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Alcohol should be as easy available as Pepsi/Coke: Sindh MPA

Would you like to compare the social and cultural problems existing in your country and mine? Your country never banned alcohol like the States. How are your surroundings treating you?

this arguement of yours is very misleading in your advantage you know, dont tell me that his country is not facing some social problems with regards to drinking, do they??
Alcohol destroys, doctors and scientists know that. The only reason it's even legal in western countries is because it's part of a long tradition dating back centuries and even millennia, before alcohol was even discovered to be harmful to health. They can't suddenly ban alcohol, not to mention the massive profits their economies make because of it.
Us, Muslims, on the other hand, neither have alcohol as part of our cultures and neither do most of our economies rely on it for profits.

Whether it was meant to be an Islamic Republic or not matters very little. The fact is that today Pak is an Islamic Republic.
And yes, no compulsion in Islam, hence why I said: If you're already an alcoholic then good for you; go do your pleasures in a dark corner somewhere and don't drag us all into it.

Also, if you hate "Mullahs" so much, I suggest you leave Islam? I'm sure you know, but even the Prophet was a "Mullah".

it matters a heck lot to those millions who were duped into risking their lives and travelling hundreds of miles to live in pak. it matters cuz millions died in trying to do so in the name of a country that was supposed to be free and secular and a great place to live for all religions.

my religion is not hostage to what any Mullah says or deems fit or what u say or deem fit. the Prophet (PBUH) never used compulsion in religion or labelled anyone a kafir as u are doing and ur fake mullahs do. u are no better than those Mullah's who abuse their power and release a fatwa every 2 seconds on pple. u are a nobody to exile me from Islam. my religion is between me and Allah. so go back to ur madrassa and continue learning how to denounce people from Islam:enjoy:
Apparently only 4 "Muslim" countries have banned alcohol: Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia. In all the rest of the Muslim countries, alcohol is legal. Plus alcohol was legal in Pakistan before the 70's, people should be able to make their own decisions.

ok, people should alsomake their own decisions on drug usage, like merijuana, cocaine, but it is banned in US isnt it?? why the hellUS cares if their citizens are willing to kill themselves using drugs, they are not harming others, but guys get bad police records if it involves drugs etc

we should not only ban drinking but smoking, because smoking kills, science has shown it and you cant disagree
@DRaisinHerald i can see how strong ur faith is too buddy. as u believe that if alcohol is legalized u will be "dragged" into it. :disagree: i wonder how u manage in the UK :eek:
I agree with what Dev said earlier. I was talking to a Health expert in the UK and he was telling me that it is tolerated because it has deep roots now in western culture. However he told me that if it was a new product it is doubtful it would be allowed.

So if we can manage without it brilliant why should we encourage it.
So, when you buy alcohol in a shop in Pakistan, how would the seller know if the buyer is a Muslim or a non-Muslim?
ok, people should alsomake their own decisions on drug usage, like merijuana, cocaine, but it is banned in US isnt it?? why the hellUS cares if their citizens are willing to kill themselves using drugs, they are not harming others, but guys get bad police records if it involves drugs etc

we should not only ban drinking but smoking, because smoking kills, science has shown it and you cant disagree

How many trafficking cases have you heard that are caused by alcohol? Drugs' damage is much much more intense than alcohol's in any form. In fact, it has been medically proven that while controlled alcohol is actually good for health, drugs in any regular form is harmful.

So, when you buy alcohol in a shop in Pakistan, how would the seller know if the buyer is a Muslim or a non-Muslim?

I think alcohol is available on a need-it-get-it basis there since it won't be openly sold except in expensive hotels and hi-fi clubs.
labelled anyone a kafir as u are doing and ur fake mullahs do. u are no better than those Mullah's who abuse their power and release a fatwa every 2 seconds on pple. u are a nobody to exile me from Islam. so go back to ur madrassa and continue learning how to denounce people from Islam

Did I ever say your a Kafir? Show me one post I typed which denounces you as a Kafir. I dare you.

As for "exiling" you from Islam, I'm no body to do that, but your taking the piss and ignorantly gunning down "Mullahs" when in essence you don't even know what a Mullah is. You're basically taking the piss out of people that study Islam and become Alims ("Mullahs") and the Prophet, which causes me to think you despise being a Muslim in the first place.

