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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

NASA first thought moon is part of sun.... Then NASA changed mined and said may be huge astroid collided with earth and thats how moon war created.... Then Nasa changed mind again and told moon doesnt look like part of earth (that was obvious).... From where the hell moon came? Moon is a sattelite of Annunakis.... Do you know How moon effects Mood?.... Moon can make anyone mental, criminal, terrorist, heartless, force to suicide etc etc.... Moon is a sattelite made to keep humans under control of annunakis.... Moon collects are emotional energy, anger hate negative energy and then Greys collect it and sends it to annunakis on planet nibiru.... How did annunakis made such a huge planet sattelite? Well humans made a car, plane etc etc just 100 years ago.... Annunakis are multi million years ahead of humans.... i will tell u exactly how annunakis made moon sattelite later today....
200,000 Year Old Statue Found On Moon : thecrit.com
YouTube - THE MOON, an alien UFO base, a satellite that doesn't belong to us...
Annunakis were the masters of Technology.... They knew how to split a planet and make it hollow and then fit the engines that can move it any direction they want.... Annunakis were the one who made Slave race.... They made black people slave who can do any work annunakis wanted.... Now spliting a planet doesnt mean it can last forever.... Annunakis heading towards earth on planet Nibiru and exact same time Moon started to split in Two.... Annunakis were the one who made islam and told them about it.... In Quran its written about Moon Spliting in two (written only few lines)....
Witnessing the Moon Splitting Miracle - WikiIslam
YouTube - Mirracle Of Qur'an. Moon Split In Half Detailed NASA Confirmed Video Video Part 1
YouTube - NASA Proves Allah / Islam Miracle
picture of moon spliting....
isro222, how much weed do you smoke everyday... Looks like its getting to your brain...
@Jelldragon i dont smoke, i dont drink, am vegeterian.... Now if u dont believe what's written in Quran then you should do two things.... First is Debunk it.... And if you can't then 2nd is stay away from this thread.... (please note i dont like Reptilian username)....
These ideas scared the **** out of me when I was a teenager, I'm glad that I've learned to ignore them or else I would've ended up having the symptoms of Schizophrenia.
Why America hates Humanoids? The answer given by Ashtar himself.... America wants material things technology.... Humanoids ready to give secrets of Cosmos power.... They want us to step into 4th dimension by spreading love and peace.... America can't digest that humanoids will rule humans.... America is all about Money and Power. 4th Dimension makes us quit Money and Power. America thinks living with greys and their master Reptilians far better then Humanoids.... Infact nearly all goverment around world Dumped Humanoids who are our creater and saviors.... Truely a Sad decision.... Only we can be safe from any threat by connecting to Arcturians.... Activate Arcturian frequency.... Here are some more videos of Trumpets played around world from deep inside sky by humanoids....
YouTube - Biblical Prophecy's Happening Now [MUST SEE!]
YouTube - Strange Noises Heard Everywhere!!!!

But Ahmadinejad prefers the Humanoids and hates the Reptilians (the Israeli lobby inside the USA), Is that it? LOL
@Arian Ahmadinejad and all world goverments takes blessing from Reptilians (Satan).... If they dont then they get eleminated....
must view pic....
must visit to see how world powers bow to reptilian aka Satan.... Realy sad truth.... In america they even has church of Satan for every american president....

But Ahmadinejad and world leaders are at clash now, how could two reptilians who work for the same thing have clash with each other?

Who are the good guys here? The bad guys are the reptilians, and who are the good guys? and how humans could contact them?
@jellodragon i think you must be blind.... i have given 1000s proven links. Be it presidents, goverment, military, scientists accepting about Aliens.... What more proof u want? Better take a look at my all 3 threads. People like u always gives bad name to pakistan by always asking for proofs.... I have given 1000s of proof. i have no idea what more proof u want or what proof means in ur defination.... Better debunk the proofs i added and then ask for proof.... This was my last reply to you....

@Arian a snake eats snake.... Reptilians wants blood, Flesh and negative energy.... For them it doesnt matter who fights whome... The Humanoids are the one who is Good but Humans rejected Humanoids because Humanoids said no to humans when asked about Weapons technology.... Humanoids dont want to give 3rd dimension humans a technology that will be used for wrong things....
@jellodragon i think you must be blind.... i have given 1000s proven links. Be it presidents, goverment, military, scientists accepting about Aliens.... What more proof u want? Better take a look at my all 3 threads. People like u always gives bad name to pakistan by always asking for proofs.... I have given 1000s of proof. i have no idea what more proof u want or what proof means in ur defination.... Better debunk the proofs i added and then ask for proof.... This was my last reply to you....

@Arian a snake eats snake.... Reptilians wants blood, Flesh and negative energy.... For them it doesnt matter who fights whome... The Humanoids are the one who is Good but Humans rejected Humanoids because Humanoids said no to humans when asked about Weapons technology.... Humanoids dont want to give 3rd dimension humans a technology that will be used for wrong things....

And how humans can contact humanoids?
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