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All girls arent call girls

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"All girls aren’t call girls"

Unfortunately, even some people on this website think the same negative way.

Complaining on stupid things like "too much neck" or "what a slut" in the middle of a raging conversation highlights how critical this social issue is.

I believe that the way we look at 'issues' such as these (as if it even is an issue) is highly negative and backward. Boys can't behave normally when they see one of those "call girls" and when they have to meet them they make the most awkward situation possible.

Our school systems aren't helping thanks to blockades on co-education and sexual orientation. Our government has taken some sort of effort to bring co-gender activities but it is not enough. Also, to top it off, religion has to come in and 'save the day' with it's 1400 year old self.

We have seen a big change in the past 30-40 years since Zia, but to truly conquer this ideology, we must take exclusive and sweeping steps. Give those "call girls" some pepper spray until then.

(I like how my posts ALWAYS grab the top of the page lol.)

Whether a women wears a burqa, takes hijab or wears what people call a ‘modern dress’, all of them complain they have been harassed on the road.

I disagree!
I've never starred at a woman wearing burqa/hijab, because there is nothing AT ALL, in these woman to look at. I mean they are all covered up!
On the other hand... all my fellow boys here know very well :bounce:
:woot::woot: so you understood all what we were talking about!!:angel:

Hehe. Sort of.

I know: (from top to bottom - Good to bad)
In our house, i suppose in most middle class Indian houses u are taught since childhood to respect women .U see the behavior of ur mother and sisters which is pretty decent ,so u tend to believe most women at least from the middle class are of good nature and of high moral values.

Then u come to college ,and there is always some guy who insist that today most gals are "chalo" ,though u don't fully agree ,but u see activities of gals around and slowly start changing ur views that it might that women of ur families are good ,but there are many gals out there who are of cheap character.Some guys believe it more than others and they are usually the guys who stop their cars near lone standing gal to try their luck.This change in ur Psyche happening for past some time.The bad thing is negative outlook toward women is growing and women themselves are responsible for it to some extent.

Spot on! You are absolutely correct.
I remember watching Girls standing at bus stops with their back towards the road. This was due to the stupidity of some males who stare at them and often take their pictures with cell phones.

Usually, people argument that the women should cover themselves properly, which is correct too. But a few things should be kept in mind.

People are not starring, Harassing women in Burqa because they have a lot of others to stare and harass. Once all the women are covered in "ninja" suits, men would also harass them.

There are two approaches to be taken simultaneously:
1) Women should properly Cover themselves
2) Men should lower their gaze.

But most importantly,
Call Girls should not exist. It is due to Call Girls that My Mother and Sister have to take extra care when going out.
freekin...keep religion away from this thread..

Tomorrow you will throw out you mother and father because they are 60 years old too old to keep. Keep that negativity against Islam out of this thread and out of your head once and for all.
Yes i have experienced it Dehli is not safe for women whereas i found Chennai as very safe for women .

In Pakistan i think Karachi is one big city where harassment is more dont know the exact situation. Members from Karachi might post some real info.

My city Peshawar though witnesses a good level of staring by men. Sometimes we face harassment too but largely its safe due to culture here

Yes you are bang on, This is a problem in Delhi and surrounding areas, You dont see much eveteasing in southern India, people are more cultured there. Bangalore and Mumbai are safe for women too!! Delhi, UP , Bihar are the most effected by this.
Indian Punjab is also relatively safe for women.
1,000 bucks this is being blown out of proportion, just like the rest of problems women face.
Yeah desis love to stare women all day long.(Pakistanis-Bangladeshis-Indians)
Leave Islam it is 1400 year old. Gel. We can make own rule better then it...

??? what does that have to do with "eveteasing".?? Hindus Cristans and Sikh's Muslims all do eveteasing in India.. lol ..
yeah this definitely happens in pakistan another loser characteristic we have wot a great shame
Lets put burqas on all men. then they can stare but atleast we wont be feeling harassed
☪☪☪☪;908532 said:
Yeah desis love to stare women all day long.(Pakistanis-Bangladeshis-Indians)

You forgot to mention Nepalis. Damn they stare so stupidly that at times you want to just break their skull and take out their eyes :angry:
1,000 bucks this is being blown out of proportion, just like the rest of problems women face.

Yeah I am sure you would feel the same if all the guys were getting their balls pinched - blown out of proportion huh!!.

This is a very sad attitude. Either you don't have any female members in your house or they do not share with you the plight they face. Or you might be from the uber elite segment whose wome never move out of protected environment. Atleast try to understand how pathetic it would feel to be stared at and molested as simply a sex object.
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