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Alibaba quits from Indian Paytm Mall. Will more Chinese companies leave India?


Jun 7, 2011
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More Chinese companies will realize India is not a good investment destination.

Another news. What is illegal remittance anyways?

India seizes $725 million assets from Xiaomi unit over illegal remittances​

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It is too difficult to do business in India. Under the circumstances of Sino-US trade war and technology war, there is no other discrimination for US enterprises in China.
This is why foreign enterprises are willing to invest in China and have more security.
It's already extremely well known that India is such a country.

India's recipe for success and smartness is to fool others.

Fooling? Backstabbing? It's not a sin, it's a sign of smartness.

India will say that's not true! India is not like that!!

But you know, such a statement is also part of "smartness".
It's already extremely well known that India is such a country.

India's recipe for success and smartness is to fool others.

Fooling? Backstabbing? It's not a sin, it's a sign of smartness.

India will say that's not true! India is not like that!!

But you know, such a statement is also part of "smartness".
Indians have smartness. But don't have wisdom. China never made troubles to American companies in China even we all saw how US government treated Chinese companies like Huawei.
Paytm Mall business model failed, nothing to do with politics. Alibaba didn't exit India, it exited a loss making startup which couldn't make the business viable.
Well, Xiaomi is just one of the large companies getting fooled in India.

Nokia, Carrefour, Foxconn, and other unknown companies.

There's a reason why India will never be the world's factory, replacing China, despite the huge support from Western media.

I just want to say the Indian government is not a good guy if you can see beyond the label of democracy.

Indians have smartness. But don't have wisdom. China never made troubles to American companies in China even we all saw how US government treated Chinese companies like Huawei.

This is true, that's why more and more people love to invest in China.

Because it's honest, trustworthy, and being supported.

There's a huge difference between what the Western media says about China and what the global business community says about China.

The difference is as huge as the color of black and white, a complete opposite.

Don't hear what people say, but look at what people do.
Paytm Mall business model failed, nothing to do with politics. Alibaba didn't exit India, it exited a loss making startup which couldn't make the business viable.
They won’t get it. Corporate governance norms in China requires CCP member presence at the Board level (for companies of a certain size - overtly or covertly). Investments and exits are not always made based on real world considerations.
Well, Xiaomi is just one of the large companies getting fooled in India.

Nokia, Carrefour, Foxconn, and other unknown companies.

There's a reason why India will never be the world's factory, replacing China, despite the huge support from Western media.

I just want to say the Indian government is not a good guy if you can see beyond the label of democracy.

This is true, that's why more and more people love to invest in China.

Because it's honest, trustworthy, and being supported.

There's a huge difference between what the Western media says about China and what the global business community says about China.

The difference is as huge as the color of black and white, a complete opposite.

Don't hear what people say, but look at what people do.
Another example is Tiktok. After Tiktok created a brand new short video platform and formed a huge market in India, Indian government kicked it out and replaced it by some Indian imitators. Those imitators took over all assets and human resources Tiktok left. I heard some Japanese car and motorcycle companies had similar experiences in India. Once Indians learnt their technologies, they were kicked out.
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Another example is Tiktok. After Tiktok created a brand new short video platform and formed a huge market in India, Indian government kicked it out and replaced it by some Indian imitators. I heard some Japanese car and motorcycle companies had similar experiences in India. Once Indians learnt their technologies, they were kicked out.

Honda had JV with Hero Motorcycles in India. Hero stole Honda engine and frame design and dissolved the JV.

Suzuki had JV with TVS Motorcycles in India. TVS stole Suzuki engine and frame design and dissolved the JV.

Kawasaki had JV with Bajaj Motorcycles in India. Bajaj stole Kawasaki engine and frame design and dissolved the JV.

There are many other examples of this in India, for both motorcycles and automotive industry. This all happened two decades ago. This is how the great Indian technological leap was made. Shoddy copies of Japanese motorcycles, technologically lowered to cheapen builds to suit third rate gasoline and bad quality roads.

Exports of these Indian products only go to garbage markets in Asia or Africa. As suits their quality.

No foreign company ever made long-term profit money in Indian market. Indian businesses will make sure of that, by hook or by crook. Investing in India is a fool's errand. You will sink money, you will never get it back. Ask the foreign auto majors in India how much money they lost.

Indian businesspeople (unless they are large professionally run conglomerates and even then) are generally first-class frauds, crooks and cheats - personal experience. Stay away from these people.

Educated and decent Indians look down on them as well.
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Chinese people do not understand the psychology of Indians. In the eyes of Indians, making Indian money in India is colonialism. If India reaches the economic and military scale of China today, the US will find out what a weak imaginary enemy China is.
Indians are a speculative nation with absolutely no moral bottom line. Indians are very good at speculating politically and militarily, because on earth, the Indians themselves are already in hell, and there is nothing to worry about losing. If you speculate right, you will make a lot of money; if you speculate wrong, you will just be beaten up. For example, in 1962, Nehru speculated that China would not fight back against India's border encroachment, and Nehru's daughter speculated that her Sikh guards would not assassinate her after she slaughtered Sikhs.
They won’t get it. Corporate governance norms in China requires CCP member presence at the Board level (for companies of a certain size - overtly or covertly). Investments and exits are not always made based on real world considerations.
You mean Tesla has CCP presence in their factory in Shanghai? I have not heard anything about it from Elon Musk. What fart are you giving out today?
You mean Tesla has CCP presence in their factory in Shanghai? I have not heard anything about it from Elon Musk. What fart are you giving out today?
I should ask the same of you. It’s likely that you already know I’m not talking about foreign companies in China. I’m talking about Chinese companies from China. This is all public domain knowledge.
The Chinese themselves have recently strong handedly tried to clamp the outflow of forex on locals/businesses that are seeking visas for extended period of time.
Which i like.

Indians have smartness. But don't have wisdom. China never made troubles to American companies in China even we all saw how US government treated Chinese companies like Huawei.
What you call wisdom , PDFians call being a lapdog.
That means Chinese are bigger lapdogs of the west ?
Or are Indians bigger lapdogs as they want to please America by acting tough on China ?
India is the scam capital of the world okay, the moment you start making money, they will tax abuse you till you drop. The only successful bugger was Superman Li, he knew the exact Indian snake oil psyche, got out in time and made billions, Vodafone, the dumbass was promised a billion consumers, what they don't understand is the Indian government works for their Indian cartel, to make money, you need to collaborate with those cronies. They keep on hyping and thinking India is the ejxt China, no they are not, Africa will. Be the next China before India.
More Chinese companies will realize India is not a good investment destination.

Another news. What is illegal remittance anyways?

India seizes $725 million assets from Xiaomi unit over illegal remittances​

Yes we’re not a good investment destination for chinese companies, and we don’t want them here, others are welcome. And its Alibaba’s fault they invested in a loss making startup to begin with.
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