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Alcohol should be as easy available as Pepsi/Coke: Sindh MPA

How many trafficking cases have you heard that are caused by alcohol? Drugs' damage is much much more intense than alcohol's in any form. In fact, it has been medically proven that while controlled alcohol is actually good for health, drugs in any regular form is harmful.

medically all kinds of alcohol is bad for health medically, medically even smoking has its advantages, but its usually bad for health, there are people in the west who live long because of their zero alcohol intake, and who avoid take it their whole life

are some of you guys living under a rock or something ?
Alcohol is actually allowed in Pakistan it's simple restricted in the sense it's supposed to be only for non-muslims and it's not advertised or sold in shops but you can find it in hotels and cafes not to mention that i'm sure you must know Pakistan even has it's own famous Murree brewery company which is actually very profitable and sells all over country .Actually Pakistan is one of the very few Muslim countries to have it's own brewery.

oh and just for the record I don't drink nor have I ever drunk alcohol in my life .It's a personal choice but gosh some of you are really naive just coz the title of "islamic" is there doesn't mean everyone is a practising Muslim .As i said I'm not into drinking but it's up to the individual whether they choose to drink as long as they stay in their limits I don't really care.

you chose not to drink, because your family doesnt drink or is strict about it, same goes for the society
millions risked their lives to live under a country supreme for their islamic values,india was gonna be a secular state, so why leave india in the first place??

because their life style was threatened by the extemists of the other religion

please get this straight. pakistan was not created in the name of islam it was a secular state for Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. the Muslim clergy at the time was against the creation of Pakistan for this very reason. Jinnah did not anticipate that the non-Muslim minorities would leave for India nor did he want them to. Pak was created so that Muslims would be able to have political power in this new state which they would have never enjoyed in Hindu majority India-according to Jinnah...Hindus and Sikhs however were not meant to be excluded from politics however. Jinnah was clear that Pakistan was a secular state and religion was not to be mixed with politics. Pakistan did not become an "islamic republic" until years after its creation. nor was alcohol banned for a long period. the "Islamization" of the state came with Zia-ul-Haq's regime. please revisit history.
you chose not to drink, because your family doesnt drink or is strict about it, same goes for the society

That's how it is for most of us. And lucky that is, don't you agree. It's no longer a matter of religion, even non-Muslims (doctors and scientists) agree alcohol damages.
If we were given a free choice, many would not drink, but I do fear a large part of Pakistan's society will become Alcoholic within the next 3 decades. Desperate people is what our awam is, believe it or not.
I say allow alcohol and ban pepsi and coke, no good ever came of that sugary poison even kids drink like water!
please get this straight. pakistan was not created in the name of islam it was a secular state for Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. the Muslim clergy at the time was against the creation of Pakistan for this very reason. Jinnah did not anticipate that the non-Muslim minorities would leave for India nor did he want them to. Pak was created so that Muslims would be able to have political power in this new state which they would have never enjoyed in Hindu majority India-according to Jinnah...Hindus and Sikhs however were not meant to be excluded from politics however. Jinnah was clear that Pakistan was a secular state and religion was not to be mixed with politics. Pakistan did not become an "islamic republic" until years after its creation. nor was alcohol banned for a long period. the "Islamization" of the state came with Zia-ul-Haq's regime. please revisit history.

Suggest you open a new thread to discuss it, this is about "alcohol". Please don't derail the thread further :coffee:
please get this straight. pakistan was not created in the name of islam it was a secular state for Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. the Muslim clergy at the time was against the creation of Pakistan for this very reason. Jinnah did not anticipate that the non-Muslim minorities would leave for India nor did he want them to. Pak was created so that Muslims would be able to have political power in this new state which they would have never enjoyed in Hindu majority India-according to Jinnah...Hindus and Sikhs however were not meant to be excluded from politics however. Jinnah was clear that Pakistan was a secular state and religion was not to be mixed with politics. Pakistan did not become an "islamic republic" until years after its creation. nor was alcohol banned for a long period. the "Islamization" of the state came with Zia-ul-Haq's regime. please revisit history.

jinnah didnt mean to create any ideological state, it was for the muslims to decide, he meant to create a state for the muslims, muslim clergy was not against it, only abdul kalam azad and few others were against it just because they thought the other way didnt mean they were opposed to jinnah or as such thing, they had their reservations true to be in some cases, like how ethnicity has played the card in pakistan till now, and how feudalism has dominated our history
Why does Pakistan allow the sale of cigarettes to minors? Pakistan should focus on that, and punish those who sell fags to minors. It's a wide spread issue from my understanding. As for alcohol it should be left up to a democratic referendum in the next elections at the provincial level.

Therefore, provinces can decide whether they wish to approve alcohol or not for their constituents.
Suggest you open a new thread to discuss it, this is about "alcohol". Please don't derail the thread further :coffee:

lol for someone who brought islam and personal attacks into this you're the last person to say this. i'm clarifying someone's comments on my post. this has nothing to do with u. relax with the fatwas.
lol for someone who brought islam and personal attacks into this you're the last person to say this. i'm clarifying someone's comments on my post. this has nothing to do with u. relax with the fatwas.

Islam has everything to do with Alcohol in Pakistan. The creation of Pakistan, Jinnah and whether Zia-ul-Haq was a good guy or a villan doesn't
please get this straight. pakistan was not created in the name of islam it was a secular state for Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. the Muslim clergy at the time was against the creation of Pakistan for this very reason. Jinnah did not anticipate that the non-Muslim minorities would leave for India nor did he want them to. Pak was created so that Muslims would be able to have political power in this new state which they would have never enjoyed in Hindu majority India-according to Jinnah...Hindus and Sikhs however were not meant to be excluded from politics however. Jinnah was clear that Pakistan was a secular state and religion was not to be mixed with politics. Pakistan did not become an "islamic republic" until years after its creation. nor was alcohol banned for a long period. the "Islamization" of the state came with Zia-ul-Haq's regime. please revisit history.

I agree with you 100% some of us on the forum have been saying that same stuff for years but they don't accept the truth or that some people just aren't that religious they're too indoctrinated to toe the line of the mullah parties they will just call you indian/traitor/liberal/secular/anti-islamic etc be prepared :P
The word that is used in Quran is 'Khimr' which means intoxication. So, ALL intoxicants are prohibited in Islam; not just Alcohol. It is also mentioned in Quran that intoxicants (Khimr) have certain benefits but the harm that they cause far outweigh the benefits.

“O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, idolatory and the divining of arrows are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful. Satan seeks only to cast amongst you enmity and hatred by means of strong drink and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God and from his worship. Will you then not abstain?” (Quran 5:90-91)

Truly, alcohol is the mother of all evil. (Prophet Muhammad PBUH).
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