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Algeria asks Turkey to lay off genocide talk with France

Thanks to our new-invented "genious" zero problem foreign policy we miraculously achieved;
- To be enemys of both Syria and Israel at the same time,
- To have worst relations with Armenia and succeed to chill relations with Azerbaijan at the same time,
- To stop relations with EU,
- To have worst relations with both Germany and France at the same time,
- To watch in silence, spoiled baby Barzani the Kurd intervening every issue in Turkey and his collaboration with PKK.
- To watch Cypriot Greeks drill Mediterranean with our "Strategic Partner" USA's Energy companies.
- To be threatened to be attacked by Iran after 373 years,
- To let Russia target Turkish soil with Iskander missiles, etc etc

I thank God it is "Zero Problem Policy" what if it was a "One or Two problems" policy...


What, you wanted continously to be the asslicker nation? Today Turkey has strong international politics, and its very own rythm. Turkey has its own word, a strong word, in the international arena. Today, we do not have to agree with every western ideology or with their hypocritical thoughts. We won our own dignity once again.

What did we gain, by having a stronger national identity? We gained the Muslim world once again. I see you are defending Turkey in the Armenian "genocide" issue in other threads, but in here you name it as a problem, it seems hypocrasy has also been incepted in you.

And Iran is keeping a side with Turkey, as never before in Turkish history. Iran's threat is directed against USA not Turkey. As Zulkarneyn states, you have zero understanding about neither foreign nor domestic policy.

If you agree with Israel and France, why don't you go live there, it seems someone is being disturbing, when Turkey is back strongly on its own feet.
LMAO. You guys are getting insulted by France and it's puppet Algeria, and you're fighting among yourselves. You are making Turkish people look bad by doing this. Think about all the people that read this forum.

On Algeria- If they themselves have no shame, how can Turkey stand up for them?

Forget the official stance of the Algerian government. There has to be anti-French opposition organization in Algeria that would be happy to collaborate with the Turkish government and publicize the genocide that was committed.
Ohh mighty Zulky, now trying to nuke your opponents with "religion and ethnicity discrimination slander" ICBM.
Thanks noone is a crybaby here but you. It started to give me great pleasure see you desperate, keep going.
Seni gidi lolipop seni.

So it is not a reality that people got discrimated in universities and other certain areas before the AKP? I'm done with you guys. If you had any integrity you would defend the rights of the citizens and accept as grown-ups the fantastic developments my country is in at the moment. But denial and lies has become a part of your daily life. I don't hope you are university student, because if some Turkish University students can be as ignorant as you....

Edit: Cirit spamming the same sentences is a sign of desperation. You got your answers perfectly in post #24. All of your points were contradictory which has no basis at all.
In Pakistan we have a saying. It roughly means "Don't lick your spit, after you have spit it out". If the Euro-trash insulted you once, why would you even look back? Why do some of you guys still want to be a part of the EU? They are failing as it is, so why should Turkey which has a strong economy become the crutch of a handicapped Europe? I think Germany has already started to get sick of the failing states in Europe.
In Pakistan we have a saying. It roughly means "Don't lick your spit, after you have spit it out". If the Euro-trash insulted you once, why would you even look back? Why do some of you guys still want to be a part of the EU? They are failing as it is, so why should Turkey which has a strong economy become the crutch of a handicapped Europe? I think Germany has already started to get sick of the failing states in Europe.

Insha Ji utho ab kooch karo sung by Ustad Amanat Ali Khan sahib presented by Balwant Gurunay.wmv - YouTube

Dnt know why ... i just had to post this song... this kinda sums up the issues turks are facing...lol... instead of doing kooch some turks want to be a part of EU.

I love this ghazal by amanat ali!
What a bunch of rubbish you have written.

Where do you see any countries armed forces trying to deal with the Turkish armed forces? A simple question.
You want to make the military "a law unto itself"? Why don't we implement the North Korean model then? It seems their "i got nukes, shut up or i will bomb you" works. And we can isolate ourselves into our country and keep everything that is foreign outside. Oh the good ol' times eh?

Think rationally for one single second, people who knows 2+2 is 4 should also be able to understand that once you give the military total control of their sphere + the polical sphere, ultimate disaster is the final result.

Futhermore, i am totally amazed at how much your posts changes from one day to another. One day you all start insulting Sarcozy because of the Armenian issue, the next day you come here and write that we should keep our mouths shut. Be consistent with your arguments, if not you will lose credibility. The clown who said Turkey should keep quiet about the Algerian genocide is another matter. But you coming here and telling us that we are doing the wrong move by defending our national honor and telling france to clean their own porch before accusing us of genoccide, just don't make any sense.

Lastly, Turkey is not a super power like the US. We can't just freeze company assets and affect that country's economy. Why are we fragile? Thanks to our former "politicians" (maybe it is more accurate to call them pipes) who did nothing but constantly halted our countries developments for decades. I guess you people miss to see pictures like this:

To the unmannered person (he knows himself): i still ignore you, so stop writing to me ever again i can't take a guy seriously when he curses and threatens my whole family.

To cirit: read post #24, i don't want to repeat the obvious. I don't even want to comment on your post which is full of nonsense and silly arguments.

Edit: lastly i think it is low of some people in here who still thanks the unmannered persons (he knows himself) posts. I know most of you saw his extreme insults, curses and threats towards me and my family. If that is what kemalism teaches you, well i got no further words...

Zulk seems to have gone into overdrive or something.

Dude read my post again, and look at it as a speculation. I won't insult your mind or brain because I don't know how you came up with that I support giving the military free reigns...

