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Al Qaeda Launches Wing in Indian Subcontinent

Al Qaeda in India? Wow! I'm scared out of my noggin!

I'm outta here...Heading for them caves in the hills!! CIAO!
I wonder whos got the bigger porno collection this camel piss drinking arab wahabi or the dead bin ladin :-)
AQ had not established itself on US soil.

Speaking from the AQ POV, with Modi at the helm, they could not chosen a worse time to ' set up' themselves here.
Never underestimate your enemy
Now Indian will say Pakistan is behind this move of Al Qaida
100 % agreed ... but i dont know why india always forget that Pakistan lost more then 50,000 + people because of TTP, our army operate against TTP, and we lost many things becasue of TTP ...
but any thing happens in india becasue of TTP ... india will do first work ... to complain that Pakistan is behind this move etc ...
Gonna shove up that jihadi pole up this zawahiri's ............
India is the Israel of sub continent.

India keeps growing, and the militants keep loosing.

India would reach so ahead in the economic race, that like USA it would go and crush these militants in future in their base locations itself.

Matter of 2-3 decades. Either the militants come on the right path, or their future is bleak.
here in Pakistan no supporters of TTP ... they make bomber's making Brain wash, and ask innocent people and shown them wrong part of ISLAM, jahaad and Jannat etc...
I am not talking about the civilians. I am talking about the intelligence.
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