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Alcohol should be as easy available as Pepsi/Coke: Sindh MPA

It should be easily licensed to every shop around every corner. It would be a major revenue stream. Part of the loot could be used to educate masses of moderation in consuming. Its already done in most western states. But we still stuck in our ancient times to progress towards this end.

Not only the fact that Alcohol is strongly haram and extremely dangerous, it would bring in a society much more worse.
The youth and children having access to these, secretly if possible, would add-in to the damage.

When the world, the professors and doctors are crying to stop consuming alcohol due to health effects, the Sindh MPA asks to legalize in, actual name 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan'.

What next? Legalize prostitution and sales of pornography in shops?
This guy is gone insane, and those who support him are not less than one.

No need to sell **** CDs in shops.... Its freely available in net :P
And dont say shops in pakistan dont sell such CDs? ;P

Not only the fact that Alcohol is strongly haram and extremely dangerous, it would bring in a society much more worse.
The youth and children having access to these, secretly if possible, would add-in to the damage.

When the world, the professors and doctors are crying to stop consuming alcohol due to health effects, the Sindh MPA asks to legalize in, actual name 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan'.

Alcohol is not bad for health if taken in moderation. I know multiple doctors who say it is good for health in small dosages. It calms your nerves and soothes you - kind of the same intention and effect as any cold/cough medication which usually have alcohol in them. I don't drink myself, but I think it is a personal decision. Those who think it is haraam can stay away, but if someone wants to consume, they should have the freedom.
seriouslt we r supposed to be the islamic republic believe it or not sharab is haram in islam.:p:P and yeah it would create alot of jobs but it would also destroy alot of people who will become drunks. you know there r other ways to create jobs then legalizing drinking

you think people will do it in moderation, getting drunk is common you cant expect people to have a glass a day and then go to work. believe me this step will make things worse. you will be exposing those who dont take wine to this and once more islamic buddy islamic

Throwing acid at other people's faces was perfectly legal in Pakistan a few months ago. Little girls being married to old men is perfectly legal, forcibly converting young girls of minority faiths and marrying them off to Muslim men is legal. I guess this is what should happen in a Islamic Republic. But god forbid if alcohol is allowed because our Arab masters would forbid us to jack them off anymore. Like I said alcohol was widely and freely available in Pakistan for 3 decades and there were no problems back then. It was only banned by that treacherous Bhutto so he could appease the fundies.
Hundreds die from bootleg alcohol in Pakistan, regulating the market would stop this and would be profitable. There is no doubt that there is a huge market for alcohol in Pakistan.
Muslim majority countries like Turkey and Indonesia have legalized alcohol, I don't see any alcohol problems happening there.
Marijuana and alcohol are much safer than tobacco, heroine, and cocaine. Thus, the former should be allowed (and make sure doctors tell people not to drink/smoke too much), while the latter should be banned.
Alcohol causes more social problems and is a bigger drain on the health system and economy than tobacco. Many countries are stuck with this curse because of cultural and historical roots. We do not need to popularize this evil in Pakistan.

Billions of people manage to "have a good time" without needing alcohol; people who need the crutch of alcohol to have fun need to improve their personality instead.
sorry...we in the west... see drunken people behaving like apes...smashing each others heads...raping...committing crimes..every weekend..
Dont want the same in Pakistan

Alcohol causes more social problems and is a bigger drain on the health system and economy than tobacco. Many countries are stuck with this curse because of cultural and historical roots. We do not need to popularize this evil in Pakistan.

Billions of people manage to "have a good time" without needing alcohol; people who need the crutch of alcohol to have fun need to improve their personality instead.

and get out a bit more...

This option is available to the non-Muslims as not to hurt their lifestyle nor feelings. And relaxing for short term with ever-lasting evil, in your life, family and society is just not acceptable. You are a Muslim, and must follow the life codes. There are many other ways which are present to relax. Alcohol was legal at early stages of Islam, but due to health and other factors it was made haram.

Everything has a reason. Some people are just too ignorant, with their ego to oversee everything. If you want to consume alcohol, feel free, you've got a pretty large black market where you can buy from. If you are into this, won't mean that the option should be kept open for every Pakistani.
Utter nonsense.
sor a society in both money and social factors.
We need to do our best to stamp it out by getting people help for addiction and targeting bootleggers and distributors.

Hey man why would you live in a country where almost 80% of the population enjoy booze and pork ... move back to the homeland and protest against this ban
Hey man why would you live in a country where almost 80% of the population enjoy booze and pork ... move back to the homeland and protest against this ban
Same way, why do you live in a country where the laws are against your lifestyle? Why don't you go to those places where you please yourself, and enjoy your life your way?

You are in Pakistan, respect the laws, the same way you would respect the laws if you were any where else.If they don't suit you, immigrate. After the ban in French, Muslim women and Muslim families emigrated to other places they felt comfortable.
Hey man why would you live in a country where almost 80% of the population enjoy booze and pork ... move back to the homeland and protest against this ban

why dont you think of the bad things it spreads with the alcohol, i guess you have no idea dude
We as a nation, face a host of problems. Widespread alcoholism isn't one of them. So why just find another problem for yourself. Minorities have legal access to alcohol and they may consume as they wish. However, saying that it should be made available like Cola is akin to inviting the devil to dance with you.
Laanat on all those who are even discussing this issue for its supposed economic benefits without taking into consideration the economic and societal toll? and seriously if you call yourself a Muslim and if Pakistan has any semblance of an Islamic country, then I am dumbfounded how can we even consider this to be a topic of discussion?!

Rather we should be discussing as to what punishment does this MPA deserve for such a ridiculous remark in the first place!

Anyway, Islam explicitly forbids alcohol consumption... or for that matter any intoxicating thing which alters the consciousness state to such a level as these drugs and alcohol do, not to mention the harm they cause to oneself, one's family and the society as a whole.

For the Muslims this hadith should be enough:

According to Sunan Ibn-I-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants, Chapter 30 Hadith No. 3380.

It was reported by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him), that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

"God’s curse falls on ten groups of people who deal with alcohol. The one who distills it, the one for whom it has been distilled, the one who drinks it, the one who transports it, the one to who it has been brought, the one whom serves it, the one who sells it, the one who utilizes money from it, the one who buys it and the one who buys it for someone else."
sorry...we in the west... see drunken people behaving like apes...smashing each others heads...raping...committing crimes..every weekend..
Dont want the same in Pakistan

Our crime rate is WAY WAY HIGHER THAN any country in the west , heck we cant compare ours with shyt eastern European countries lol
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