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Algeria asks Turkey to lay off genocide talk with France

I love how all these akp supporters live abroad and talk about our domestic and foreign policy despite the fact they don't even live here..It's just hilarous..Most of em talk about how much turkey's economy is developed etc and yet majority of them work in germany,denmark,netherlands,france,belgium etc..They love their country so much(!) that they fled the country to make a living in europe lmao..Oh the irony...Too bad erdogan has cancer and soon gonna perish from the face of earth..Then we will see how long it will take akp to dissapear from pages the of history like anap did..
wat erdogan has cancer????????what a coincidence all the leaders who standup for their nation and people some how endup getting cancer and i got examples like
Hugo Chavez of venezuela Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was diagnosed with the condition - or misdiagnosed, as it turned out.Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, 64, had treatment for lymphoma in 2009.
Her predecessor, Lula da Silva, 66, has been treated for throat cancer.
Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, 60, was diagnosed with lymphoma in August 2010 but is now in remission after chemotherapy.
wat erdogan has cancer????????what a coincidence all the leaders who standup for their nation and people some how endup getting cancer and i got examples like
Hugo Chavez of venezuela Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was diagnosed with the condition - or misdiagnosed, as it turned out.Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, 64, had treatment for lymphoma in 2009.
Her predecessor, Lula da Silva, 66, has been treated for throat cancer.
Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, 60, was diagnosed with lymphoma in August 2010 but is now in remission after chemotherapy.

and zardari gets cancer too hehehe
and zardari gets cancer too hehehe

When u lowlife get it, i will laugh too!

---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 PM ----------

Serefsiz oglu serefsiz'e bak neymis Dollar icin radari kurmusuz, sizemi soracaktik ic islerimizi kahpenin cocugu.. Bu gotverenler kendi ulkelerine bile dusman, cogu Iran'i destekliyor yazik.
I love how all these akp supporters live abroad and talk about our domestic and foreign policy despite the fact they don't even live here..It's just hilarous..Most of em talk about how much turkey's economy is developed etc and yet majority of them work in germany,denmark,netherlands,france,belgium etc..They love their country so much(!) that they fled the country to make a living in europe lmao..Oh the irony...Too bad erdogan has cancer and soon gonna perish from the face of earth..Then we will see how long it will take akp to dissapear from pages the of history like anap did..

I am sorry but Erdogan and AKP will probably stay in government for a long time to come. Majority of Turkish population is able to see the development unlike you. And don't believe in chit chats, he doesn't have cancer...
Let us recall the truly elected govt of Algeria was not allowed to come in because the French/West found this to be a potential threat to their hegemonic capitalist interest in oil rich Algeria. The current rulers are stooges of the French/West. Don't worry they will fall.
I am sorry but Erdogan and AKP will probably stay in government for a long time to come. Majority of Turkish population is able to see the development unlike you. And don't believe in chit chats, he doesn't have cancer...

nice dodging skills but yea he has cancer its not chit chat..Hows life in denmark btw ? lol
why would the Algerians do that?

---------- Post added at 12:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:15 AM ----------

wat erdogan has cancer????????what a coincidence all the leaders who standup for their nation and people some how endup getting cancer and i got examples like
Hugo Chavez of venezuela Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was diagnosed with the condition - or misdiagnosed, as it turned out.Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, 64, had treatment for lymphoma in 2009.
Her predecessor, Lula da Silva, 66, has been treated for throat cancer.
Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, 60, was diagnosed with lymphoma in August 2010 but is now in remission after chemotherapy.

he doesnt have cancer
The Algerian government probably did this cause they saw what France did to the governments of Libya and the Ivory Coast.
The doctor who has operated on him is a family member and I can clearly say he has cancer.Poor bastard is gonna die and die miserably.No matter what you say is not gonna change the fact that he has cancer.Mark my words he wont run for prime minister next term and probably gonna retire and when he dies I will be first in line to spit on his grave like the rest of millions in the country :)

not the most mature way to approach the subject, dostum.

doesnt matter if you have secular or religious leanings --- either way, dont disrespect the sick and/or dying.

sakin ol rica ederim

by the way is it malignant or benign form of cancer

---------- Post added at 12:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 AM ----------

Hoc a, naber? Alienoz here from facebook. :))


No wayyy vayyyyyyyyyyyy........iyiyiz sen napiyosun?

3 years later, you made it :)
not the most mature way to approach the subject, dostum.

doesnt matter if you have secular or religious leanings --- either way, dont disrespect the sick and/or dying.

sakin ol rica ederim

by the way is it malignant or benign form of cancer

---------- Post added at 12:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 AM ----------


No wayyy vayyyyyyyyyyyy........iyiyiz sen napiyosun?

3 years later, you made it :)

metastasis phase rings a bell ?
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