones. Barking like a dog and blaming others and Whining like a loser will not help you do anything. I will only reflect your failure which you try to project on DRDO.

Now can we see the drones you have designed ? I guess not, barking dogs are only good for that. Not anything useful like doing some actual work.
Think why !!!! Am really sad about impotence of DRDO. How long we will take their shit ? Its time to shut their doors and hope up of Privatization .100℅ FDI .

These 45000 Drones may not be a concern to US but serious concern for India which shares borders. DRDO failed us terribly .What is wrong in accepting the facts rather keep supporting like a moron which don't change the reality on the ground . Everything is wrong with PSU . If tomorrow govt change in India again these babu's will start fro. Square one .Come at 10am and leave sharp at 5 PM .That's it Duty over while India will suffer due to their Chalta Hai attitude .

All major basic requirements are been delayed delayed delayed . While China going beyond our reach . Only if we convey our displeasure with @DRDO_INDIA on twitter and tag MoD things won't change .

First of all, you need to calm down. Second of all, this forum has so many stupid people, who portray some countries to be enemies.
The fact is that China and India are not enemies. These two countries are cooperating more and more in almost every possible area.
Economically, it is expanding rapidly, in the same way as investments do. There are also more military exchange and Modi is visiting China THIS WEEK!

India is soon to become a SCO member, which China fully supports.

Also, India and China are neighbours and both are nuclear powers. Hence, extencive cooperation is something that is totally essential for both India and China.

The only winner of any kind of conflict between India and China is the U.S.

I reckon that India would rather see a strong and peaceful India, that is independent, rather than seeing and India being a U.S. dog, where China and India tear down each other while the U.S. is laughing.

India and China are focusing on more cooperation and prosperity. For India, it is more important to reach a 3 and 4 trillion etc economy (not PPP numbers), the same way as it is more important for China to reach a 12, 13 trillion etc economy.

So it doesn't matter that India has failed at several military projects. India is a nuclear power, China is nuclear power, and both have almost the same number of people. Whining about some Himalaya War fantasy, is never going to happen. China and India, Xi and Modi are not stupid, and both are focusing on cooperation, which is best for both countries.
Unmanned aircraft are the future of warfare, large number of Chinese unmanned aircraft being in service will completely change the landscape of the future battle.
LOL. You are very much an Indian and very much a Big mouth fool. DRDO gest questioned by relevant knowledgeable and responsible authorities. You on the other hand is a frustrated coward who tries to hide your own incompetence by blaming others, in this case DRDO.

The only thing that suck here is YOU. Big time.

Looks like the one who has Failed the "Serious concern" is YOU. We are still waiting to see what you have delivered.

What technology have you mastered ? What competence have your shown ? Every dog can bark.

Acting like Arvind Kejriwal and blaming others will not make you a hero. It will make you a laughing stock.

You are incompetent to make drones. You are incompetent to even make a rational post.

You will not even get a job as a peon in DRDO. DRDO has delivered on its mandate on its budget and restrictions.

If you are so worried about the 45000 drones at your doorsteps, contribute to making better drones. Barking like a dog and blaming others and Whining like a loser will not help you do anything. I will only reflect your failure which you try to project on DRDO.

Now can we see the drones you have designed ? I guess not, barking dogs are only good for that. Not anything useful like doing some actual work.

I don't know why you are thinking am a Pakistani . For god sake am an Indian . Its not my problem if u don't believe me u fool. All I want is DRDO to deliver . You asking me what I delivered ? Wonder what you want me to deliver ? Did I got all the funds from GOI ? get lost . And yes be in ur LALA land . DRDO IS DOING GREAT . GOOD FOR OUR FUTURE U FOOL.

First of all, you need to calm down. Second of all, this forum has so many stupid people, who portray some countries to be enemies.
The fact is that China and India are not enemies. These two countries are cooperating more and more in almost every possible area.
Economically, it is expanding rapidly, in the same way as investments do. There are also more military exchange and Modi is visiting China THIS WEEK!

India is soon to become a SCO member, which China fully supports.

Also, India and China are neighbours and both are nuclear powers. Hence, extencive cooperation is something that is totally essential for both India and China.

The only winner of any kind of conflict between India and China is the U.S.

I reckon that India would rather see a strong and peaceful India, that is independent, rather than seeing and India being a U.S. dog, where China and India tear down each other while the U.S. is laughing.

India and China are focusing on more cooperation and prosperity. For India, it is more important to reach a 3 and 4 trillion etc economy (not PPP numbers), the same way as it is more important for China to reach a 12, 13 trillion etc economy.

So it doesn't matter that India has failed at several military projects. India is a nuclear power, China is nuclear power, and both have almost the same number of people. Whining about some Himalaya War fantasy, is never going to happen. China and India, Xi and Modi are not stupid, and both are focusing on cooperation, which is best for both countries.
My friend am not saying we should tear each other. All am saying that India must be prepared . Recent CAG reports have upset me a lot . Am seriously fuming for that. High time DRDO feels the heat and do what they have to do .

If you think India wants to pick war with China just because of US then you are traveling through different lane . Its China who is messing up our peace in Asian sub continent . By arming Pakistan to encircling India .Which is unnecessary for both of our economy. In China's point of view one country which will stop it from becoming influential player in SCS , Asia is India . Our economy is growing fast like once Chinese economy grew .So the capabilities India will posses is well known which China don't want it to happen. Especially India has more global clout and can player as a leader in Asian subcontinent for sure. So who is war mongering ? India or China ?

