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Chinese mobile-maker Xiaomi may move its operations from India to Pakistan after Indian govt freezes its assets worth $676M

Chinese companies are known worldwide as Cheap, no need to counterattack an established fact. Ask anyone except PDF Pakistani fanboys.

Those cheap chinese products are esp made for you cheap slum indians not surprisingly since the majority of you indians cant afford expensive upscale chinese products, so dont look down on chinese products here, if not for those esp made cheap products, you indians have to use cow dungs. By the way, what shit products can you supa pawa india produce then ?
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You can bet they won't do that. If they do that, they lose access to the Indian market. Access to a market of 1.4 billion is more important than access to a market of 250 million, that too assuming same incomes in both the places. They have been minting money in India and have cornered the market, and only become more greedy. These court cases will knock some sense into them and they will come back to their senses.

India will ban Chinese products just like they did after Doklam attack?
I dont know which bubble Indian public lives in but China can cripple your Pharma industry if they ban raw material export to India, India depends on China for their industry to run.
You can bet they won't do that. If they do that, they lose access to the Indian market. Access to a market of 1.4 billion is more important than access to a market of 250 million, that too assuming same incomes in both the places. They have been minting money in India and have cornered the market, and only become more greedy. These court cases will knock some sense into them and they will come back to their senses.
Theft Indian style. That wiull teach the Chinese, hope China do the same to an Indian investment in China.
India will ban Chinese products just like they did after Doklam attack?
I dont know which bubble Indian public lives in but China can cripple your Pharma industry if they ban raw material export to India, India depends on China for their industry to run.
And you live in a weird bubble where you think a seller has some sort of power over the buyer. You people make these type of long winded claims all the time - sometimes its middle east will ban oil sales to India and India will beg, or China will ban this and that etc etc. Indian pharma industry(one of the biggest in the world) depends on China to buy raw materials and thus Chinese raw material suppliers depend on Indian pharma companies to buy their material. If they refuse to sell, they also get burnt. If such a thing happens, there will be a reset in the short run during which several companies in both countries will fail, but eventually Indian pharma industry will find new suppliers and Chinese raw material suppliers will find new buyers. In the meanwhile, there will be a massive shortage of medicines in the world and the first countries to get hammered will be bankrupt states like yours that import cheap generic indian medicines through Afghanistan or Dubai, and developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. India has massive stockpiles of medicines, we will never have to go without them.

Wasn't Europe supposed to freeze to death and wasn't Russia supposed to die of starvation after Europe banned oil and gas from there? Well guess what Russia found new buyers in India and China and Europe found new suppliers from middle east etc, both are doing quite well.
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Those cheap chinese products are esp made for you cheap slum indians not surprisingly since the majority of you indians cant afford expensive upscale chinese products, so dont look down on chinese products here, if not for those esp made cheap products, you indians have to use cow dungs.
That was one long sentence. Phewwwwww
You must breath in between, lest you faint and blame it on Indian FMs. 😜

Also, what does Xiamoi India have to do with moving to Pakistan? Xiaomi India is a company of the root Chinese organization based in India. It has nothing to do with Pakistan. Xiaomi would need to create a separate entity for Pakistan.

You know too much inside info it's amazing maybe you can manufacture something rank 87
By the way your inside info is based on a tweet 😉

Thier is a ban on importing fruits in Pakistan now

True this is what happens when you call india fake news while selecting posting propoganda to support your claim

As above, Xiaomi India has nothing to do with Pakistan. That's a sub-organization of Xiaomi based in India.
Jealous of Bat eaters and their slaves under debt?? LOL

I am glad my country is taking all investment money it wants without inviting foreign labour force..😎

Lmao LITTLE PINK.. NO one buys any Huawei phones for that price.

HUAWEI doesn't have access to 5G modem. Tell me who will buy 500-600-1000$ Huwaei 4G phone ??

you can only distract your Pakistani Iron(ic) brothers with such foolish posts.

that propaganda page SouthAsiaIndex claimed that they are shifting Indian units so it was debunked by Indian entity. Hope you can comprehend that much.
Yeah, talk of your despised and cursed ancestral country, not as bad as cow piss drinking and cow dung eating eh.
Jealous of Bat eaters and their slaves under debt?? LOL

I am glad my country is taking all investment money it wants without inviting foreign labour force..😎

Lmao LITTLE PINK.. NO one buys any Huawei phones for that price.

HUAWEI doesn't have access to 5G modem. Tell me who will buy 500-600-1000$ Huwaei 4G phone ??

you can only distract your Pakistani Iron(ic) brothers with such foolish posts.

that propaganda page SouthAsiaIndex claimed that they are shifting Indian units so it was debunked by Indian entity. Hope you can comprehend that much.
You may have got something wrong.

First of all, Huawei is undoubtedly the best mobile phone in terms of 5G signal transmission speed and other aspects.

Secondly, Huawei is still a communications company with the largest 5G orders. Even if it faces the suppression of the US government.

