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Alcohol should be as easy available as Pepsi/Coke: Sindh MPA

Alcohol causes more social problems and is a bigger drain on the health system and economy than tobacco. Many countries are stuck with this curse because of cultural and historical roots. We do not need to popularize this evil in Pakistan.

Billions of people manage to "have a good time" without needing alcohol; people who need the crutch of alcohol to have fun need to improve their personality instead.

Would you like to compare the social and cultural problems existing in your country and mine? Your country never banned alcohol like the States. How are your surroundings treating you?
Well PPP is a party of drunk landlords so this is expected.

Well its not just PPP. A lot of people are going towards that. I heard you can get alcohol in cafes and restaurants in Pakistan.... They put it in a mug rather than in a usual wine glass. Things have really changed now.

On the other hand, we have people who are religious extremists and on the other hand, we have people who are highly Western influenced. I don't know what to do with our people now.... I guess Chitrol is the only way to solve solutions!
Apparently only 4 "Muslim" countries have banned alcohol: Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia. In all the rest of the Muslim countries, alcohol is legal. Plus alcohol was legal in Pakistan before the 70's, people should be able to make their own decisions.
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Prostitute should be as easy available as Wife/Girlfriend: Sindh MPA
Our crime rate is WAY WAY HIGHER THAN any country in the west , heck we cant compare ours with shyt eastern European countries lol

and alcohol wont help in any way...Crime rate will go even higher if Alcohol is freely available.
i second it...in societies with prohibition people still drink alcohol underground (saudi/pakistan) might as well make it legal it will be profitable.

Is it really that pointless arguing with you lot? Which part of "Islamic" Republic do you guys not get? Which part of Alcohol is "haram" do you guys not get? If you're already an alcoholic, don't drag us all into it, go do you dirty pleasures into a little dark corner somewhere in Pak.
Is it really that pointless arguing with you lot? Which part of "Islamic" Republic do you guys not get? Which part of Alcohol is "haram" do you guys not get? If you're already an alcoholic, don't drag us all into it, go do you dirty pleasures into a little dark corner somewhere in Pak.

go read ur history. were u educated in a madrassa? pakistan was never meant to an "islamic" republic. where was the name when it was founded? in fact the Mullah's were against the creation of pakistan and deemed Jinnah a "kafir". It's not our fault that the country was hi-jacked by mullah-rule...as 1 of the users pointed out. alcohol was legal before the 70s. and as goody-goody as u wanna sound. u and i both know that alcohol and drugs can EASILY be found in every nook and cranny of country. don't give me a religious sermon. i already kno what is "haraam" and not. and if someone still wants to indulge then it's their personal choice...there is no compulsion in Islam.
4 bloody pages on this news and no troll.... :butcher:
hint : why didnt anyone say He is on RAW`s payroll ;) anyway
Glenfiddich for all the desi lads on this forum is on ME ,.. c a all at the wagah border.. coming weekend ;)
and alcohol wont help in any way...Crime rate will go even higher if Alcohol is freely available.

Alcohol destroys, doctors and scientists know that. The only reason it's even legal in western countries is because it's part of a long tradition dating back centuries and even millennia, before alcohol was even discovered to be harmful to health. They can't suddenly ban alcohol, not to mention the massive profits their economies make because of it.
Us, Muslims, on the other hand, neither have alcohol as part of our cultures and neither do most of our economies rely on it for profits.

go read ur history. were u educated in a madrassa? pakistan was never meant to an "islamic" republic. where was the name when it was founded? in fact the Mullah's were against the creation of pakistan and deemed Jinnah a "kafir". It's not our fault that the country was hi-jacked by mullah-rule...as 1 of the users pointed out. alcohol was legal before the 70s. and as goody-goody as u wanna sound. u and i both know that alcohol and drugs can EASILY be found in every nook and cranny of country. don't give me a religious sermon. i already kno what is "haraam" and not. and if someone still wants to indulge then it's their personal choice...there is no compulsion in Islam.

Whether it was meant to be an Islamic Republic or not matters very little. The fact is that today Pak is an Islamic Republic.
And yes, no compulsion in Islam, hence why I said: If you're already an alcoholic then good for you; go do your pleasures in a dark corner somewhere and don't drag us all into it.

Also, if you hate "Mullahs" so much, I suggest you leave Islam? I'm sure you know, but even the Prophet was a "Mullah". You hating on "Mullahs" just goes to show your ignorance, nothing else.
How stupid is this. I don't want to encourage drinking alcohol but on every occasion I have been to Pakistan I have seen it freely available.
How stupid is this. I don't want to encourage drinking alcohol but on every occasion I have been to Pakistan I have seen it freely available.

It is rather easily available, thus people already have the choice to drink it or not. However to legalise and make it even easier to access is, as one of the members here said, akin to inviting the Devil to dance with you.
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