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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

I thought as you said. That is why I asked. One of the main differences of HALE ANKA from MALE ANKA will be the weapon capability. When cabatli_53 said next ANKA will be competitor of Israeli Eitan, I though Eitan is also armed and I thougt it was not armed. To confirm I asked.

You are right but my curiosity was different as I explained above

BTW, @cabatli_53 bro already posted the news I just saw it, sorry cabatli I posted again:)

Main differences between ANKA and ANKA TP will be the altitude performances. BTW, According to sources, 1,5 tonnes ANKA will be armed with Cirit missiles as well.

ANKA 1,5 tonnes take off weight: 30000ft
ANKA TP 5 tonnes take off weight: 45000ft.

Integaration of weapon is just a matter of desicion. It is same for Heron and Eitan as well. I mean There isn't a term like Eitan is not armed. It can be If Israel or a costumer demands...
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30,000 ft is the requirement of TSK. That is why it matters. If you remember, TSK did not accept the heron because it did not climb 30.000 ft with AF-300. TSK did not say "Ok it does not matter. If heron did not climb 30,000 ft, so what? 26,000 is also good". Do you think you know better than TSK?
I know better than you obviously. The fact that TSK insisted on ability to climb 30.000 feet to Israeli company doesn't mean this is the current requirement. Because Israel had to provide the conditions of their contract. This is different.

The Air Force command also insisted on AF-300T.. what does that tell you?
Integaration of weapon is just a matter of desicion. It is same for Heron and Eitan as well. I mean There isn't a term like Eitan is not armed. It can be If Israel or a costumer demands...
If 235 is able to meet the designated criterias TSK/SSM pointed out such as laser designater, pointer, distance measure, coordinate finder, TV, day/night/ infrared cameras...etc, Then It can easily be integrated to meet other performance criterias designtaed such as altitude. That's why source indicates a lighter foreign FLIR to be supplied by abroad but SAme generation domestic equivalent to be ready for mass production... In additions, Both 235 and 300 are advanced targetting&surveillance FLIRS but AF200 is just a surveillance FLIR like AF135 bro...
The bold part won't happen, no way in hell.

second, I don't believe a 55kg FLIR can replace AF-300T anytime soon. It's still an advanced piece of technology and having her on different platforms provide much easier logistics. Also resolution will be reduced and this is not something we want.

Now what I'm saying is, Turkish Air Force can wait for TEI's turboprop engine, it won't take any longer than a couple of years. This won't only give Anka the ability to climb 30.000 feet with AF-300T it'll also make room for more payload. Cirit for example.
^^^ I want you to read this one more time okay

About FLIR and production of ANKA, She will be mass produced with the performance criterias designated by SSM (If nothing changed in SSIK meetings). It isn't about your belief or my personnel wishes

We are talking about the requirements that is it. Neither you nor me can change the requirement but TSK can. IF TSK insists on 30,000 feet then either a different surveillance FLIR which must meet the designated criterias of TSK must be installed or the engine must be stronger. This is a simple logic nothing more nothing less.

The fact that TSK insisted on ability to climb 30.000 feet to Israeli company doesn't mean this is the current requirement. Because Israel had to provide the conditions of their contract. This is different

Since the beginning, 30.000 feet was emphasized and it is known the requirement for ANKA. You are saying it is different. Then provide a source that TSK requirement is not 30,000 feet and different.

The Air Force command also insisted on AF-300T.. what does that tell you?

This tells me IF TSK insists for 30,000 feet and AF-300T, then there is only one option left. The engine must be stronger to climb 30,000 feet with AF-300T. or TSK has to change the requirement and accept the current flight altitude of ANKA with current engine and AF-300T.

Anyway I think I made my point.
Fm Dr. Okuz

After 8 years after development contract, and 2 years of flight tests, and around 120 Million Dollars of R&D ANKA-A prototype accepted by Turkish Airforce.

It is the major success of Turkish Defense Industry, while European failed in MALE Class UAV business; Turkey has been successful. There are numerous countries are waiting for MoU and contracts for ANKA, some of them will be anounced in 2013.

With in 3-4 Months First Turkish contract to produce 10 ANKA-A will be signed, and I think it will be in inventory next year (orignally planned in 2013). I think first contract could exceed 150 Million Dollars.

But there are more works waiting for ANKA.

*Operational evaluations against anti-terrorism missions
*Cirit integration and flight test of ANKA-A
*Satellite Communication tests
*TAI new mission computer, actuators tests
*Even more structral changes to be tested
*TEI modified Thielert engine tests to be finished with in several months
*ANKA net-centric tests with Boeing-737 AWACS, Milgem, and T129
*ASELSAN developed ELINT/COMINT payload tests
*ASELSAN new generation FLIR tests

there are too much things to do. We did only basic, which is written on the contracts, but requirements are changing, it is very dynamic. Unfortunetly we have only 4 ANKA avalible to test all of them.