Our defense procurement process as been crippled for a decade .This is not just another policy error but nothing less than death trap . When odds of war between us is very less but its highly possible .Because we both have same goal . Only difference between us is that Chinese played their card very well and expanded their R&D in defense manufacturing sectors while India left with incompetent R&D even with large pool of talented scientists . Now we are left with imports which render our ability to fight long term war. Its gonna take toll on our foreign reserves . That's the reason for my out burst .

You are feet true India China war will see no Winners but our nation must be prepared . China will pick a war in near future for its internal problems for sure . Which in turn unnecessarily brings in americans into Asia ,IOR region .

Unmanned aircraft are the future of warfare, large number of Chinese unmanned aircraft being in service will completely change the landscape of the future battle.

As I said Drones are offensive weapons and first in line for offense . Same can be used by India too but with what is my question . Thank god we have Brahmos now and I wish Indian establishment increase its production of A3,4,5 missiles to counter superior infrastructures and to take out manufacturing hubs deep inside China . No way Chinese can roll into IOR where our Navy will be unmatchable for any nation . But the problem is on Land . Where we lack infrastructure and our airfield near Tibet are under arms length of PLA second Artillery aimed with large number of missiles . And DRDO keep failing us when we need them the most .
My friend am not saying we should tear each other. All am saying that India must be prepared . Recent CAG reports have upset me a lot . Am seriously fuming for that. High time DRDO feels the heat and do what they have to do .

If you think India wants to pick war with China just because of US then you are traveling through different lane . Its China who is messing up our peace in Asian sub continent . By arming Pakistan to encircling India .Which is unnecessary for both of our economy. In China's point of view one country which will stop it from becoming influential player in SCS , Asia is India . Our economy is growing fast like once Chinese economy grew .So the capabilities India will posses is well known which China don't want it to happen. Especially India has more global clout and can player as a leader in Asian subcontinent for sure. So who is war mongering ? India or China ?

Our defense procurement process as been crippled for a decade .This is not just another policy error but nothing less than death trap . When odds of war between us is very less but its highly possible .Because we both have same goal . Only difference between us is that Chinese played their card very well and expanded their R&D in defense manufacturing sectors while India left with incompetent R&D even with large pool of talented scientists . Now we are left with imports which render our ability to fight long term war. Its gonna take toll on our foreign reserves . That's the reason for my out burst .

You are feet true India China war will see no Winners but our nation must be prepared . China will pick a war in near future for its internal problems for sure .

I don't know what you're supposedly "preparing" about. Again, it's good that Modi is running the show in India and not you. I consider Modi to be rational and normal. With all due respect, there is no need for any kind of imaginary panic, because there is nothing to get "prepared" for.

India keeps an edge on Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka or whatever. So I don't know what "encirclement" you're talking about. If China wanted to encircle India, then Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh would be getting a lot more weapons, and China would be training a few hundred thousand Indian-based Maoist rebels, being trained on Chinese side of the border, to spread some so-called "freedom" into India.

But China is not doing this. On the contrary, China is interested in full cooperation with India. Which I do support. India is joining SCO very soon, and it seems like you cannot comprehend the meaning of that, but it's huge and a big deal, in av very positive way for the whole region.

I am happy for India's economy. Again, you don't see the point here how it benefits China as well. India growing, means more Indians buying Chinese goods. China is the country that India imports most from.

So on the contrary, I have nothing against India growing slightly more than China. It means even more import for Chinese goods in India, and more investments, which benefits both.

I don't know how India has more "global clout", since after Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel and Russia, India takes 6th place of most "disliked" nations.

GlobeScan - Negative Views of Russia on the Rise: Global Survey

Regarding "war mongering", no one is "war mongering". Keep in mind that China is still the only major player in this world, and a huge country that doesn't have military bases abroad, and hasn't attacked a country for ages. Can't say the same about the U.S. or Russia, can we? And India had clashes with Pakistan in 1999.

I agree with you that India have had huge problems regarding arms procurement, and you can see for yourself how limited fire power Saudi-Arabia has and how dependent they're on the U.S., while begging Pakistan for troops against Yemen. Which Pakistan by the way, turned down.

However, it still doesn't matter, because India has almost 1.3 billion people and it has nuclear weapons. It's all that matters first and foremost.

Our 1.4+ billion people are very much happy with the economy and the way country is doing, so "internal problems" you're talking about are pretty much imaginary. They're definitely not bigger in any way, compared to India. That is for sure.

See the numbers here:

China: Opinion of China - Indicators Database | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project

So I have no idea who China will, according to you, "pick a war with", as most countries in the region are China-friendly countries, except Vietnam, Philippines and Japan. China is not interested in war with the likes of Vietnam or Philippines, as there is absolutely nothing to gain from it.

As I said, India need to concentrate at reaching 3 trillion economy mark, and not start "war fantasies" against a good neighbour which is about to reach a 12 trillion economy pretty soon. So Modi is smart enough, knowing that Chinese investments, and economic growth for both is the only way forward. Xi knows this as well. India is a founding member of important banks such as NDB and AIIB. India is about to join SCO. When things move this way, there is no room for paranoia.

Russia is a nuclear power. India is a nuclear power. Pakistan is a nuclear power. China is a nuclear power. Pakistan has slightly more people than Russia, while India will soon have as many as China.

Hence, no point in having any paranoia about imaginary "invasions". We are going forward now, together.

Point two to remember now: AIIB, SCO, NDB, etc.

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