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Aircraft carrier Liaoning begins drills in sensitive South China Sea with battle group

yeah Chinese think they have become supermen. Perhaps the smog has killed off their brain cells. For instance this superboy guy claims (you can enjoy it, LOL):
"J-15 is vastly superior to F/A-18E. 1 J-15 can destroy over 10 F/A-18E in 1 sortie."

I have problem to comprehend the notion of 1 J-15 can shoot down 10 F-18E in 1 sorties, given a j-15 can only carry 8 missile, I really love to see how they can use 8 missile to down 10 fighter in a single sortie, really
I have problem to comprehend the notion of 1 J-15 can shoot down 10 F-18E in 1 sorties, given a j-15 can only carry 8 missile, I really love to see how they can use 8 missile to down 10 fighter in a single sortie, really
ADIZ is actually good for country to defend their airspace.

When US say "Freedom of flight"/"Freedom of navigation", it is actually saying US has the right to fly or sail their warplane and warship right up to another country territory airspace/water.
You got that correct -- ...right up to...

That mean we would still be in international water. I guess that concept is too difficult to comprehend.
I have problem to comprehend the notion of 1 J-15 can shoot down 10 F-18E in 1 sorties, given a j-15 can only carry 8 missile, I really love to see how they can use 8 missile to down 10 fighter in a single sortie, really
Those mighty cannons that can fire in every direction.. It can take down 2 more. :rolleyes:
I have problem to comprehend the notion of 1 J-15 can shoot down 10 F-18E in 1 sorties, given a j-15 can only carry 8 missile, I really love to see how they can use 8 missile to down 10 fighter in a single sortie, really

J-15 can carry up to 14 PL-12B long range air to air missiles on twin rail wing pylons and beneath the fuselage. 5 under each wing with 2 twin rails and 1 single rail, 4 more under the fuselage.
J-15 can carry up to 14 PL-12B long range air to air missiles on twin rail wing pylons and beneath the fuselage. 5 under each wing with 2 twin rails and 1 single rail, 4 more under the fuselage.

J-15 is a better air-to-air fighter than the F-18E but it will lack in the air-to-ground capability as it will not launch from catapults.

Anyway the Chinese primarily need the J-15 to provide protection to the CBG.
J-15 is a better air-to-air fighter than the F-18E but it will lack in the air-to-ground capability as it will not launch from catapults.

Anyway the Chinese primarily need the J-15 to provide protection to the CBG.

Correct. China mainly uses destroyers for anti ship. J-15 is primarily an air superiority fighter, so no need for catapults which are prone to failure in combat situations. About a third of US planes lost in war are due to accidents and malfunctions. Catapults cannot be counted on to work during war with China.
Damn...That is funny the degree of delusion from the Chinese.

A modern CVN-65 > CV Liaoning

A 1960-1970s CVN-65 > CV Liaoning??? Nope

BTW, it is none of your business, since you Viets never have an aircraft carrier, nor you have ever damaged a US aircraft carrier.

Correct. China mainly uses destroyers for anti ship. J-15 is primarily an air superiority fighter, so no need for catapults which are prone to failure in combat situations. About a third of US planes lost in war are due to accidents and malfunctions. Catapults cannot be counted on to work during war with China.

Since the EMALS will become too invulnerable to the modern hackers.

Therefore, our ideal nuclear aircraft carrier in the future will be EMALS + ski-jump, if the EMALS fails, then our aircraft carrier can still serve as a ski-jump one, unlike the Gerald Ford class, if its EMALS got hacked, then it can't even takeoff the aircrafts anymore.
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J-15 can carry up to 14 PL-12B long range air to air missiles on twin rail wing pylons and beneath the fuselage. 5 under each wing with 2 twin rails and 1 single rail, 4 more under the fuselage.

There are more hardpoints on a J-15 than just 8.
These cheerleaders and cohorts are just embarrassing themselves!
so no need for catapults which are prone to failure in combat situations. Catapults cannot be counted on to work during war with China.

Aw you managed to bug them too? Oh no ..... we are doomed!
I have problem to comprehend the notion of 1 J-15 can shoot down 10 F-18E in 1 sorties, given a j-15 can only carry 8 missile, I really love to see how they can use 8 missile to down 10 fighter in a single sortie, really
Why not? If Rajnikanth (Indian Chuck Norris) is in the cockpit of the J-15 anything is possible...
Once Rajnikanth killed 2 people with one bullet...
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