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Al Qaeda Launches Wing in Indian Subcontinent

India is soon going to face hell India if doesn't leave Kashmir alone would loose every thing

What will old news al qaeda with few men do against more than 1 million indian army?Nothing.Even if u conduct 100 terrorist attacks inside india,it won't make a difference..we can simply absorb it easily.Because we have the population,armed forces and natural resources to ignore these pinpricks.Terrorism can pinprick organized nation states,irritate them..not defeat them.
This radicalization of some youths of Indian Muslims and their act of terrorism will give chances for more Muslim genocide in india to other religious groups
A super power has failed to do so so stop living in dreams
The Mujaheedin did not defeat the Sowjet Union. Plus they were far too humane in dealing with radicals in Afghanistan.
The Indian Armed forces operate on a much simpler doctrine - Identify, Pursue, Eliminate.

There is no re-education or incentive to turn the rabids into good communists either. Our forces just kill and bury them in mass graves. So your comparison is not correct.

This was how the rabidly fascist movement in Kashmir was exterminated. Something that the US or the USSR could not do in Iraq and Afghanistan respectively.
Also remember the Sri Lankan parallel. They also outdid the LTTE. It is possible if you abandon certain moral principles. It's easy in this case as we are fighting rabid Wahabbi animals anyway, so the question of mercy does not arise.

Bottomline: You don't need to be a superpower to take care of your own house. If you can bully someone in their house, remember that you can face a more severe backlash. All of us are NOT Yazidis.
A super power has failed to do so so stop living in dreams

That was afghanisthan and most al qaeda ground fighters and leaders are dead anyway,while america is chilling.
You here talking abt coming to india and winning?Really?U think IED's and rpg's and kalashnikov's going to break india?Inside indian borders if IA sneezes AQ will be blown away.
its is a little bit worry in Kerala also...The people who called Bengalis in Kerala are mostly illegal BD immigrants...They seems more and more expanding these days(thankz to laziness of Malayalis)... They have flooded majority in certain parts of Cochin city and suburbs...More and More pickpocketing,murder,rape,thieft cases are reporting from that areas..But still police and government officials are not taking this issue seriously....
DUBAI, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahri on Wednesday announced the formation of an Indian branch of his militant group he said would spread Islamic rule and "raise the flag of jihad" across the subcontinent.

In a 55-minute video posted online, Zawahri also renewed a longstanding vow of loyalty to Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar, in an apparent snub to the Islamic State armed group challenging al Qaeda for leadership of transnational Islamist militancy.

Zawahri described the formation of "Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent" as a glad tidings for Muslims "in Burma, Bangladesh, Assam, Gujurat, Ahmedabad, and Kashmir" and said the new wing would rescue Muslims there from injustice and oppression.

Counter-terrorism experts say al Qaeda's aging leaders are struggling to compete for recruits with Islamic State, which has galvanized young followers around the world by carving out tracts of territory across the Iraq-Syria border.

Islamic State leader Abu Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls himself a "caliph" or head of state and has demanded the loyalty of all Muslims.

The group fell out with Zawahri in 2013 over its expansion into Syria, where Baghdadi's followers have carried out beheadings, crucifixions, and mass executions.

As well being an indirect repudiation of Islamic State, the announcement could pose a challenge to India's new prime minister, Narendra Modi. He has already faced criticism for remaining silent about several incidents deemed anti-Muslim, underscoring fears that his Hindu nationalist followers will upset religious relations in the majority Hindi nation.

However, while al Qaeda is very much at home in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area, due to influential contacts and a long presence there, it is a minnow compared to local militant groups in terms of manpower and regional knowledge.


Over the years Zawahri and his predecessor Osama bin Laden, killed by U.S. forces in 2011, repeatedly pledged allegiance to Mullah Omar, in return for the safe haven he granted their followers in Afghanistan.

The statement did not mention Islamic State or Baghdadi, but it appear to take a subtle dig at the group's efforts at administering areas it has seized in Iraq and Syria.

Islamic State's effort at state-building is something never attempted by al Qaeda's central leaders, who traditionally have preferred to plot complex attacks on targets in the West.

Zawahri called for unity among militants and criticized "discord" - echoing a common al Qaeda complaint against Islamic State's record of clashing with rival Islamist groups in Syria.

The statement also warned al Qaeda's new wing against oppressing local populations - another complaint leveled against Islamic State by critics in Iraq and Syria.

"If you said that you are doing jihad to defend the sanctities of the Muslims, then you must not transgress against them or their money or honor, and not even transgress your mujahideen brothers by word and action," he said.

"Discord is a curse and torment, and disgrace for the believers and glory for the disbelievers," he said. "If you say that by your jihad you do not want but the pleasure of Allah, then you must not race for governance and leadership at the first opportunity."

Muslims account for 15 percent of Indians but, numbering an estimated 175 million, theirs is the third-largest Muslim population in the world.

Centuries of rule by medieval Muslim invaders drove a wedge between Hindus and Muslims. Tensions have grown since Pakistan was carved from Muslim-majority areas of India in 1947, a violent partition in which hundreds of thousands were killed. In the era of Washington's "war on terror", some Indian Muslims have begun to sympathize more with hardline pan-Islamic groups and causes. (Editing by Alison Williams)
because inside your system, there were supporters of TTP. The TTP itself got its existence due to those traitors. We dont have such in our systems.

here in Pakistan no supporters of TTP ... they make bomber's making Brain wash, and ask innocent people and shown them wrong part of ISLAM, jahaad and Jannat etc...
Perfect time to impose POTA again and prepare for AFSPA in Kerala.

We are more than ready for these clowns :butcher:
wahabi arab kuttay is back lol dumbo does not even know ahmedabad is in gujarat.

India is soon going to face hell India if doesn't leave Kashmir alone would loose every thing[/quote
India is soon going to face hell India if doesn't leave Kashmir alone would loose every thing

kashmir is our holy land as mentioned in the vedas, the actual word comes from sanskrit. If you camel piss drinking wahabis want to fight for kashmir you more than welcome but we will kill you and throw you in unmarked graves for worms to feed on.
Now Indian will say Pakistan is behind this move of Al Qaida
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