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AJK capital sees first march for occupied Kashmir's independence

Syed Ali Shah Geelani has been and will always be the undisputed leader of Kashmir.

He is unrelenting in his support for merger with Pakistan, and now his ideology has gained unanimous support in Occupied Kashmir.

Leaders like Yasin Malik and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq are now gone. These people spread anti-Pakistan propaganda and conspiracy theories, lied to Kashmiris, and pushed, in their quest for political power, this unrealistic independence narrative.

Burhan and Mujahideen of Kashmir have brought back the pride and honor of Kashmir, they have united all Kashmiris.

Be careful of the games which India will use to create problems in Azad Kashmir through its proxies N and PPP.

Resolve of Pakistanis/Kashmiris for freedom needs to be iron tight. All traitors need to be chastised and face the law.

Gilani is similar, correct me if Im wrong. He too believe in united J&K which is stupidity. The only realistic solution is chenab formula or simple partition along muslim and non-muslim lines in Kashmir.

The only ones with this thinking are black listed as terrorists and islamists.
To phir beth kar tamasha dekho.
Kal ko humein bhi koi genocide kr ra hoga aur phir hmare liye bhi koi nai aye ga.

It's not a question of if but when they come to genocide the sh!t out of the global muslim population.
What makes you believe that someone is going to come and help you, in the first place. Ita time you all wake up and realise that the only people that are standing beside you are your fellow countrymen. Not the farsiwan in Iran, not the arabs in Arabia and not the Turks in anatolia. It's your fellow countrymen that are with you. So stop acting like children and speak what is beneficial for our country and its people.
Don't get fooled by Gilani, Yasin Malik, and Miraiz Farooq. They all believe in united J&K. Expecting hindus in Jammu and valley to live in secular J&K is very realistic right? Too bad hindus are not stupid like Abdullah Sheikh to believe in such fantasy. And remember Huriats are most anti-India leaders out there, you can imagine Mufti and Abdullah viewpoint.

Hurriyat are the same people who blame Pakistan for exodus of pandits. So who are left who actually are realistic in their thinking? The recently black listed terrorist organisations. Hence why sending more militants is no longer the solution.
Gilani is similar, correct me if Im wrong. He too believe in united J&K which is stupidity. The only realistic solution is chenab formula or simple partition along muslim and non-muslim lines in Kashmir.

The only ones with this thinking are black listed as terrorists and islamists.

He has been struggling selflessly for his people and popularizing the pro-Pakistani mantra all throughout Kashmir in our generation.

Yet some random person like you on the internet claims something which he never said nor wanted.

Pictures and videos are worth a thousand words.



“hum Pakistani hain, Pakistan hamara he”

Not to mention the recent shares of his statements given by PMIK.

We are all on the same page.
He has been struggling selflessly for his people and popularizing the pro-Pakistani mantra all throughout Kashmir in our generation.

Yet some random person like you on the internet claims something which he never said nor wanted.

Pictures and videos are worth a thousand words.



“hum Pakistani hain, Pakistan hamara he”

Not to mention the recent shares of his statements given by PMIK.

We are all on the same page.

Instead of these slogans you should read Syed Gilani recent statement. Asking people of "all" J&K to be united. When reality is neither Bhudists in Ladakh or hindus in Jammu are that stupid. Neither these people are being persecuted by Indian army and neither they want freedom from Bharat. There is only one solution and that is division of IoK on religious lines. The sooner Kashmiri leadership realise that the better it will be.

If they want to live with their hindu and bhudist brothers of J&K then asking for separate country doesn't make sense. This 2 way street is going on since Sheikh Abdullah times and haven't worked. It only handed over Kashmir to India.

RSS/Modi have realised that and divided IoK along religious lines. Now instead of asking to restore previous boundaries, Kashmiri leaders should unite muslims of IoK. Making majority muslim districts 1 unit followed by eventual partition.
Cause they want Pakistan and Pakistanis to spill their blood in freeing them from India then they can get their own independent country. Why should we spill blood for those that have no allegiance to the green flag.

This I think should be made clear to Kashmiris in IOK that Pakistan is NOT going to support any idea of "independent Kashmir", Pakistan will collaborate with Kashmiris ONLY if they want to join Pakistan. But unfortunately since Musharraf's time we have been hearing that Pakistan government will "accept" any wishes of Kashmiris of IOK including "independent Kashmir" option which in my view was NOT the official position of Pakistan's government before Musharraf's regime. Pakistan's official stance in the past was always that Kashmir is part of Pakistan because of the formula of partition and it was wrongly annexed by india during 1947 with the help of hindu raja of Jammu/Kashmir at that time.

Pakistan's position should be very clear, we want Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, we don't believe in any other option such as "independent Kashmir" and definitely NOT the current status quo of "Indian occupied Kashmir". I think Pakistan government's goal should be clear without any kind of ambiguity.
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This I think should be made clear to Kashmiris in IOK that Pakistan is NOT going to support any idea of "independent Kashmir", Pakistan will collaborate with Kashmiris ONLY if they want to join Pakistan. But unfortunately since Musharraf's time we have been hearing that Pakistan government will "accept" any wishes of Kashmiris of IOK including "independent Kashmir" option which in my view was NOT the official position of Pakistan's government before Musharraf's regime. Pakistan's official stance in the past was always that Kashmir is part of Pakistan because of the formula of partition and it was wrongly annexed by india during 1947 with the help of hindu raja of Jammu/Kashmir at that time.

