Yeah I am sure you would feel the same if all the guys were getting their balls pinched - blown out of proportion huh!!.
This is a very sad attitude. Either you don't have any female members in your house or they do not share with you the plight they face. Or you might be from the uber elite segment whose wome never move out of protected environment. Atleast try to understand how pathetic it would feel to be stared at and molested as simply a sex object.
Well if all guys got their balls pinched it would be a problem. Now in that case it would be all guys facing a problem - here it's some women, not all, and whatever the number is, I can almost certainly guarantee it's being blown out of proportion.
I doubt you know this but I have been following the stories of issues women face for a long time and it's clear to me that there is a set agenda by feminists to blow things way out of proportion in order to get attention and make money. Obviously women/children facing problems gets exponentially more attention then anyone else facing problems so that works in their favour. Feminists even create imaginary issues and problems even when there are no such issues and problems (e.g. wage gap).
Read this article to get an idea of what I am talking about.
I also had another nice article however I can't find it right now.
Yes this happens more so in the west but regardless I am almost certain that the problem in Pakistan and also in India will be blown out of proportion by feminists and liberals.
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