I never went to a Madrassa, don't ignorantly assume anyone that stands up for Islamic values must be educated in a "Madrassa", it just goes to show how desperate you must be to make straw man arguments.
As for "exiling" you from Islam, I'm no body to do that, but your taking the piss and ignorantly gunning down "Mullahs" when in essence you don't even know what a Mullah is. You're basically taking the piss out of people that study Islam.

And what is wrong with that? People who actually have read the Quran with an open mind instead of rote-memorizing it know that it's the modern day pedophile "mullahs" that are taking the piss out of Islam. Don't compare the close minded, child raping "mullahs" of today to the actual Scholars and Imams of the golden age. It's like comparing gold to a decaying pile of cow dung in the middle of a road in lahore saddar.
So, when you buy alcohol in a shop in Pakistan, how would the seller know if the buyer is a Muslim or a non-Muslim?
1- Since the society is different shades of tribal, historic communities have been inhabiting the same towns for centuries, and tribes/communities are usually one religion. These shops are more often located in Hindu neighbourhoods (or Catholic ones in the Panjab), so chances are the guy buying is from the community. Probabilities game.

2- The vendor wouldn't care! He'd rather care about his profits.

3- If he does care, he might verbally ask you, and refuse to sell.
Did I ever say your a Kafir? Show me one post I typed which denounces you as a Kafir. I dare you.

As for "exiling" you from Islam, I'm no body to do that, but your taking the piss and ignorantly gunning down "Mullahs" when in essence you don't even know what a Mullah is. You're basically taking the piss out of people that study Islam and become Alims ("Mullahs") and the Prophet, which causes me to think you despise being a Muslim in the first place.

oh u didnt imply I am a kafir? why else would u suggest that i leave Islam!? even the Prophet (PBUH) would not do such a thing so how can u or a Mullah say that. as for me despising being a Muslim? No, but i despise Muslims like u who think that their version of the religion are right and anyone else should "leave islam" and that Mullah's are perfect beings and don't do or say anything wrong.

when did i say anything about our beloved Prophet (PBUH). that is one serious allegation buddy. and i really question ur faith if u are going around speaking this way about my faith. the Prophet (PBUH) never asked anyone to leave Islam. he was a teacher or Islam and a guide to the path of Islam. He was not 1 to point fingers, judge or ask people to leave Islam. That's the religion i follow. not your version or a Mullah's teachings. do not u dare compare the modern day Mullah's to the Prophet (PBUH) He is in a completely differently space, a pure space. it is disgusting that u wud do that.
it matters a heck lot to those millions who were duped into risking their lives and travelling hundreds of miles to live in pak. it matters cuz millions died in trying to do so in the name of a country that was supposed to be free and secular and a great place to live for all religions.

my religion is not hostage to what any Mullah says or deems fit or what u say or deem fit. the Prophet (PBUH) never used compulsion in religion or labelled anyone a kafir as u are doing and ur fake mullahs do. u are no better than those Mullah's who abuse their power and release a fatwa every 2 seconds on pple. u are a nobody to exile me from Islam. my religion is between me and Allah. so go back to ur madrassa and continue learning how to denounce people from Islam:enjoy:

millions risked their lives to live under a country supreme for their islamic values,india was gonna be a secular state, so why leave india in the first place??

because their life style was threatened by the extemists of the other religion
^ You're derailing the thread by coming at me with personal attacks.

"do not u dare compare the modern day Mullah's to the Prophet (PBUH)": Are you blind, ignorant or just retareded? Did I compare the Prophet to Mullahs? I said the Prophet Himself Was a MULLAH. MULLAH: Someone who studies Islam and preaches it.
are some of you guys living under a rock or something ?
Alcohol is actually allowed in Pakistan it's simple restricted in the sense it's supposed to be only for non-muslims and it's not advertised or sold in shops but you can find it in hotels and cafes not to mention that i'm sure you must know Pakistan even has it's own famous Murree brewery company which is actually very profitable and sells all over country .Actually Pakistan is one of the very few Muslim countries to have it's own brewery.

oh and just for the record I don't drink nor have I ever drunk alcohol in my life .It's a personal choice but gosh some of you are really naive just coz the title of "islamic" is there doesn't mean everyone is a practising Muslim .As i said I'm not into drinking but it's up to the individual whether they choose to drink as long as they stay in their limits I don't really care.
I think there should be a democratic referendum on this matter, let the people's will be forced.
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