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All girls arent call girls

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Yeah I am sure you would feel the same if all the guys were getting their balls pinched - blown out of proportion huh!!.

This is a very sad attitude. Either you don't have any female members in your house or they do not share with you the plight they face. Or you might be from the uber elite segment whose wome never move out of protected environment. Atleast try to understand how pathetic it would feel to be stared at and molested as simply a sex object.

Well if all guys got their balls pinched it would be a problem. Now in that case it would be all guys facing a problem - here it's some women, not all, and whatever the number is, I can almost certainly guarantee it's being blown out of proportion.

I doubt you know this but I have been following the stories of issues women face for a long time and it's clear to me that there is a set agenda by feminists to blow things way out of proportion in order to get attention and make money. Obviously women/children facing problems gets exponentially more attention then anyone else facing problems so that works in their favour. Feminists even create imaginary issues and problems even when there are no such issues and problems (e.g. wage gap).

Read this article to get an idea of what I am talking about.

I also had another nice article however I can't find it right now.

Yes this happens more so in the west but regardless I am almost certain that the problem in Pakistan and also in India will be blown out of proportion by feminists and liberals.
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Well.. staring is ok.. coz men are made to be attracted to women. There should be a decency in staring.. atleast u should not make the women uncomfortable. But yeah making passes at them is a strict no no..

In south india staring is more common unlike northindia.. I think north indians are more aggressive..
Yeah it happens, and it happens in every country, but dont understand why Emo brings worst scenarios of Pakistan, every time??

hope for the best plan for the worst :D

PS: We need a face palm simley
never, there are divisions of call girls
1)the girls who themselves like to get banged
2) girls who take up this as a profession because they don't see a way out of problems they face

but the thing is 90% of the people that all women fall into first category, Prostitution is a ................. strange phenomenon

Sorry mam, but you are wrong, and judgemental to boot. The fact that you are a girl yourself makes it worse. First, call girls or prostitutes do what they do for the money. Whether they are forced into it or do it by choice is another issue. Either way it is not something you or I can be judgemental about, unless you or I are ready to do something about it and offer them a way out. Second, if a girl likes to get 'banged,' there is no place in the world where she will want for opportunity and supply, gratis. The fact that she does it for money, means that whether she likes to get banged or not by complete strangers, she needs the money and hence does what she does. Thirdly, there is nothing wrong in a girl who 'likes to get banged.' May their tribe increase. Fourthly, I hope you appreciate that call girls are rendering an important service to society, both men and women alike. And should be thanked and appreciated, instead of ostracized and looked down on. They provide for a fee sex to sex starved men who for one reason or the other find it difficult to hook up with girls who 'like to get banged' without the accompanying and bothersome baggage that usually brings with it. And by doing so they reduce the chances of such men cruising your streets looking for girls to bang, whether they want to get banged or not, with or without a fee.
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we dont need tecnology or money for this, our Prophet do it, how much he rich? Just that want you want that you get with the help of Allah, not money, power, tecnology.. Allah is greatest

And in that we (not all) are in progessing it. Opening madrasa, banding films cenimas,.. But want? You (emo) want a modarate country like one of europe, if you want to modarate then remember, all modarate countries surfing this

@ Harsih: didnt passed any judgment on girls who like to get banged, girls going into prostitution is not a simple phenomenon.......
the GREATEST & BIGGEST problem of this society in SOUTH ASIA is HYPOCRISY every man loves to stare and make a cheap move on a woman outisde however, when it is regarding his SISTER,WIFE,MOTHER or COUSIN! the rules change & he gets all traditional & cultural and religious!

so the problem with south asian society is MEN have no respect for women who are not close to them!!! we need to teach our society how to respect and honor women! be it any women!
& the thing is when two males are fighting, everything ultimately comes down to

tere maa, tere behan :rolleyes: (your mom, your sister)
@ Harsih: didnt passed any judgment on girls who like to get banged, girls going into prostitution is not a simple phenomenon.......

I agree sister, it is not. Which is why we need to be broadminded and pragmatic enough about it to legalise it. Cut out the dallas and middle men. Give it the status of a cottage industry. Provide clean and hygienic work place to the workers. With proper minimum wage scales and healthcare. And creches for their kids. And above all, the provision of legal unions and protection by and from the police. With the the final aim of chance and opportunities for rehabilitation and resettlement, and even marriage, for the girls by social workers and NGOs, supported by the government. You know why guys proposition girls at bus stops and streets. Cause it is common practice for call girls to hang around there to attract prospective customers for home visits. In a way many of these are freelancers, trying to cut out the middle man. Its also a way of making the wares available in a respectable setting often after the necessary setting on the mobile phone which removes the embarrasment and the risk of the client having to visit the red light area for on site activities. And most if not all of these call girls are now increasingly well groomed and dressed 'normally' which further increases the chance for confusion and resultant wrong numbers. Poor guys. What are they to do? After all, the profession of a girl is not written on her forhead, neither do they carry an ID tag or placard right? So my solution. Legalise it.
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the GREATEST & BIGGEST problem of this society in SOUTH ASIA is HYPOCRISY every man loves to stare and make a cheap move on a woman outisde however, when it is regarding his SISTER,WIFE,MOTHER or COUSIN! the rules change & he gets all traditional & cultural and religious!

so the problem with south asian society is MEN have no respect for women who are not close to them!!! we need to teach our society how to respect and honor women! be it any women!

Now if i see an appealing girl i would definitely stare her to death and sometimes i even go into semiconscious state with my mouth wide open and heart throbbing like hell. Sorry Hypocrisy or not, its human nature, cant help it ..:no:
& the thing is when two males are fighting, everything ultimately comes down to

tere maa, tere behan :rolleyes: (your mom, your sister)

Ma'am, I have seen even girls using such language. :what:
Now if i see an appealing girl i would definitely stare her to death and sometimes i even go into semiconscious state with my mouth wide open and heart throbbing like hell. Sorry Hypocrisy or not, its human nature, cant help it ..:no:

Let me tell you we women do not mind if someone shows their gratitude or liking in a decent way and move on.

But when someone becomes irritating staring constantly making vulgar gestures than it really annoys and becomes harassment.

Some even scare us with their stupid gestures and some follows you which is indeed worst kind of harassment.

Some pass dirty remarks thats a big :tdown:
Now if i see an appealing girl i would definitely stare her to death and sometimes i even go into semiconscious state with my mouth wide open and heart throbbing like hell. Sorry Hypocrisy or not, its human nature, cant help it ..:no:

fine good enough then be normal when someone wants to stare at your mother,sister.wife & cousins!! after all they are also human & its there human nature too :no: !

our society needs to have one LAW one RULE for ALL!! you can't pick & choose! be ready for this for the women in your family quote:

even go into semiconscious state with my mouth wide open and heart throbbing like hell. Sorry Hypocrisy or not, its human nature, cant help it

now my bro i am not saying this to you specifically but i am saying it for the common 99% of the population of south asia! which is uneducated & desperate and frustrated! :coffee:
Let me tell you we women do not mind if someone shows their gratitude or liking in a decent way and move on.

Nice to hear that. :cheers: Let me also tell you that the women accompanying us at the time do not appreciate this appreciation of ours too much for some reason. There's a lot to be said about a kibbutz in my humble opinion.:tup:
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