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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

Some things isro2222 don't sound far fetched I sure you have heard of the vimanas crafts ? and the alien wars over the indian sub Continent ?
Yes, being an Indian and hindu I have been hearing about these things since my childhood..
In Mahabharata it is not actually described as an alien war though.
Even before reading this thread, I was of the opinion that there are two forces in this world, one is good force and the other one is bad force, and they both are equally powerful. Sometimes the good force becomes dominating sometimes the bad force does.

I had similar experiences.

I have heard it's through a blood ritual heard of bohemian grove ?

Plz share ure experiences.
Im waitin for an apocalypse.... would love to save the beautiful girl next door..lol
Yes, being an Indian and hindu I have been hearing about these things since my childhood..
In Mahabharata it is not actually described as an alien war though.
Even before reading this thread, I was of the opinion that there are two forces in this world, one is good force and the other one is bad force, and they both are equally powerful. Sometimes the good force becomes dominating sometimes the bad force does.

Plz share ure experiences.

The vimanas part I've heard they were found in a cave in afghanistan and tajikistan, as for my experiences I have had several one it was pretty weird I was outside on the phone and this blue flash came in the sky and it wasn't lighting or thunder the sky was clear and my phone including my house all the power was gone same with all the houses nearby it there was another blue flash and everything came back on this was two years ago.
The vimanas part I've heard they were found in a cave in afghanistan and tajikistan, as for my experiences I have had several one it was pretty weird I was outside on the phone and this blue flash came in the sky and it wasn't lighting or thunder the sky was clear and my phone including my house all the power was gone same with all the houses nearby it there was another blue flash and everything came back on this was two years ago.

U high on weed again man?

On a serious note... i believe aliens do exist.... we have yet to discover them.... or maybe they already know abt us...
The vimanas part I've heard they were found in a cave in afghanistan and tajikistan, as for my experiences I have had several one it was pretty weird I was outside on the phone and this blue flash came in the sky and it wasn't lighting or thunder the sky was clear and my phone including my house all the power was gone same with all the houses nearby it there was another blue flash and everything came back on this was two years ago.

haw, this happened to me too. mine wasn't blue, it was a blend of green and blue
Hello everyone. Am extremely sorry for late reply.... i went to meet someone who working for Ashtar galactic command.... But am bit dissapointed he didn't tell much about them but did told me that i can meet them if i mastered the meditation (that would take couple of years more). i think its easy to meet arcturian then the commander ashtar.... i will now continue telling u all how to meet arcturian.... After u have learned chakra cleaning yoga and meditation now you have to download the arcturian activation code.... if you are using pc then download it from here....
YouTube - SPIRITUAL REALITY | HD Hindi Movies For Motivation & Meditation
and if you are using mobile phone then download it from here....
Vuclip web video search
Now first you have to do is getup in the morning and do chakra cleaning yoga.... Then take 5min break and do meditation.... Let me tell u one thing that we are a drop of tiny dust in universe.... Whole universe works on cosmic energy. We get cosmic energy for just 5min in our sleep when we dont think anything. We not even dream.... There nothing we think and then we get cosmic energy. Cosmic energy has 30 benefits (i will tell u later about what benefits we get).... When we do meditation than say Nothing. Think nothing. Do nothing. Dont move. Just relax the body and keep nothing in mind. Focus on long breath (inhale and exale). Close your eyes and keep relaxing.... This is the time when cosmic energy fall on us. It will clear every each blockage in ur body. You might feel body pain and sickness but dont worry. its normal as cosmic energy clearing all blockage in ur body.... Now after doing this for 20 min take a break for 5 min.... Then look at the Arcturians activation code. Relax your body and blend your self with the video.... Think you going through wormhole and all chakra colors.... You come out from other side into universe. You can see colorful twinkling stars galaxy and you keep smiling and thanking cosmic energy and lord arcturians.... Then when u get good at it then one night arcturians will pick u up from ur bed at night.... Dont worry. It wont be scary. It will be colorful and bright pure light. They will heal you in healing chember and then they will show you Starship athena which is living planet size starship. Please remember never bring any negative thoughts, anger, fear etc etc. Always think positive.... Have you ever heared Law of cosmic ordering? i did that and it works perfectly. Think positive and get positive. Arcturians bless you all....

Please note that the very first link is Meditation Link for indians and Not Arcturian code activation.... Here is the Arcturian code activation....
YouTube - Arcturian Key Codes,Crystals and Multidimentional DNA Activation
I was diagonised for Schizophernia recently, may be too much alien shyte.
Yea, I don't like to get schizophrenic over aliens, that's why I try to ignore their existence.

Why can't Iran remove this Ahmed Nut Job and replace with a better person to represent you guys?
His period in office will end in 2013.

On a serious note, I suffer from lack of concentration badly, so I can't listen to Yoga and meditation 'cuz I can't focus or concentrate enough to feel relaxed.
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