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Algeria asks Turkey to lay off genocide talk with France

Today, Algeria's main opposition party Ennahda protested against the ruling goverment to support Turkey. They demanded the goverment to resign! While asking France to reconize Algerian genocide which they said was one of the worst persecutions and crimes against humanity ever comitted!!


Good news, Turkish soft power at work here. You can thank AKP's Dr. Davutoglu, genius FM.
I had to smirk when I read this. You are accusing Cirit for siding with Israel because he is expressing his dissatisfaction of some of the events that has occured. Really... is that the best argument you can come up with.

I am pretty sure Cirit was pissed off like everyone else, when Israel killed 8+½ turkish citizen on marmara. And his point on how the PM reacted against the french armenian issue, or the drilling isn't much off either, granted he could have been more diplomatic with how he expresses some things, but I guess he is just emotional at this point.

I think personally the PM and AKP has grown fond of using the military, police as an extension of their manliness. Granted I could be wrong, but why else are they barking so much without doing anything.

The Ambassador from France said it so well when he came back, something along the lines of, "turkey is part of WTO and EU customs union and as such we have to follow some rules and regulations, however if the consumer on the street or business owners do not want to sell or deal with french products then that is their right."

Then he should stop the fanatism. He mentions every event happening in AKP's governance as a negative event. What kind of fanatism is this?
Good news, Turkish soft power at work here. You can thank AKP's Dr. Davutoglu, genius FM.

If THE GENiUS FM were truly THAT smart he whould know that this current Algerian puppet goverment would side with the French in the first place, before even starting. So there is no need for me to thank him or any other, let our goverment/akp thank algerian main opposition ennahda party that would be more appropriate.
If THE GENiUS FM were truly THAT smart he whould know that this current Algerian puppet goverment would side with the French in the first place, before even starting. So there is no need for me to thank him or any other, let our goverment/akp thank algerian main opposition ennahda party that would be more appropriate.

Algerian's puppet government's view does not change historical fact. Why should we care them ?
As i said previously, out of pure experience i know discussing with indoctrinated people lead to pure curses and threats. That is why i won't discuss with you guys. It is not about winning or losing an argument, it is about how you try to distort facts and arguments. And by the way, saithan i see you jumped on the train of ignorance, have a nice trip ladies...

Zulky, shame on you give up insulting people, it might be hard for you but pls. little decency.

Who asks for this information? I am ignorant?, your post is what ignorance is. I was talking about the former PM's incompetence in the international arena. Not about the peace operation in Cyprus. True it happened in the time of Ecevit, but I am not referring to that, I am barely stating that Ecevit was not very influencial in the international arena. And if we are going to talk about the economy at his time, some people would be shocked, especially at the inflation rate.

Sure sure, Cyprus Peace Operation is not an International issiue and must not be considered as a success because it is not done during Mr.Erdogan's governance, as we all know for many pro-goverment people Turkish history starts with him.
I don't discuss economy with you cause you are not living in Turkey and all you know about Turkish economy is what you learn from pro-goverment propaganda leaflets, which you may name as Turkish Newspapers and maybe some "NGO"s which the rest of civilized world not name them as NGOs but people like you. LOL

Really how dumb are you. Now you are keeping a side with Israel on the aidflotilla issue. That is what I expected from your kind. You have to disagree with EVERYTHING the current government is doing, since you are a complete fanatic, and you will even say the economic growth is a bad thing because it gives people more money, due to your fanatism.
I invite you to be more open minded.

Here comes another fortune teller with his supernatural powers and claims that I side with Israil on Mavi Marmara massacre. I don't if you really wonder and not try to slander.
What I am criticizing( which might be an unknown concept, notion for you) why goverment stopped Turkish Parliamenters in last minute joining Mavi Marmara aid flotilla, and let the others go to their death UNPROTECTED??? Secret-agenda?? I have right to be suspicious,and every society needs a devil's advocate, not only obeying sheeps.
Ps. Pls. do not call others dumb, you remind me Zulky with this impolite attitude, or are you the same ? LOL

Then he should stop the fanatism. He mentions every event happening in AKP's governance as a negative event. What kind of fanatism is this?

No I am not a fanatic nor an advocate of any political pary, but what I understand from your anger regarding any idea that does not applause the goverment, you are a fanatic of Mr.Erdogan.
I am sure the Algerians disagree with their prime minster, which is not a surprise since he his government was not elected by the great Algerian people.

