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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

@Arian for meditation and focus you need to clean ur soul. It seems u have too many things going in your head.... For that you need to avoid eating nonveg on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays.... This days alot powerful and it rules our life.... This days totaly against people who eats nonveg.... Even scientific studies shown that people who eat nonveg dont get peace of mind due to chemicals it produce in the brain.... The biggest secret is that never eat Beef, pork or any red meat. Its not good for health (produces many diseases) and its Bad karma.... Its believed that the bigger the animal we eaten the bigger the negative energy bad karma we get.... You can eat fish or chicken. That way negative energy wont be that high.... Eat only on sundays, mondays, wednesdays and fridays. Avoid on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays.... Remember the planets Mars, jupiter and saturn are known as Death planets. The rays this planets produce decides our fate.... For meditation peace of mind is important.... Also do good karma. Think positive always and you will get positive. Thats the secret of cosmos energy....
i can't do yoga .. i have a big tummy so when i try to cross my leg i roll over ... damit does this means i can't meet aliens? :/
How is this thread even alive for so long ? has the mods been abducted by aliens or what ? :what:
@baqai you need to do simple breathing exercise.... Am afraid your heart is weak. The biggest the tummy the bigger the risk of heart attack.... You need to do is most famous breathing exercise which was invented 5000 years ago.... Its a Kapalbhati yoga.... It removes toxic from body and clears everything that stopping blood flow.... After kapalbhati you need to do is anumvilom yoga. Thats again different type of breathing yoga. Kapalbhati removes toxic from body and anumvilom increases oxygen by 6 times more. As you know oxygen is important for our internal organs. The Yoga was given to indians by Humanoids for healthy body and mind. Wait i will add the link so you can learn it. Within 90 days ur tummy will be flat and wont have much fat on it. Big tummy means hell. Its a serious condition.... You must start kapalbhati and also anumvilom for just 1 min each twice a day and see the difference....
@Baqai please when doing kapalbhati take it easy. Dont forcefully breath or else u will damage internal organs.... Take it slow.... The more slowly u do kapalbhati the more it will benefit u. Never do it more than 1 minute for 6 months. Then start doing it for 5 min after 6 months.... Take it easy.
Kapalbhati Pranayama Benefits, Weight Loss Breathing Yoga, Baba Ramdev Video,
Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayam breathing-Kapalbhati breathing Techniques
YouTube - Kapalbhati Pranayam
Now this is my most favorite breathing yoga anumvilom.... Everyone should do this. Just do it for 1 min and check u will feel freshenup like u can even see in the darkness.... The more oxygen we get the more strong our internal organs gets. In ancient time indians use to live upto more then 200 years.... This breathing exercise is Life and my most favorite.
isro2222 I'm still skeptical and probably don't believe you met aliens and made this all up. :whistle:
so I will wait for the evidence you provide and see if your methods work.
@neutralcitizen i dont lie. i know i met them even when it was a dream.... Thats how we meet them is through our dream. Since i met them my life changed.... i was depressed person before but now my life is alot peaceful. i feel alot special and i attrack positive energy. Before i couldnt feel anything good but now everything changed.... Its upto u to believe. Cosmos energy works on believing.... By the way please can u send pm to Tvsram1992 and tell him to check page 15 to 17 please? am not able to pm him and he want to learn secrets of Cosmos energy Law. Please do let him know i posted it already how to meet Arcturians. Thank you.
@neutralcitizen i dont lie. i know i met them even when it was a dream.... Thats how we meet them is through our dream. Since i met them my life changed.... i was depressed person before but now my life is alot peaceful. i feel alot special and i attrack positive energy. Before i couldnt feel anything good but now everything changed.... Its upto u to believe. Cosmos energy works on believing.... By the way please can u send pm to Tvsram1992 and tell him to check page 15 to 17 please? am not able to pm him and he want to learn secrets of Cosmos energy Law. Please do let him know i posted it already how to meet Arcturians. Thank you.

you should repost all of it just in case. :D
^ you do know that he will do exactly that, learn from me (*hint: go couple of posts back)
It is true, I didn't believe Isro either but I saw the Reptilians while I was astral projecting. They are evil and the greys are just as bad. And Athena is their command ship and they feed off negative energy.
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