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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans


One serious question.... Do you really believe all that or you are just some alien kind of troll....
Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans. 45223.jpegThose who think that the first extraterrestrial beings that will establish an official contact with the human race will be friendly creatures like E.T. are going to be disappointed. NASA scientists say that reasonable inhabitants of other galaxies may come to Earth to destroy our planet because mankind seems to be unable to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

If we take a look at our planet from the outside, the changes in Earth's atmosphere characterize mankind as a civilization that has come out of control. Extraterrestrials believe that the human civilization is dangerous to others, the scientists said. That is why, it is quite possible that aliens may strike a preventive blow on our planet to give us all a wake-up call.

This is only one theory of the future of the human civilization. Researchers also say that aliens may use humans as their slaves or food.

Shawn Domagal-Goldman and a team of scientists made a whole list of theoretically possible situations to help us choose the tactics of communication with guests from outer space. The report was made to prepare terrestrials for a clash with another civilization. According to the scientists, the extraterrestrials will share their knowledge with humans so that we could solve such serious problems as famine, poverty and illnesses. However, this is the best of what may happen.

An alternative variant stipulates the victory of the human civilization over the invaders and the usage of extraterrestrial technologies. It seems that NASA scientists have a very vivid imagination that could be used for a Hollywood blockbuster.

"Just as we did to those beings, the extraterrestrials might proceed to kill, infect, dissect, conquer, displace or enslave us, stuff us as specimens for their museums or pickle our skulls and use us for medical research," the scientists wrote in the report.

As for the preventive blow, it can be possible during the earliest stage of the expansion of our civilization.

Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilizational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of Earth's atmosphere (e.g. via greenhouse gas emissions), which therefore changes the spectral signature of Earth," the study's authors say.

Aliens will come into contact with humans during the forthcoming 20 years, the scientists also said. Andrei Finkelstein, the director of the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said at the international conference devoted to the search for extraterrestrial life at the end of June that the origin of life was just as inevitable as the creation of atoms.

"Our solar system is not a unique place in the Universe. Life may appear in many other places if the conditions similar to ours are preserved. One can be certain that life and reason is a common phenomenon in the Universe. During the upcoming two decades scientists will discover places in our Galaxy where life exists. That life will bear a striking resemblance to the life that we represent here," the scientist said.

As for the appearance of extraterrestrial creatures, Finkelstein believes that aliens will look like humans. Most likely, alien creatures will have one head, two arms and two legs. Their skin color can be different, although we have many races of different skin colors too.

The next day after Finkelstein's speech at the conference, a curious video titled "UFO Mothership & Fleet Over London' appeared on YouTube. The video has been removed from the portal, but it can be found on other websites, for example here.

The flying saucers appeared above the London office of the BBC. The saucers look like three white spots that form a triangle and fly at a large speed. Two other spots follow the triangle, but there is also a larger object in the sky that moves slower.

The video does not look like a fake, although many people say that there are many special effects studios in London that could create the spectacle.

Thank you ISRO2222 I have seen the light the grey aliens & reptilians feed off negative energy.

it is interesting that whenever I met europeans in Australia, mainly British, and we discussed that we gotto do something before Asians may enslave West, they generally come up with an idea that before that happens, better Aliens would eat and finish us :lol:

if we see the news about Aliens, most of this type of news come from British source of media, the British and other PIIGGS economies which are on fall. and more they smell that their fall is close, more they look like praying that before something like this may happen, they would be better off being eaten by Aliens :meeting:
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@Tvsram1992 i gave all details 3 times already (2 times specialy for you).... just few pages back i gave details and yet again you asking same Question.... i think you are pulling my leg....
@ every user: Can you please pm the user Tvsram1992 and guide him to the post where i explained everything? am not able to pm him as we need over 2000 posts to pm.... Atleast am getting that error or msg.... Thank you.
Pakistan, america, iran, china, iraq and north korea alot important for Reptilians.... This nations produce alot negative energy. Be it fear panic, anger, hate etc etc.... The reptilian aka satan using pakistan as a base since pakistan was created.... All pakistan has to do is get rid of reptilians. Just spread love, peace and happiness and see the magic.... Reptilians used many nations before. Like german, japan, iraq and we all know what happened to these nation.... Pakistan has nukes. For Reptilians pakistan is alot important because if pakistan use nukes even by mistake then it will end 140 million pakistanis and plus the target that pakistan used nukes.... It wont be india as india protected by Humanoids.... Pakistan might use nukes on America (america bases around pakistan) and in return we know what might america do.... Reptilians are masters of war. They using America to spread war.... The planet Moon is evil. Thats how Reptilians controls humans and nations.... Pakistan has alot influence of moon. Pakistan has to change. For pakistanis moon is important. Moon is sattelite and frequency of Moon is set by reptilians.... Take a look at Reptilian aka Satan pic.... Check what you see on top left side and below right side and then think of nation that got same sign on Flag....
Pakistan, america, iran, china, iraq and north korea alot important for Reptilians.... This nations produce alot negative energy. Be it fear panic, anger, hate etc etc.... The reptilian aka satan using pakistan as a base since pakistan was created.... All pakistan has to do is get rid of reptilians. Just spread love, peace and happiness and see the magic.... Reptilians used many nations before. Like german, japan, iraq and we all know what happened to these nation.... Pakistan has nukes. For Reptilians pakistan is alot important because if pakistan use nukes even by mistake then it will end 140 million pakistanis and plus the target that pakistan used nukes.... It wont be india as india protected by Humanoids.... Pakistan might use nukes on America (america bases around pakistan) and in return we know what might america do.... Reptilians are masters of war. They using America to spread war.... The planet Moon is evil. Thats how Reptilians controls humans and nations.... Pakistan has alot influence of moon. Pakistan has to change. For pakistanis moon is important. Moon is sattelite and frequency of Moon is set by reptilians.... Take a look at Reptilian aka Satan pic.... Check what you see on top left side and below right side and then think of nation that got same sign on Flag....


you earthlings are something eles... very interesting species and you guys taste soooo good.. we Reptilians will soon conqueror the world forever!

*evil laugh*
it is interesting that whenever I met europeans in Australia, mainly British, and we discussed that we gotto do something before Asians may enslave West, they generally come up with an idea that before that happens, better Aliens would eat and finish us :lol:

if we see the news about Aliens, most of this type of news come from British source of media, the British and other PIIGGS economies which are on fall. and more they smell that their fall is close, more they look like praying that before something like this may happen, they would be better off being eaten by Aliens :meeting:

May I remind you that there is no country on Earth already slaved by the West, the system we´re living in pretty much most countries and now in decline in most european and american countries was introduced by the brits, and we "owe" much to the Jesuits also. The theory says that european kings are the descendants of the Annunaki, we can say that London is the freemasonic capital of the world, so just have a wild guess about how are we being "colonized"..
freemasonic dollar - Buscar con Google
@Neutralcitezen ask me any Question. i given all the answers and will give answers to your Questions....
@Neutralcitezen ask me any Question. i given all the answers and will give answers to your Questions....

isro2222 how do I contact the aliens then I have download all your links you told me, I will try your methods to see if you are truly telling the truth or on drugs. the question is how do I get in contact ?
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