Third, Huawei has the most 5G patents. All mobile phone enterprises selling any 5G mobile phone must pay patent fees to Huawei.

Fourth, Huawei now has the largest number of 6G patents and is undoubtedly the leader of 6G.

Fifth, Huawei sells well in China. They have little stock. The only restriction on Huawei's sales is the number of chips they can obtain.
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Also, what does Xiamoi India have to do with moving to Pakistan? Xiaomi India is a company of the root Chinese organization based in India. It has nothing to do with Pakistan. Xiaomi would need to create a separate entity for Pakistan.

As above, Xiaomi India has nothing to do with Pakistan. That's a sub-organization of Xiaomi based in India.
You are jerking yourself off on fake news from a twitter account based in Pakistan
That's pretty low
Xiaomi india is a subsidary of the Chinese Xiaomi which itself is a subsidiary of bbk electronics these orders or tweets come from the top level as does everything that Xiaomi india does in India
Every tweet or decision is made by bbk your tweets mean nothing if the company has denied it

Also you can ask yourself this question why does xiaomi Pakistan not exist ?
I think these product boycotts are retarded, the govt. should absolutely not get into this sort of petty business. There are other more significant areas of international relations where we could let our displeasure be known and inconvenience them if that is what must be done.

I have no problem at all using made in China stuff, not like we have a choice anyway.. everything from all sorts of electronics to just about any other consumer good, toys.. you name it, is mostly made in China. We should learn from how they got to be such a manufacturing behemoth.

Be a shame if Xiaomi left, these phones are also exported the world over and provide low end (mostly) employment to low skill people where lives have been made better. Much better that sweatshops in that sense.

Same wrt to Pakistan, stuff doesn't have to be all in bans or hate, pragmatism is good.
I think these product boycotts are retarded, the govt. should absolutely not get into this sort of petty business. There are other more significant areas of international relations where we could let our displeasure be known and inconvenience them if that is what must be done.

I have no problem at all using made in China stuff, not like we have a choice anyway.. everything from all sorts of electronics to just about any other consumer good, toys.. you name it, is mostly made in China. We should learn from how they got to be such a manufacturing behemoth.

Be a shame if Xiaomi left, these phones are also exported the world over and provide low end (mostly) employment to low skill people where lives have been made better. Much better that sweatshops in that sense.

Same wrt to Pakistan, stuff doesn't have to be all in bans or hate, pragmatism is good.
They stole from GOI you can notice how one Indian (Chinese Han ) writting on VPN is supporting these thieves
I have no problem with them as long as they follow the rules of the land of they can fk off
The guy spend 5 hrs writting a comment to show his allegiance to his master's in China

Also you can ask yourself this question why does xiaomi Pakistan not exist ?
Bad business environment there, same reason they lag so far behind in industry (autos particularly) to India and even BD, who, to their credit have stepped up their game from just "gramaments" :sarcastic: to electronics and others.

China has cannibalized local industry in Pak, their planners have played it bad, or got played.. IN is doing well, BD is fast catching up.

They stole from GOI you can notice how one Indian (Chinese Han ) writting on VPN is supporting these thieves
I have no problem with them as long as they follow the rules of the land of they can fk off
The guy spend 5 hrs writting a comment to show his allegiance to his master's in China the disgusting rat
Tbph, I don't know the details of it.. some punitive penalties should then be applied acc. to the laws of our land, but to wholesale "get out ho jao" is a bit much.

Na apnay paer pe kulhadi maaro, na unko "sar tan se juda" .. these are extreme measures.. pragmatism, bitches.. we need to figure out how to work in a most imperfect and messed up world. Nationalism, while not bad in itself, ki limit hoti hai.. uskay aagey chewtiapa hai.. business karo, paisey kamao, rozgaari dilao logon ko.. economic war, hot war.. all this is BS.
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Bad business environment there, same reason they lag so far behind in industry (autos particularly) to India and even BD, who, to their credit have stepped up their game from just "gramaments" :sarcastic: to electronics and others.

China has cannibalized local industry in Pak, their planners have played it bad, or got played.. IN is doing well, BD is fast catching up.

Tbph, I don't know the details of it.. some punitive penalties should then be applied acc. to the laws of our land, but to wholesale "get out ho jao" is a bit much.

Na apnay paer pe kulhadi maaro, na unko "sar tan se juda" .. these are extreme measures.. pragmatism, bitches.. we need to figure out how to work in a most imperfect and messed up world. Nationalism, while not bad in itself, ki limit hoti hai.. uskay aagey chewtiapa hai.. business karo, paisey kamao, rozgaari dilao logon ko.. economic war, hot war.. all this is BS.
I don't discuss Indian economics on pdf i only counter fake news sorry
and yes.. ye Lieshangthem paen ka laura ek number ka g@ndu hai.. dunno where he from.. he's a pro troll.. good thing nobody pays any attention to him
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