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All girls arent call girls

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I am all in for Sharia law but i need answer to one question.

Give me Just ONE name able enough to be our Ameer ul Moninin.

Just one name , is there anyone in this country you think can take up this role ??

Amir ul Momineen, I do not think anyone qualifies for this role and the would be one of hindrances of such a law.

But regarding the topic, I agree that our men do not have much control or shame and act in a very vulgar manner, we need to work towards an environment where such things do not occur.

One reason for this amongst the lower class at least is the segregation and the thinking that forms because of it. Men who do not have much contact with females only think of women as sex objects. Being in social contact with girls will allow men to appreciate their intelligence, point of view and there other alluring qualities among other things. :lol:

If only we respected and appreciate the usefulness of women in a society, we would be much better off.

Another thing I forgot to add, All girls are not call girls but all call girls are girls. Yeah I know its stupid, I will leave now.
thats wat i want to say, and thats wat emo didnt understand, we must impose Islamic law, all problem solution.. Both man and woman rights, .

Yaar kehna asaan hai but it is extremely difficuilt to implement. Like i say before - If ever Shariah Law will be implemented it will only be coming from a highly educated Muslim country that i don't think Pakistan is as in order to implement Shairah Law you have to set its platform. Pakistan can only implement Shariah Law if they are highly educated, self dependant, technology rich, economy rich and last but not least United.

I find any qualities of Shariah Law in a counry like Pakistan so forget about it.

and this is completely off topic - i am sure EmO would be very angry tomorrow after looking 21 useless pages :lol:

Lets get back to topic now
we dont need tecnology or money for this, our Prophet do it, how much he rich? Just that want you want that you get with the help of Allah, not money, power, tecnology.. Allah is greatest
And in that we (not all) are in progessing it. Opening madrasa, banding films cenimas,.. But want? You (emo) want a modarate country like one of europe, if you want to modarate then remember, all modarate countries surfing this
wat about call girls? I think time to rise man rights

thats wat i want to say, and thats wat emo didnt understand, we must impose Islamic law, all problem solution.. Both man and woman rights, .

we dont need any Ameer ul moninin. All is explain in Quran..

we dont need tecnology or money for this, our Prophet do it, how much he rich? Just that want you want that you get with the help of Allah, not money, power, tecnology.. Allah is greatest

And in that we (not all) are in progessing it. Opening madrasa, banding films cenimas,.. But want? You (emo) want a modarate country like one of europe, if you want to modarate then remember, all modarate countries surfing this

we dont need tecnology or money for this, our Prophet do it, how much he rich? Just that want you want that you get with the help of Allah, not money, power, tecnology.. Allah is greatest

actually by education i mean, enough knowledge to face the world and educate them the benefits of Shariah Law. By technology i mean enough indegineous technology to invent latest machineries and standing side by side with the world. So in case if suffer from the sanctions we can easily survive or it should be upto certain extents where the world is dependant upon you. With money i mean enough money to keep the world busy or enough money where the world needs you and isolating like Iran is not possible.

Like it...........

Bye for now
Every girl should make video of such people with their car numbers (every one has cell phones) and put it on you tube. expose these people to the world.

We used to look at girls too but never approached her or create a problem for her, well I think in our time (teen age) Pakistan didn't had call girls problem.
I propose all the guys on this forum take a pledge to never let any such incident go unaccounted. Pledge to raise a voice against it. Pledge to confront the culprit. Pledge to make him get punished for his crime.

Every one of us has seen such incidents happening, specially if he's living in subcontinent. We at times shy away from the issue trying to avoid the hassle, but we need to consider the next victim can be our family.

Let there be media campaigns (Online is a good start) promoting resistance to the issue so that the next time a letcher tries to pass a lewd remark or make obscene gestures he leaves the place with fingerprints on his face.

The issue is a major one for any and every urban female, I am yet to come across a female who regularly uses public transport who has not faced the situation atleast once.
My wife who is from north India says the problem there is much worse than other parts of India, but I've seen it in Mumbai too. Its quite creepy what I saw and was a kid then. The society definitely is at fault as they don't help the girl, people should follow this uncle, although not practical, but such people deserve to be kicked.

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U.S. citizens, particularly women, are cautioned not to travel alone in India. Western women continue to report incidents of verbal and physical harassment by groups of men. Known in India as “Eve-teasing,” these incidents can be quite frightening. While India is generally safe for foreign visitors, according to the latest figures by Indian authorities, rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Among large cities, Delhi experienced the highest number of crimes against women. Although most victims have been local residents, recent sexual attacks against female visitors in tourist areas underline the fact that foreign women are also at risk and should exercise vigilance

Women should observe stringent security precautions, including avoiding using public transport after dark without the company of known and trustworthy companions; restricting evening entertainment to well known venues; and avoiding walking in isolated areas alone at any time of day. Female travelers are advised to respect local dress and customs. Women should also ensure their hotel room numbers remain confidential and insist the doors of their hotel rooms have chains, deadlocks, and spy-holes. In addition, it is advisable for women to hire reliable cars and drivers and avoid traveling alone in hired taxis, especially during the hours of darkness. It is preferable to obtain taxis from hotels and pre-paid taxis at airports rather than hailing them on the street. If women encounter threatening situations, they can call 100 for police assistance.

LINK: India
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I think this is a huge problem and now these indians are taking it too far.

U.S. citizens, particularly women, are cautioned not to travel alone in India. Western women continue to report incidents of verbal and physical harassment by groups of men. Known in India as “Eve-teasing,” these incidents can be quite frightening. While India is generally safe for foreign visitors, according to the latest figures by Indian authorities, rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Among large cities, Delhi experienced the highest number of crimes against women. Although most victims have been local residents, recent sexual attacks against female visitors in tourist areas underline the fact that foreign women are also at risk and should exercise vigilance.

Women should observe stringent security precautions, including avoiding using public transport after dark without the company of known and trustworthy companions; restricting evening entertainment to well known venues; and avoiding walking in isolated areas alone at any time of day. Female travelers are advised to respect local dress and customs. Women should also ensure their hotel room numbers remain confidential and insist the doors of their hotel rooms have chains, deadlocks, and spy-holes. In addition, it is advisable for women to hire reliable cars and drivers and avoid traveling alone in hired taxis, especially during the hours of darkness. It is preferable to obtain taxis from hotels and pre-paid taxis at airports rather than hailing them on the street. If women encounter threatening situations, they can call 100 for police assistance.

LINK: India

How disgusting of a country.

You know it happens in Pakistan too.

Quit trolling.
Pakistai Men can't help but stare at women.If you have not seen it yourself then i don't know which world you are living in.Go to any Public place in LAHORE, Karachi and you will see people starting at girls like they have never seen girls...it's really embarrassing.Pakistani Men have too much testosterone i guess.Even Married men act like this.It's really embarrassing.
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