True. I can not imagine the elected leaders of Algeria selling out Algeria like this. Imagine if the elections in 1991 or 1992 had not been hijacked by the West (indirectly) through the secular sell outs. Secularism is a disease that must be erased from the history of the Muslim world for the Muslims to progress.
Zulky, shame on you give up insulting people, it might be hard for you but pls. little decency.

Sure sure, Cyprus Peace Operation is not an International issiue and must not be considered as a success because it is not done during Mr.Erdogan's governance, as we all know for many pro-goverment people Turkish history starts with him.
I don't discuss economy with you cause you are not living in Turkey and all you know about Turkish economy is what you learn from pro-goverment propaganda leaflets, which you may name as Turkish Newspapers and maybe some "NGO"s which the rest of civilized world not name them as NGOs but people like you. LOL

Here comes another fortune teller with his supernatural powers and claims that I side with Israil on Mavi Marmara massacre. I don't if you really wonder and not try to slander.
What I am criticizing( which might be an unknown concept, notion for you) why goverment stopped Turkish Parliamenters in last minute joining Mavi Marmara aid flotilla, and let the others go to their death UNPROTECTED??? Secret-agenda?? I have right to be suspicious,and every society needs a devil's advocate, not only obeying sheeps.
Ps. Pls. do not call others dumb, you remind me Zulky with this impolite attitude, or are you the same ? LOL

No I am not a fanatic nor an advocate of any political pary, but what I understand from your anger regarding any idea that does not applause the goverment, you are a fanatic of Mr.Erdogan.

To start with I am not Zulkarneyn, but he introduced me to this forum. I am his brother, if you may.
And please stop telling me or him, that we are the same person, I don't know how hard it is to comprehend that we are not the same person.

Sure Cyprus peace op was an international event, no doubt. But it was necesarry, and Ecevit (I congratulate him) did what was needed. I am not a fanatic like you, I can see right and wrong, and I will tell what it beneficial and not. Erdogan is a very succesful leader of Turkey, and he has been a big help in the growth of the Republic of Turkey. As every human makes mistakes, ofcourse I can't justify all of his wrong acts, since I am not his advocate. All I am stating here is that the Turkish government today (which you hate so much due to your fanatism) did plenty of things which you might comprehend in several years, both economical and political.
Well, if we could just stop calling each other "fanatics" and other less dandy words. Maybe we could focus on the reason of why the current PM of Algeria said what he said.

I mean there are already follow up articles on the matter, but we've been busy throwing muds at each other the last couple of days.

On a further note a prince of SA said that the difference between Turkey and Iran was that the motives of Turkey were clearer. Could this "Motive" be one reason why the Algerian PM spoke up against having the Genocide committed by France brought to daylight.

I think even the king of Algeria or President said the PM of turkey didn't interfere in domestic issue, but just reminded France of their own dirty past.

I read in Wiki that after the colonial period Algeria didn't really have any leaders capable of taking over the leadership because France has buthered litterally anyone capable of doing so during the 132 years rule.

I really wonder, How much did Sarkozy pay for this ***** ?? ahahaha

This ***** is leader of Algerians.... OMG !! What pity ?

I really wonder, How much did Sarkozy pay for this ***** ?? ahahaha

This ***** is leader of Algerians.... OMG !! What pity ?

the same way you guys accept dollars for missile defense system, the same are algerians doing, dont expect to have favours from other nation when you guys do no favours
the same way you guys accept dollars for missile defense system, the same are algerians doing, dont expect to have favours from other nation when you guys do no favours

This is the funniest thing that i have read for today ... ahahahaha
do you have anything else to say except hahaha??

I said many things but you are able to read only that ?? huuhhh ....:what:

Edit: Turkiye is a member of NATO. You admit or not it doesn't matter ... Dude why do you aggressive like this? Just bcz USA killed your soldiers under umbrella of NATO? What can we do if your gov. sold your blood for a few dollars ??
I love how all these akp supporters live abroad and talk about our domestic and foreign policy despite the fact they don't even live here..It's just hilarous..Most of em talk about how much turkey's economy is developed etc and yet majority of them work in germany,denmark,netherlands,france,belgium etc..They love their country so much(!) that they fled the country to make a living in europe lmao..Oh the irony...Too bad erdogan has cancer and soon gonna perish from the face of earth..Then we will see how long it will take akp to dissapear from pages the of history like anap did..
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