I heared some good news, there has been opurtunities compare ANKA and Heron systems. ANKA datalink performance is superior to Herons; and problematic Heron ground control systems is no issue with ANKA. Even, there is better physical conditions in Turkish GCS.

And this success will continue with Turboproped-ANKA close air-support capable HALE UAV. There is already many things are succed in ANKA. ANKA-TP development will be fast (8 years for ANKA-A and 5 years will be for ANKA-TP). Development contract to be signed with in upcoming months. It will be direct equivelent of Reaper and IAI Eitan.

On the other hand ANKA-B protoype with SAR Radar, and quite modifed structral changes, will be ready with in 1 year. I belive second serial production with combined ANKA-A/B in 2014.
Fm Dr. Okuz

After 8 years after development contract, and 2 years of flight tests, and around 120 Million Dollars of R&D ANKA-A prototype accepted by Turkish Airforce.

It is the major success of Turkish Defense Industry, while European failed in MALE Class UAV business; Turkey has been successful. There are numerous countries are waiting for MoU and contracts for ANKA, some of them will be anounced in 2013.

With in 3-4 Months First Turkish contract to produce 10 ANKA-A will be signed, and I think it will be in inventory next year (orignally planned in 2013). I think first contract could exceed 150 Million Dollars.

acoording to some sources after 2 years of test stage copleted there will be 1 year of operational evaluation in real mission before mass production. first contract will be sign in june 2013 and mass production starts 2014.
This tells me IF TSK insists for 30,000 feet and AF-300T, then there is only one option left. The engine must be stronger to climb 30,000 feet with AF-300T. or TSK has to change the requirement and accept the current flight altitude of ANKA with current engine and AF-300T..
They sure as hell won't insist until the TEI Turboprop engine is ready so believe it or not Anka will be produced with 26.000 feet service ceiling. Nevermind the frikkin debate something else caught my eye..
*TEI modified Thielert engine tests to be finished with in several months
*ANKA net-centric tests with Boeing-737 AWACS, Milgem, and T129
*ASELSAN developed ELINT/COMINT payload tests
*ASELSAN new generation FLIR tests
Wh..wh what ..the? So TEI is actually working on Centurion 2.0. It might be able to give us the thrust we need sooner than the national power pack or TEI Turboprop.

In the meantime ASELSAN may come up with a new version of AF-300T perhaps. Cause I'm still damn certain AF-235 ain't gonna cut it. It's certainly more advanced than AF-200 but the size and weight of the FLIR tells a story. It weighs almost half of AF-300T there's no way it can provide the same performance.
*ANKA net-centric tests with Boeing-737 AWACS, Milgem, and T129
Peace Eagle and T129, I was expecting but Milgem came out as a surprise to me. As far as I can tell, this means there will be control systems and landing gear for ANKA in LHD.

But if there'll be ANKA UAVs stationed on LHD it makes it much more probable for us to buy F35B. So I might be wrong about what i've said earlier @cabatli_53 I still have some serious concerns over that.
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The Question would be why we would need a 5.5 ton uav to make it armed? Predator's weight is only 1000kg and can carry combination of
2 hardpoints

2 × AGM-114 Hellfire (MQ-1B)
4 × AIM-92 Stinger (MQ-1B)
6 × Griffin air-to-surface missiles


Empty weight: 1,130 lb[82] (512 kg)
Loaded weight: 2,250 lb (1,020 kg)
Max. takeoff weight: 2,250 lb[82] (1,020 kg)
Powerplant: 1 × Rotax 914F turbocharged four-cylinder engine, 115 hp[82] (86 kW)

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Well, you need to put a damn SATCOM antenna on it first. And those antennas aren't very easy to apply plug&play things.

They are very big even for Global Hawk-like huge HALE UAVs
I dont understand why turkey has given up on completing this project. The project was to design a UAV that can fly up to 30000 feet and stay on air for 24 hours. but now they quit with an altitude of 26000 feet and endurance of 18 hours... just why?

Arkadaşlar bilen var mı niye projeyi bitirmeden teslim ediyoruz?? Anka 30000 foote çıkıp 24 saat havada kalacaktı. ama sadece 26000 foot ve 18 saat uçuşla bırakılıyor???
I dont understand why turkey has given up on completing this project. The project was to design a UAV that can fly up to 30000 feet and stay on air for 24 hours. but now they quit with an altitude of 26000 feet and endurance of 18 hours... just why?
We aren't some western European country, that's why. We've got operational needs. TEI is working on different engine solutions to replace the current Thielert Centurion 2.0 engine, meanwhile Anka-A will get the job done.

There's no point for a complete project to wait in the shelve. The problem has nothing to do with the plane, the engine is slightly underpowered that's all.

People and newspapers are all talking AselFlir-300T is too heavy bla bla.. it's total BS. There are heavier FLIRs in the world it makes them more capable, with higher resolution IR cams. That's what makes the plane so useful.
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