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****** Airtel plans to launch a fibre link to Bangladesh

This company "Chanakyatel" is here for nothing except for the sole purpose of looting. They flocked in here along with many other Indian business conglomerates in the last 5 years and are being heavily patronized by the ruling Awami govt. This Awami govt. forced Warid to leave BD selling their operations to this Baniya company Chanakyatel!! :angry:

We Hindus do love money :yay:

ANd thanks for the compliment, but I dont think anyone currently in India or the world will ever match the genius and intelligence of Chanakya. He was a legend in his field, like Pele is to football.

does Bangladesh also have a space exploration program we dont know about?

No, but they do have an illegal immigration program, and sadly we re on the receiving end of it :pissed: :angry:
@asad71 @iajdani
Are you guys living in BD. Or you know the reality of telecom sector here. We are doomed by all of the service providers here. Including Airtel. Only GP gives good 2G service including internet. But with high cost. All other service providers are BS. Dont just say words just for saying. India is far ahead than us in this sector. And if BD dont take this seriously we will be in dark era for long.
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All the discussion on this thread reminds me of my cousin from Bangladesh. An aunt of mine married into a Bangladeshi family, a wonderful gentleman who is now one of the top businessmen in Dacca. Their son, my cousin studied with me in one of the hill station schools in the 70’s, the same school where his father too had studied. As would be natural, the family had very strong connections in India, but not just limited to family ties. They would come to India for holidays, would see doctors in India, their daughters delivered their children in Indian hospitals, in fact they would even buy groceries in India. But this did not stop my cousin from talking up his country, which actually I admired greatly. There is something to be said about patriotism, a very admirable trait. The only issue I used to have was that this talking up also involved running down India as in – you have crappy cars in India, we in Bangladesh drive imported Japanese cars or Thumbs Up and Double Cola as just sugar drinks, come to Dacca to drink Coke!! I always wondered about why talking up your own country should involve running down another, using irrelevant and ridiculous* or even false arguments. A bit like my cousin, running down a thriving domestic car industry when all you could import were re-conditioned second hand Datsuns from Japan!!
fiber-optic cable link what air tel is going to launch , may be for there own net work.....................

but is been long time internet service through fiber optic cable is exist in Bangladesh

in 2004 i was living in Chittagong in khulshi, i didn't remember service provider name........but i still remember my internet service was through fiber optical

I think you have points. But in the article its clearly written that to boost 3g service in
BD airtel is planning for Fiber optic cable. But later it can turn into a tele transit for
India. It reminds me this

All the discussion on this thread reminds me of my cousin from Bangladesh. An aunt of mine married into a Bangladeshi family, a wonderful gentleman who is now one of the top businessmen in Dacca. Their son, my cousin studied with me in one of the hill station schools in the 70’s, the same school where his father too had studied. As would be natural, the family had very strong connections in India, but not just limited to family ties. They would come to India for holidays, would see doctors in India, their daughters delivered their children in Indian hospitals, in fact they would even buy groceries in India. But this did not stop my cousin from talking up his country, which actually I admired greatly. There is something to be said about patriotism, a very admirable trait. The only issue I used to have was that this talking up also involved running down India as in – you have crappy cars in India, we in Bangladesh drive imported Japanese cars or Thumbs Up and Double Cola as just sugar drinks, come to Dacca to drink Coke!! I always wondered about why talking up your own country should involve running down another, using irrelevant and ridiculous* or even false arguments. A bit like my cousin, running down a thriving domestic car industry when all you could import were re-conditioned second hand Datsuns from Japan!!

well he does have a point :coffee:
No point in arguing with them. Let them enjoy their stone age ayurvedic telecom services. It is just impossible for them to reconcile with the fact that BD telecom is far ahead of theirs

Just wondering how you can lie outright. I mean don't you feel bad lying. It's good to praise your country. Everyone does that! But you can do that by putting forward the positives. Really wondering. It's an online forum and you don't like India (still u regularly come here as per your claims) does that mean, you will blatantly lie. Shame on you!
Where on earth do yiu get these ' pearls of wisdom" from ?

