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Al Qaeda Launches Wing in Indian Subcontinent

Who will dominate in a muslim majority country? Obviously us Muslims.
Well that'll only happen in your dream mujahid:lol:.Btw it's time for you to start running and hide somewhere because i am pretty sure that you're gonna get a visit from the I.B. pretty soon..;)
If Muslims rule only than, because Muslims have seen in the past 65 years how Hindus rule and how they treat minorities.
that is what I am saying. Muslims are already 35% in India. If pak and bd join we will easily cross the 50% mark.

Well that'll only happen in your dream mujahid.Btw it's time for you to start running and hide somewhere because i am pretty sure that you're gonna get a visit from the I.B. pretty soon..
Did that upset you? There was never country called India before muslim rulers created it.
I do not give a hoot about your mood, about money I even careless where it comes from, I only will speak the truth and your threats about you being in good mood does not mean any thing to me. so once in your lifetime learn to speak the truth and support the Democratic rights of Kashmiris..
Aha its about kashmir,have a life do something about.
Haven't we got Congress, SP, TMC, BSP & CPM doing their job already?

Anyway, they will rue the day they decided to fight us.

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