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Al Jazeera English under Jewish infiltration


Apr 4, 2013
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When Al Jazeera English was launched many people had expectations that at last there would be an English language media outlet that wasn´t just a mouthpiece of the Jewish agenda. But lo - were they wrong.

Just a quick check on the opinionmakers employed by this "Arab" TV channel's Internet pages gives an astounding high percentage of people of the Jewish mafia, delivering their analysis and perspectives on how to interpret the world. A world very much affected by the actions of their Jewish co-mafiosi in world Economics, US/French/British/Russian politics, and so forth...

Al Jazeera's Jewish Anchorman
Note that the Israeli Jewish editor "Roy" at Al Jazeera English's Washington bureau openly wears the Star of David around his neck and himself states very revealingly that:

"I know that if I weren´t here, maybe they wouldn´t feature the Israeli side as much."

We thus also see the Jewess Joanne Levine as the executive producer of programming for the Americas at Al Jazeera.

Levine writes in the article "Al-Jazeera, as American as Apple Pie" in The Washington Post, 25 June 2006:

I'm a New York Jew married to a Jordanian Druze whom I met when I lived in Amman in 2002 on a fellowship. I heard plenty of anti-Semitic comments there from those who didn't suspect that I might be Jewish. Today, some people ask me how a Jew can work for al-Jazeera. It's that kind of thinking that builds up walls, rather than tearing them down. The racism I experienced was unacceptable in Jordan. And it is unacceptable in the United States.
Al-Jazeera has even been labeled "Zionist" by the Arab street and its regimes. It is the only Arabic broadcaster to put Israeli officials on television and to report the Israeli side of stories. Israeli leaders such as Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres have been invited to appear on the network, although they ultimately did not

Amongst other Jewish actives in Al Jazeera during the years we also see:

Iraqi Jewess Rachel Shabi a contributor to Al Jazeera English, see list of opinion makers above. Rachel Shabi´s book on Israel's Oriental Jews, "Not the Enemy: Israel's Jews from Arab Lands" was published in 2009 and received a National Jewish Book award. She's also a contributing writer to The Guardian, the Times, Jane's Intelligence Digest, Foreign Policy, the New Statesman and the National (UAE).

Avram David (Avi) Lewis is a Canadian-Jewish documentary filmmaker and host of the Al Jazeera English show Fault Lines. According to Wikipedia "Avi Lewis is the great grandson of Moshe Losz (Lewis), an outspoken member of the Jewish Bund". Avi Lewis, married to world famous Jewish journalist and author Naomi Klein, became host of Frontline USA for Al Jazeera television in 2008.

Arthur Neslen Jewish freelance journalist based in Tel Aviv and considered by his Jewish critics to have been "the first Jewish employee of Al Jazeera".
Jewess Rebecca Lipkin, deceased 2009, was a director of Al Jazeera's programs, AJ's executive producer for documentaries, and helped establish the network's English-language programming in London.
According to the Washington Post, July 24, 2009:
In 2005, Ms. Lipkin joined al-Jazeera in London as director of programs and helped establish the network's English-language programming in London. She was credited with bringing former ABC newsman Dave Marash to al-Jazeera as a news anchor in 2006.

Lipkin has also been hailed in the Jewish Women's Archive (a site honouring influential Jewish women activists) after her death "as a proud Jew".

Lipkin thus introduced fellow Jew Dave Marash. The article below will also tell how Jew Dave Marash´s equally Jewish wife, Amy Marash, also was hired as Al Jazeera´s Washington bureau's deputy news editor.
Al Jazeera English under Jewish infiltration - Radio Islam
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The job of these jews is to make israel look better to the muslim world, in other words to trick the arabs watching al jazeera.
Those sneaky sneaky Jews, always fooling muslims.

funny things is, that probably you can find bunch of zionist-right who call these people traitors/terrorist sympathyzers or what not for working for AJE :D
Those sneaky sneaky Jews, always fooling muslims.

They have been fooling the muslims with al jazeera.

They have been fooling the West with Fox,CNN, BBC etc.

He who controls the media, controls the peoples views. A very powerful tool indeed.

Jews DO control the media

We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll.

We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do.
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