Seriously, .. there are no charges for incoming and starting Oct roaming across the country shall also be free. The call charges in India are among the cheapest in the world. reliance now offers 10p / call across the country amongst other things.

BD SIMs must be used by pole vaulters only if at all.

Please update yourself before you post with such authority.

He is not updated since 1971:angel:
This company "Chanakyatel" is here for nothing except for the sole purpose of looting. They flocked in here along with many other Indian business conglomerates in the last 5 years and are being heavily patronized by the ruling Awami govt. This Awami govt. forced Warid to leave BD selling their operations to this Baniya company Chanakyatel!! :angry:

If it so easy to make money with all the risks involved then you are dead wrong.

It is quite interesting how telecos in India adapted to low margins and low per capita usage. They initially targeted 150 million urban households with disposal income of $7 dollars for a telephone. These households barely make $200 per month income consisting of 5 people. So, you have to build a business around price point of $7/month and provide a service that satisfy the Indian consumers and makes you some money. It was a daunting task because in most developed countries the average price point is about $45/month.... but our telecos took the challenge head on and delivered on their promise. They got the price down on the capital infrastructure drastically to meet this price point. They not only gained in confidence from this experiment but have grown quite big to challenge the world telecos.

From 7 million telephone users in 1994 we have now more than 600 million users. I gave you this little background so it will help you understand what it takes to build a business in our sub continent. Then hopefully you will have more respect for businesses who take risk and then succeed in-spite of all odds.

No point in arguing with them. Let them enjoy their stone age ayurvedic telecom services. It is just impossible for them to reconcile with the fact that BD telecom is far ahead of theirs

So much yunani telecom bs in this threa

The ITU ICT Price Basket (IPB) is a unique global benchmarking tool that provides insightful information on the cost and affordability of telecommunication and information and communication technology (ICT ) services. The IPB is composed of three distinct prices – for fixed-telephone, mobile-cellular and fixed-broadband services – and computed as a percentage of countries’ average gross national income (GNI) per capita.



Measuring the Information Society: Page 65

Now, the lower your IPB, the more affordable the services are. India is ranked 85 with a score of 3.8 and Bangladesh is ranked 110, with a IPB score of 6.5. So telecom services in almost twice as affordable as it is in Bangladesh. Fixed line broadband is almost three times more affordable than Bangladesh:smart:

Consider yourself schooled.

No point in arguing with them. Let them enjoy their stone ageayurvedic telecom services. It is just impossible for them to reconcile with the fact that BD telecom is far ahead of theirs


& Who Made him a PROFESSIONAL on the First place??? :D
So much yunani telecom bs in this threa

The ITU ICT Price Basket (IPB) is a unique global benchmarking tool that provides insightful information on the cost and affordability of telecommunication and information and communication technology (ICT ) services. The IPB is composed of three distinct prices – for fixed-telephone, mobile-cellular and fixed-broadband services – and computed as a percentage of countries’ average gross national income (GNI) per capita.



Measuring the Information Society: Page 65

Now, the lower your IPB, the more affordable the services are. India is ranked 85 with a score of 3.8 and Bangladesh is ranked 110, with a IPB score of 6.5. So telecom services in almost twice as affordable as it is in Bangladesh. Fixed line broadband is almost three times more affordable than Bangladesh:smart:

Consider yourself schooled.


Congratulations! You have just achieved the unthinkable, and what might that be? Why, you have gone out of your way to demonstrate the quintessential example of an exercise in futility.:hang2: A wasted effort yaara, on posters for whom cogency and coherency are alien concepts as is the practice of corroborating a statement so that it may pass muster. Be prepared for either ad hominem laced replies accompanied by frenetic head shaking or some post composed of a non sequitur.
@arp2041 Give this man a medal.
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