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Alcohol should be as easy available as Pepsi/Coke: Sindh MPA

Things like Guns, things that probably kill 100's of people on Karachi on weekly basis alone, are so freely available that you can get them just easily as you can get food is still legal. Cigarettes/Tabacco which lead to lung cancer and other diseases are legal. if you want to ban harmful things then don't be selective about it
I agree with you 100% some of us on the forum have been saying that same stuff for years but they don't accept the truth or that some people just aren't that religious they're too indoctrinated to toe the line of the mullah parties they will just call you indian/traitor/liberal/secular/anti-islamic etc be prepared :P

This is from another forum and gives a good answer to what Muhammad Ali Jinnah thought about Pakistan (Thanks to Usman Khalid):

I think Quaid was not secular and never used such word for Pakistan. It is quite clear from his following statement that he wanted a democratic Islamic state:

“What is that relation which has made Muslim a single body? What is that rock on which the structure of Muslim Nation is restored? What is that base which has secured the safety of the boat of this Muslim Nation? That relation, rock and base is the Holy Quran.”

“Our guide is Islam and this, is the complete code of our life. We neither need any red or yellow flag nor do we need any Socialism, Communism, Nationalism or any other ism”

“We did not demand Pakistan just to own a piece of land but we infact wanted to have a Laboratory for experimenting the true teachings of Islam.”

Pakistan existed from centuries. North West remained a homeland of Muslims. Independent states of Muslims should be established in these areas so that they might live according to the teachings of Islam.”

“Their mission is the establishment of a state where they could live like free people in their own socio-cultural set up necessary for the promotion of social justice and Islamic ideology.”

“Pakistani constitution is yet to be made but I can say for sure that it would be of democratic type and would consist of the basic principles of Islam. These principles can be implemented on our practical life as they were 1300 years ago.”
Things like Guns, things that probably kill 100's of people on Karachi on weekly basis alone, are so freely available that you can get them just easily as you can get food is still legal. Cigarettes/Tabacco which lead to lung cancer and other diseases are legal. if you want to ban harmful things then don't be selective about it
I hear you........ but, two wrongs don't make right.
Just because few ill's exist in society, doesn't mean that we introduce further more, under the pretext that ''since we can't eradicate other social woes, so lets focus on bringing in some new''
I hear you........ but, two wrongs don't make right.
Just because few ill's exist in society, doesn't mean that we introduce further more, under the pretext that ''since we can't eradicate other social woes, so lets focus on bringing in some new''
. The thing is that drinking alcohol is nothing new. It's actually pretty common and not that hard to obtain in Pakistan.
i can picture mullah mobs going around the country and destroying shops
i can picture mullah mobs going around the country and destroying shops

What's you peoples feud with Mullahs? Is that all you guys can come up with when things don't go your way? Mullah thing, Mullah that :hitwall:
I agree with you 100% some of us on the forum have been saying that same stuff for years but they don't accept the truth or that some people just aren't that religious they're too indoctrinated to toe the line of the mullah parties they will just call you indian/traitor/liberal/secular/anti-islamic etc be prepared :P

lol i realized this when i was advised by 1 of the posters to leave Islam :no: i guess people who speak the truth are always in the minority
lol i realized this when i was advised by 1 of the posters to leave Islam :no: i guess people who speak the truth are always in the minority

Also, if you hate "Mullahs" so much, I suggest you leave Islam? I'm sure you know, but even the Prophet was a "Mullah". You hating on "Mullahs" just goes to show your ignorance, nothing else.

^ I posted that because your constant bashing on "Mullahs". "Mullahs" are everywhere, the Prophet Himself was a "Mullah", all the prophets before him were "Mullahs", all the Sahaba were "Mullahs", and the grand Sheikhs and Alims afterwards where "Mullahs"....so if you hate on "Mullahs", aren't you indirectly hating on Islam itself (the Prophet nonetheless?).
And I'm the villain now?
Alcohol should be as easily available as Pepsi or Coke: Sindh MPA

By Saba Imtiaz
Published: March 21, 2012

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) MPA Saleem Khursheed Khokhar has suggested that alcohol should be as easily available as Pepsi or Coke. :yahoo:

KARACHI: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) MPA Saleem Khursheed Khokhar has suggested that alcohol should be as easily available as Pepsi or Coke, in order to stop reinforcing that it is only for minority faith members to consume.

Khokhar, who is also the chairman of the Standing Committee on Minority Affairs, brought up the idea as the Excise and Taxation Minister Mukesh Chawla was answering questions in the Sindh Assembly on Wednesday.

While another MPA, Anwar Khan Mahar, had clarified that alcohol was not allowed in minority faiths either, the minster told the assembly that according to the 1979 Act regarding the sale of alcohol, only non-Muslims were allowed to sell or consume alcohol. :confused:

Khokhar’s point was that reinforcing that non-Muslims drink alcohol created further divisions and it should just be made open for all.

Link please.....:lazy:
Alcohol should be freely available in Rawalpindi, so that we can get it from Registered company or from registered store. Visky is not freely available but distributors who sell it, They do charge double cost from original unit.:smokin:
Also, if you hate "Mullahs" so much, I suggest you leave Islam? I'm sure you know, but even the Prophet was a "Mullah". You hating on "Mullahs" just goes to show your ignorance, nothing else.

^ I posted that because your constant bashing on "Mullahs". "Mullahs" are everywhere, the Prophet Himself was a "Mullah", all the prophets before him were "Mullahs", all the Sahaba were "Mullahs", and the grand Sheikhs and Alims afterwards where "Mullahs"....so if you hate on "Mullahs", aren't you indirectly hating on Islam itself (the Prophet nonetheless?).
And I'm the villain now?

go look up the definition of Mullah "male, religious teacher or leader". By this definition anyone can be a Mullah. anyone can teach religion including an individual of questionable character who touches kids in a madrassa while teaching Islam. Anyone can be a Mullah but no one can be the Prophet (PBUH). modern-day Mullah and our beloved Prophet (PBUH) are nowhere near the same thing.

a Mullah can also be rapist, a pervert, a bad person. Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) CANNOT. Hence they are NOT the same thing. and me bashing Mullahs does NOT in any sense conclude that i am hating on the Prophet (PBUH) or Islam. again u have slapped a serious allegation of blasphemy on me, which is disgusting. I love the Prophet (PBUH) but not these Mullahs who hide under this veil of Islam and continue to commit disgusting acts. i for 1 will continue to be critical of them. and u can choose to follow them blindly if u wish.
i for 1 will continue to be critical of them. and u can choose to follow them blindly if u wish.

Neither am I religious and neither do I follow any Mullah. I am simly protecting them because they are religious scholars, and by definition that would categorise the Prophet as a "Mullah" aswell, even if the Prophet is incomparable.
Do make sure next time to make it clear who your bashing :tup:
Guinness with some Saag Paneer, Yum.

On topic - it is available to the people who want to drink it, it should not be freely available as it is a DRUG and when abused be quite harmful. Nuff Said.

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