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Alibaba quits from Indian Paytm Mall. Will more Chinese companies leave India?

Indian Ecommerce sector has become duopoly controlled by 2 US companies Amazon and Walmart, other players are nearly wiped out
More Chinese companies will realize India is not a good investment destination.

Another news. What is illegal remittance anyways?

India seizes $725 million assets from Xiaomi unit over illegal remittances​

I think the Indian government itself isn’t interested in Chinese investments. We had so many Ali baba++ people walking in an out of the VC firm I worked for at the time. I think at its peak, we were travelling to China almost three times a quarter. We ended all those relations almost overnight once it became clear that the government itself is moving to stand in the way of Chinese investments scaling in India.

Now in retrospect, looking at Pakistan, Sri Lanka and an assortment of eastern African and SADC countries — I wonder if it was just reactionary or led by someone with impressive foresight.
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