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Al Qaeda Launches Wing in Indian Subcontinent

Mr it took us 50000 more than 12 years to end TTP they are not easy to be finished
it took us few months to bust Al-Qaeda associate JMB and other organizations who did bomb blast in Bangla new year, 500 places bombing at time and so on. we know how to kill them.
more important Bangladeshi people are against this type of organization, they have very few support here
India is the best place to hire some terrorists
don't worry, Al-Qaeda will see brutal RAB show again, congratz in advance for your death

My Death ? you ok ? and I am not worried the whole south east asia will be in deep shit if these cowards pass their roots all over us
India is soon going to face hell India if doesn't leave Kashmir alone would loose every thing
In the video, Zawahiri singles out Assam, Gujarat and Kashmir along with Bangladesh and Myanmar, as territories targeted by the new organisation.

Al Qaeda chief Ayman Al Zawahiri launched a new branch of the global extremist movement on Wednesday to reinvigorate and expand its struggle in the Indian sub-continent.

In a video spotted in online forums by the SITE terrorism monitoring group, Zawahiri said the new force would “crush the artificial borders” dividing Muslim populations in the region.

Al Qaeda is active in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where its surviving leadership are thought to be hiding out, but Zawahiri said “Qaedat Al Jihad” would take the fight to India, Myanmar and Bangladesh.

“This entity was not established today but is the fruit of a blessed effort of more than two years to gather the mujahedeen in the Indian sub-continent into a single entity,” he said.

Founded by Osama bin Laden, who was killed in Pakistan by US commandos in May 2011, Al Qaeda has long claimed leadership of the militants fighting to restore a single caliphate in the lands.

But since the death of its figurehead, it has been somewhat eclipsed, first by its own offshoots in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, and now by the so-called “ISIS” fighting in Iraq and Syria.

While still regarded as a threat to the West, the group has never managed to repeat the spectacular success of the September 11, 2001 attacks by hijacked airliners on New York and Washington.

But, in launching “Qaedat Al Jihad in the Indian sub-continent,” Zawahiri may be attempting to recapture some of the limelight for his group and to exploit existing unrest in Kashmir and Myanmar.

“It is an entity that was formed to promulgate the call of the reviving imam, Sheikh Osama bin Laden, may Allah have mercy upon him,” Zawahiri said.

Zawahiri called on the “umma” to unite around “tawhid” “to wage militants against its enemies, to liberate its land, to restore its sovereignty and to revive its caliphate.”

He said the group would recognise the overarching leadership of the Afghan Taleban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar and be led day-to-day by senior Pakistani militant Asim Umar.

The 55-minute video begins with stock footage of the late bin Laden giving a sermon, before cutting to a satellite map of southwest Asia, the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent and the Horn of Africa.

Then it cuts to a white-bearded Zawahiri, in a white turban and glasses, against the backdrop of a brown floral curtain and desk with hardback books and a tin holding ballpoint pens and prayer beads.

Umar also speaks in the video along with a new group spokesman identified as Usama Mahmoud.

The video is produced by Al Qaeda’s usual media arm, the As Sahab Media Foundation — “The Cloud” — and SITE reported that it had been widely distributed on online forums.

In it, Zawahiri singles out Assam, Gujarat and Kashmir along with Bangladesh and Myanmar, as territories targeted by the new organisation.

Kashmir has an active armed insurgency against Indian rule, and there have been extremist attacks in other areas in India, most notoriously the 2008 Mumbai attacks, when four days of urban violence left 166 dead.

Zawahiri is still the United States’ most wanted fugitive for his role in Al Qaeda, first alongside bin Laden and since his death as its leader.

The State Department “Rewards for Justice” program has placed a $25 million bounty on the 63-year-old’s head and US drones still patrol above the Afghan-Pakistan border area where he is thought to be.

Al Qaeda declares new branch in Indian sub-continent - Khaleej Times
Will this come under FDI and what is the tax sops these al-jawawhiri will get?What is the number of vacancies...?:coffee:
Dang life just got more interesting....:p:
World is running towards something I m sure....
India is soon going to face hell India if doesn't leave Kashmir alone would loose every thing
Ohh cmon now...I think next time you say something as intelligent as that, you should come up with a deadline as well..I mean, we have been hearing that for ages, and you guys have not achieved a single bit of it but lost all the wars, half of your country and your economy in the process....
Interesting fact, Pakistan was created for Islam.But the reality is, now, more Muslim people die in Pakistan than the rest of the entire Islamic World put together....You should worry about whatever you have and forget what you don't have.Don't you think you should be talking about goals when you are actually capable of achieving it ? Otherwise, you look like a clown.
It was an immature comment by me. I removed it. No one should celebrate when terrorist organisations recruit people and ruin lives.

This shows that you are a sensible man. I appreciate.
We have always been susceptible to this kind of indoctrination, the polity of India has been too soft on these kinds of loony guys and ideas. The whole of North-east India, the Bhindrawalen, Punjab insurgency, Kashmir insurgency etc. are examples of how foreign influence and arms have wrecked havoc on the state. But, the good part about it is that we have learned to live with it and fight it till its death. India is too big a state to fail and guys like him don't stand a chance. And actually it would be a good thing if they train their guns towards India, that will be an end to them. For years Pakistan has been trying to do the same, while providing best kind of equipments, unlimited funding,training, recruitment through Nepal, Bangladesh, but still India is standing taller and stronger than it was ever was. We are not USA which fight threats like these by dropping bombs from a safe distance, we rather go inside their den and come out only after finishing them. We have done it before and we will do it again, and we did it when we were at our weakest politically, militarily and financially.
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