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Alcohol should be as easy available as Pepsi/Coke: Sindh MPA

Survivor, we would have discussed this topic in association with Islamic terms which would be really strong, but apparantly some people have secular views and you've got to convey the message to them in socio-health terms.
legalize prostitution and gambling bhai jab sharab bhi hai tu shabab aur jowa bhi hojaye .;........ and these guys are supposed to make laws and development projects oh boy no wonder everything is gone to hell

well I have smoked the weed / hash or churs whatever you call it
just like a Sindhi cant live without bhung
we need our weed to keep going and duill our senses to survive the 5 year yapping of sardars telling us how awesome they are and how they will kick out all the punjabis out of Balochistan

(caution: punjabi means anyone not sympathetic with BLA ideas)
=Last Hope;2722956]Same way, why do you live in a country where the laws are against your lifestyle? Why don't you go to those places where you please yourself, and enjoy your life your way?
having no clue lol .. why dont i go ? because i see alcohal consumed here heavily and by almost most of the youth who have access too .. and its NOT sold illegaly either its sold by govt licensed stores almost every kilometer in most cities have govt licensed stores ... if it were to stop than people would have so give me a break and MOD EDIT
well I have smoked the weed / hash or churs whatever you call it
just like a Sindhi cant live without bhung
we need our weed to keep going and duill our senses to survive the 5 year yapping of sardars telling us how awesome they are and how they will kick out all the punjabis out of Balochistan

(caution: punjabi means anyone not sympathetic with BLA ideas)

balochistan is a backward province not like punjab, if you there you find motorways etc etc, but there is nothing in balochistan, dont you think they have some reasons to hate like how bengalis hated??

you can say whatever but it doesnt change the reality, the feudals are there in punjab too like balochistan but development is there
why dont you think of the bad things it spreads with the alcohol, i guess you have no idea dude

compare crime ,health rates and all other related factors with us of countries where booze is allowed ... you will have your answer ... doope (chars) is heavily consumed , herione is heavily used .. why some one use drugs ... ask a man lying in a NALA injecting sh*t substances ... Alcohal is a better substitute than this garbage
We as a nation, face a host of problems. Widespread alcoholism isn't one of them. So why just find another problem for yourself. Minorities have legal access to alcohol and they may consume as they wish. However, saying that it should be made available like Cola is akin to inviting the devil to dance with you.

I compare alcohol to pornography and public nudity. There is no God given basic human right to drink alcohol or to view pornography. It can be made available to people in a regulated manner to limit access.

Society, as a whole, decides what kind of environment reflects their values and in which they want their children to grow up. Western societies put limits on pornography and public nudity to varying degrees commensurate with broad societal values; Pakistan just adds alcohol to the list.
balochistan is a backward province not like punjab, if you there you find motorways etc etc, but there is nothing in balochistan, dont you think they have some reasons to hate like how bengalis hated??

you can say whatever but it doesnt change the reality, the feudals are there in punjab too like balochistan but development is there

Says the proud Jamaldini I suppose!
Here are some shots of the coastal highway in Gwadar, don't flame too much over them, you might burn.


compare crime ,health rates and all other related factors with us of countries where booze is allowed ... you will have your answer ... doope (chars) is heavily consumed , herione is heavily used .. why some one use drugs ... ask a man lying in a NALA injecting sh*t substances ... Alcohal is a better substitute than this garbage

You have a valid point about drugs and crime. Our aim should be to get people off drugs, not to shift them from one drug to another, albeit less lethal. Why introduce yet another drug into the mix when we already have enough problems with existing drugs?
Those contries which consume alchohol know the pain and suffering from it, children are spoiled too, leave religion apart its not good thing for anybody, mpa saying that is ridiculious, these idiots cant see poor people,,health issues, security safety, no jobs
Mr MPA people need food first, stupid n idiot
There's a threaad about banning somethign clearly haram, and some ****tards FOR NO DAMN REASON AT ALL :hitwall: START comparing it to the basic human right of pr0n?
Those contries which consume alchohol know the pain and suffering from it, children are spoiled too, leave religion apart its not good thing for anybody, mpa saying that is ridiculious, these idiots cant see poor people,,health issues, security safety, no jobs
Mr MPA people need food first, stupid n idiot

And do you really think that people in your country drink any less? Listen, alcohol is one thing that will be available even in the most ultra-conservative country on this planet. Because of various reasons:

- Curiosity
- Previous trials
- Desire


In fact, if you let it come by, people will themselves grow bored after satisfying their curiosity and it would become normal. The more you hide it, the more people would find ways to get it. Humans have this tendency to go after the "forbidden fruit". While it is true that alcohol consumption ruins families, I don't think that's alcohol's mistake.

It has been consumed for thousands of years by lakhs of people worldwide. The reason why adults drink is because they are grown up enough and mature enough to be responsible for their actions and control the resulting consequence. Just because people in our countries are stupid enough to not be able to control doesn't mean that the product is wrong.

Technically even soft drinks do damage to thousands of people in terms of health globally; should they be banned? I don't think so.

It is a person's responsibility as to what he wants to be drinking alcohol: a loser who gets lost in his greed for the drink; or drink responsibly and enjoy all sides of life both the drink and his family.
oyye teri... Haram legalization in PAKistan??? Blasphemy!!!!!!!!
Says the proud Jamaldini I suppose!
Here are some shots of the coastal highway in Gwadar, don't flame too much over them, you might burn.



it was built for gwadar, where is gwadar, nowhere

i am talking about intercity likemotorways, where is one for quetta to zhob for instance, or others etc

mootorway is between murri-lahore-islamabad etc, there is no intercity for balochistan

compare crime ,health rates and all other related factors with us of countries where booze is allowed ... you will have your answer ... doope (chars) is heavily consumed , herione is heavily used .. why some one use drugs ... ask a man lying in a NALA injecting sh*t substances ... Alcohal is a better substitute than this garbage

because the laws are not implemented
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