Pakistan's position should be very clear, we want Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, we don't believe in any other option such as "independent Kashmir" and definitely NOT the current status quo of "Indian occupied Kashmir". I think Pakistan government goal should be clear without any kind of ambiguity.
We dont have a sane government
Now instead of asking to restore previous boundaries, Kashmiri leaders should unite muslims of IoK. Making majority muslim districts 1 unit followed by eventual partition.

But if only those stupid Kashmiris in IOK can understand this basic reality, even Pakistan's own existence out of 1947 was based on the exact same formula of muslim majority provinces be part of Pakistan. And in case of Punjab muslim majority districts to become part of Pakistani punjab while the remaining hindu/sikh majority areas becoming part of Indian Punjab.

I think we need to condition minds of muslims of Kashmir valley to read how pre-1947 Punjab was partitioned between Pakistan and India on religious lines. The same should be applied to Jammu and Kashmir state, I often also think that why should Jammu, Kathua, Udhampur, Bhadarwah become part of Pakistan when they are clearly Hindu majority districts and share all their culture with the neighboring hindus in Himachal pradesh of India. We should just get out of this "greed" of trying to get everything even the one which obviously doesn't belong to us.

Kashmir valley, Poonch, Rajauri, Reasi, Kishtwar and Doda, Kargil are muslim majority areas and hence ONLY these areas should be claimed by Pakistan as well as Kashmiris themselves.
But if only those stupid Kashmiris in IOK can understand this basic reality, even Pakistan's own existence out of 1947 was based on the exact same formula of muslim majority provinces be part of Pakistan. And in case of Punjab muslim majority districts to become part of Pakistani punjab while the remaining hindu/sikh majority areas becoming part of Indian Punjab.

I think we need to condition minds of muslims of Kashmir valley to read how pre-1947 Punjab was partitioned between Pakistan and India on religious lines. The same should be applied to Jammu and Kashmir state, I often also think that why should Jammu, Kathua, Udhampur, Bhadarwah become part of Pakistan when they are clearly Hindu majority districts and share all their culture with the neighboring hindus in Himachal pradesh of India. We should just get out of this "greed" of trying to get everything even the one which obviously doesn't belong to us.

Kashmir valley, Poonch, Rajauri, Reasi, Kishtwar and Doda, Kargil are muslim majority areas and hence ONLY these areas should be claimed by Pakistan as well as Kashmiris themselves.

Non-muslim regions could have become part of Pakistan if everything went right in 1948. But now we need to get realistic and that is to partition IoK along religious lines.

That means some sacrifice and eventual videos on youtube of how happy all these muslims and hindus used to live side by side before IoK partition. When in reality you can be killed for eating meat. Cattle herders Gojars who are mostly pro India are finding this out the hard way.
Non-muslim regions could have become part of Pakistan if everything went right in 1948. But now we need to get realistic and that is to partition IoK along religious lines.

That means some sacrifice and eventual videos on youtube of how happy all these muslims and hindus used to live side by side before IoK partition. When in reality you can be killed for eating meat. Cattle herders Gojars who are mostly pro India are finding this out the hard way.

Yes the brutal rape and killing of minor Gojar Girl belonging to nomadic grazing family that happened in kathua last year by extremist hindus there was definitely an "eye opener" for Gojars who usually used to be pro-india. It was unfortunate incident but I think Gojars did learn the hatred that those crazy hindus have for muslims whether Kashmiri, pahari/pothohari or Gojar. For hindus of Jammu, udhampur and kathua they are all muslims and should be "treated" in the same way.
Are these gujars and the gujars found in Punjab are same people
is it an ethnic group or a tribe

Yes I believe they are related to each other but the northern semi nomadic ones have been roaming between Kashmir and Afghanistan so in time must have "absorbed" some lighter skin genes from the people living there and hence they look now "lighter and different" than the Gujjars in Punjab but if one goes back into history they are the same people, interesting thing about Northern Gojars is that they have retained their separate "Gojari" language that sounds like Rajasthani mixed with Punjabi and spoken also with Punjabi accent. whereas the Gujjars of Punjab just abandoned their "Gojari" language over time and adopted the local punjabi language of where ever they settled.

This is the Gojari language of the "Gojar/Bakarwal" of Kashmir in IOK, the host is talking to a Poswal Gojar from a village in Pulwama district of Kashmir valley. Most Gojars settled in Kashmir valley are usually bilingual in both Gojari and Kashmiri languages.Just for information famous punjabi poet Mian Muhammad Baksh also belonged to Poswal Gujjar community.

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A fringe minority that no one listens to, let alone has the influence or numbers to get the job done. It was our forefathers who fought and died for the present Azad Kashmir to be part of Pakistan and that's what the majority want, not some pipe dream so called independent Kashmir.
There has never been an armed group wanting to break from Pakistan in AJK or implement their own laws, unlike what we see in other provinces, that's says a great deal.
Back in the early 90's there was JKLF, but people became disillusioned with them and their idea of complete independence.
Back in the 60's there was a demonstration where an Indian flag was lifted, upon which thousands of men came out vowing to slaughter anyone asking for a break with Pakistan, the same men who slaughtered the Dogras, took it to the Indian army etc. Things went awfully quiet in the region after that.
Our people are Pakistanis first, Kashmiris second.

It's either merger with Pakistan or hell i.e. staying with India, that's for the IOK Kashmiris.

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