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Al Qaeda Launches Wing in Indian Subcontinent

Th old hidden rat wants to wage attacks on the Indian soil. If he has balls,he should wear a sucide vest for blasting instead of letting others to pull the trigger:jester:
Mr it took us 50000 more than 12 years to end TTP they are not easy to be finished

Mr it took us this long because we have traitors in politicians who supported Taliban. Al-Qaida will not find such support from Indian politicians or Armed forces because of good Taliban or bad Taliban. We are a country run by idiots for idiots.
AQ or isis wont operate in Kashmir

their aim is not to free Kashmir or it msy be a side aim

They will operate amongst the 1.2 billion indians, amongst the slums, the corruption

And their recruitment will be based on the rise of Hindutva

As muslims were attavked in places like Gujraat, Ayodya or Muzzafarnager they will need internal armies to protect their communities and fight back

This is where AQ or ISIS could flourish

The only positive india could have is the lack of weaponry available in India

British took India from Marathas (and Sikhs). There was no Muslim rule for more than a 100 years before 1857.

There was no Mugetslim rule in India for 800 years as well. Most of the local converts were never part of any ruling elite, they were just musallahs, Ajlafs, second class ones.

You are taught a canard, a very bad canard that "Muslims ruled India" as if the local converts had anything to do with those barbaric uncivilized invaders.



the mughals were only a small population compared to the local muslims, the vast majority of mughal armies and courts were local muslims

Just because you mofo's get butt hurt by this cant be helped

Aurengzeb when he died had pushed the Mughal empire to its Maximum

when the muslims ruled no foreign empire was able to attack or hurt india

When the Mughal empire divided the Following Marathas and the rest were so useless they couldnt even protect india for a short while befor Britain a country thousands of miles away came and conquered them
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lol i was talking about Al-Qaeda, why would i want your death :lol: ?

Lolz got it they way it was written was misleading no worries yes I want them dead too

You think so? Look who they're taking on. This does not end well for them


That's coz you guys screwed up at every step. If you really had the intention of uprooting them, you'd have done it faster.

Apparently , you didn't understand what I wrote and I care less for the guy in the pic it doesn't mean anything to me or the world specially to these terrorist cowards .
Indians must be happy with the opening of this outlet, looks like its dream come true for them :sarcastic:
Technically, it was invaded by British who took over from a land ruled by Muslims who had it for nearly 800 years .. who took it from people who had the land for nearly 2000 years.. who took the land from people who had it for much earlier before that. But then again, using the "invader" excuse is common in India to justify Islamophobia(when ironically the most invaded land is now what is modern Pakistan).

Additionally, the idea in red should be a RED ALERT to all Indians(irrespective of who they are). This further distorted salafist ideology is completely against all that was the identity of the Indian Muslim(except some off shoots of Deoband) and against all character that was previously the still tolerant society. The recent polarizations and exploitations by political elements will look minuscule if this ideaology is allowed to propagate.

Whether you hate Islam or Muslims.. or are indifferent, or are one; As an Indian(IMHO) you should immediately push/campaign for a complete internet and education censorship of anything that resembles this idea. However, just like a spring it should be ensured that this done by offering an alternate outlet otherwise it will only coil back onto your faces.

Sufism has always been natural to the people of the subcontinent, do not let it get drowned in the face of this new disease.
When you say, muslims took it i will add muslims have been the target of many invaders like bin qasim, temur, khilji ghauri and sallauddin etc, more than hindus. They were muslims but they had their identity as turk, or uzbek, or irani etc. More of a tribal culture they followed. The muslim ummah is a lie taught to muslims, because arabis are influential to promote their culture.

salafist or wahabi has a lot of less to do with Islam. When Temuer a mongol invader who was also a muslim and his successors and predicessors took alot of territpry from arabs, the wahabism came Iinto existence. Because Mongols were the most dangerous threat to arabi due to their ruthless campaing against the arabs.

The best way to stop this arab business is to educate people about the difference in culture and religion. The reality of power play which has little to do with religion. The history of Islam in mideavle periods. Other wise, few darzi and carpainter will come up shounting all that sunni islam is the purest, muslim brotherhood. Etc etc
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Lolz got it they way it was written was misleading no worries yes I want them dead too

Apparently , you didn't understand what I wrote and I care less for the guy in the pic it doesn't mean anything to me or the world specially to these terrorist cowards .

it should.
ew off-shoot in the Indian sub-continent.
100 % agreed ... but i dont know why india always forget that Pakistan lost more then 50,000 + people because of TTP, our army operate against TTP, and we lost many things becasue of TTP ...
but any thing happens in india becasue of TTP ... india will do first work ... to complain that Pakistan is behind this move etc ...

Nothing happened to India because of TTP. It is LET and JEM which are creating problems in India.
the mughals were only a small population compared to the local muslims, the vast majority of mughal armies and courts were local muslims
Just because you mofo's get butt hurt by this cant be helped
Aurengzeb when he died had pushed the Mughal empire to its Maximum
The only BS here is you. Even during the time of mughal local hindu kings did exist, they only pay tributaries to mughals and became a protectorate state of mughals, the situation was no different than what exist today in india where state like bengal and tamil nadu has their own state govt. and BJP as a central govt. and aurangzeb was a f**ktwat his intolerance led the fall of mughal empire.

When the Mughal empire divided the Following Marathas and the rest were so useless they couldnt even protect india for a short while befor Britain a country thousands of miles away came and conquered them
Your ancestors mughals already became jokers before the arrival of britain, first they became a protectorate under maharaja scindia, than after second british maratha war they became a protecorate of britain. Britain fought under the flag of mughals and conquered most of the territory and than kicked a** of joker bhadur shah zafar.
Where did the Mughals go? Marathas didn't build the Taj Mahal did they?

Or we read the history entirely wrong.

That's all you guys know about history and this so called "800 year Muslim rule"?

You know the first place where Babur made his skull minarets? It was the Pathan kabailis of Pakistan whom he called cowards who ran with grass in their mouths!

And this is what the local converts try to identify with!
India is soon going to face hell India if doesn't leave Kashmir alone would loose every thing
India is not pak, and don't consider Indian Muslim's. Read todays news that four youths are captured by police on information's from their parents in Hyderabad who are run away to join ISIS
I don't know what pak achieved, yet it is unclear.. your country is still suffering from Internal mess..we don't support terrorism like he is doing. India is so far stable country.. look at his stupid post..
Dude, we fought for 10 years and we are coming out of it with flying colours, and you call it mess, I know you Indian are spin masters but at some point why don't you guys quite before it is too late, or forever you will be known/called grand spin masters.
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