I'm not like you Zulk, accepting everything Erdogan and AKP does as universally good (i wonder if you'll go berserk over this line too), I have my standpoints on topics and whilst I don't go on a rampage on the topics like a jihadist, it doesn't mean I don't feel it, but keeping it cool is what I'm trying to do. I am pretty sure that I didn't tell people to shut up the way you put it. You sure you didn't take it out of a context to suit your own purpose ?

Oh yeah I am not an AKP'ist, CHP'ist or Kemalist (you seem very fond of insulting the Kemalists, perhaps you get high on that), but I am a Turk.
Dnt know why ... i just had to post this song... this kinda sums up the issues turks are facing...lol... instead of doing kooch some turks want to be a part of EU.

I love this ghazal by amanat ali!

Zulkys slanders and hatefull comments about me reminded me this song.LOL
Please enjoy.

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Zulk seems to have gone into overdrive or something.

Dude read my post again, and look at it as a speculation. I won't insult your mind or brain because I don't know how you came up with that I support giving the military free reigns...

I'm not like you Zulk, accepting everything Erdogan and AKP does as universally good (i wonder if you'll go berserk over this line too), I have my standpoints on topics and whilst I don't go on a rampage on the topics like a jihadist, it doesn't mean I don't feel it, but keeping it cool is what I'm trying to do. I am pretty sure that I didn't tell people to shut up the way you put it. You sure you didn't take it out of a context to suit your own purpose ?

Oh yeah I am not an AKP'ist, CHP'ist or Kemalist (you seem very fond of insulting the Kemalists, perhaps you get high on that), but I am a Turk.

Look, firstly if you want to be taken seriously you should stop accusing me of
1: being brainwashed AKP follower. 2: anti-kemalist.

I have in several of my posts critisized a lot of AKP policies (for example being detained for 2-3 months without clear evidence) and Erdogan's hard rhetoric. But when some people come here and distort some very basic facts and truths, they are inviting sane minds to bring back the hard truths. Firstly, all of the people in this forum who were defendant of the former system (and a strong follower of Kemal) have used extremely heavy insults on me and my family (like threatening of rape and murder). I can give you their names (there are three of them which used almost similar curses and insults, two of them already got banned because of that). Does that not raise any kind of suspicions in your minds? For me it means, the kemalist indoctrination in Turkey has failed miserably. It has only indicted hatred, obviously, judging from the forumers i have met here and the comments on youtube.

Coming to your previous posts. Do you seriously think that removing the army from the political sphere is a wrong move? And how can you call the AKP government fools, when they just voice the people's thoughts about the French issue and Israeli issue? As i said, it is not even consistent with your other posts in this very forum.

To cirit: You have proven yourself as a childish, unmannered person. So you are completely ignored from this point.

Edit: there is absolutely no point in changing the perceptions of indocrtinated people. Hence, i'm done discussing with you guys.
that was pre-posterous on turkey's part talking about another sovereign country....they can quarrel all they want with france...but bringing in another sovereign country into the matter is another thing....looks like turkey wants to take over as the leader of the islamic world..but other islamic countries are not willing to accpet that...

erdogan , i thought was a good leader...but now it is becoming clear he is just emotional and not pragmatic...

we dont want to "take over as the leader of the Islamic world", who says that.

remember this is Algerian government, not the people we are talking about here. go ask the relatives of those who suffered during French colonial time and ask them what the French did. they purposely massacred Algerians for their own gaining. go look at their colonial past, and look at ours. we didnt colonize to steal resources. we wanted to spread our religion, we always wanted to give the enemy a chance to surrender and let us take it peacefully. all religions and people (especially Armenians) enjoyed their life in the Ottoman empire. why did Jews and Christians flew from France to settle down to Ottoman lands?

you probably dont know, but France was going to loose a war and get colonised and they asked us (Turks) for help. we did, for what? so midget sarkozy could have his "armenian genocide" bill passed.

dont come here and talk about "sovereignity" and stuff like that. Algerian government dont want to loose France. because of economical reasons. when Algeria was a part of the Ottoman empire no one was murdered/slaughtered/genocided. they had everything they wanted for that time.
First Pay some respect when you talk about the nation just try to behave yourself.

And applying your logic we just turned todoublefaced hypocrit nation, accepting missile defence from Nato and then claiming its not against Iran IS hypocricy.

It is words out of experience and reality. How good was Turkey's international politics before the AKP government? How competent was Ecevit in the international arena?
We always had to be the one who agreed in all the western policy.
I am quite surprised to see that Algerians (don't know if they came out in significant numbers or not) protesting against Turkey taking up the Algerian 'genocide' cause. My reaction to Erdogan paying back France by bringing up the Algerian genocide in retaliation was that Erdogan need not have done that and that the Turkish leadership is very quick to respond in aggressive ways.
But what did the Algerians had to lose by Turkey taking up their cause--even if because of political expediency by the Turks?
I am quite surprised to see that Algerians (don't know if they came out in significant numbers or not) protesting against Turkey taking up the Algerian 'genocide' cause. My reaction to Erdogan paying back France by bringing up the Algerian genocide in retaliation was that Erdogan need not have done that and that the Turkish leadership is very quick to respond in aggressive ways.
But what did the Algerians had to lose by Turkey taking up their cause--even if because of political expediency by the Turks?

correction, NOT Algerians. Algerian government in other words French butt lickers. their economy is heavily dependent on France. if they piss of sarkozy they might get a little sanction on them. :tup: long live the beautifull Europes most democratic Republic... France. everyone can speak their mind and go to jail :tup:
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