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Aircraft carrier Liaoning begins drills in sensitive South China Sea with battle group


Jun 18, 2012
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Aircraft carrier Liaoning begins drills in sensitive South China Sea with battle group

China's first aircraft carrier begins first battle formation training drills in the politically sensitive waters of the South China Sea

Source: South China Morning Post
PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 26 November, 2013, 11:26pm
UPDATED : Wednesday, 27 November, 2013, 5:27pm
Minnie Chan

Images taken from Xinhua website




China's first aircraft carrier has set off for training exercises in the politically sensitive waters of the South China Sea.

It is the first time the Liaoning has carried out drills in the area, parts of which are claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines.

Beijing is currently embroiled in a diplomatic row with Japan after Chinese forces set up an air defence zone over the East China Sea over the weekend which includes disputed islands also claimed by Tokyo.

The Liaoning was escorted by two guided missile destroyers, the Shenyang and the Shijiazhuang, as well as two advanced missile frigates, the Yantai and the Weifang as it left the port of Qingdao yesterday, a report posted on the PLA navy website said.

The Liaoning has conducted more than 100 exercises and drills since it entered service in September last year, but almost all were conducted in the Yellow Sea near the carrier's home base of Qingdao. It is the first time the carrier has conducted a drill as part of a battle group.

The report said the training mission was aimed at testing Liaoning's weapons systems. It did not say how long the drills would last. Previous missions have practised take-off and landing procedures.

Macau-based military observer Antony Wong Dong said the Liaoning battle group had chosen the South China Sea due to its political sensitivity and because its deep water was ideal for big ships to operate.

"The PLA's biggest naval base is at Sanya in Hainan , which is similar to the US' Pearl Harbour in Hawaii. The Sanya base could provide comprehensive support to Liaoning in the coming drills," Wong said.

Beijing-based naval expert Li Jie said the exercises would involve a range of vessels and technology.

"Today's vessels with Liaoning all have anti-submarine and air defence functions. The formation will be perfected after the submarines and other vessels join the group," he said.
China bought the refurbished Liaoning from Ukraine in 2002.

Earlier this month, the carrier completed a 19-day drill in the northern Bohai Sea, with engineers on board successfully dismantling and assembling the engine of the carrier-based J-15 fighter jet for the first time.

Aircraft carrier Liaoning begins drills in sensitive South China Sea with battle group | South China Morning Postc
I´m not sure what Chinese have in mind these days. Have they notified Vietnam and others in the region beforehand about this "visit" in the SCS?

Any mistake or miscalculation of either side would lead to an arms confrontation, that nobody wants at the end of the day.
I was expecting such actions will be made in 5 years or even longer,
I don't really think China is ready for it. There is still a long way to go.

Or maybe they have some brilliant idea in mind, or maybe the head leader got water in his head. Who knows.
China Navy and PLAN's carrier strick group will deploy in South China Sea and East China Sea, to protect China's national interests.

Hey bros, get use to it coz CV-16 only just the beginning latter China will build other carrier strick groups.
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China Navy and PLAN aircraft carrier strick group will deploy in South China Sea and East China Sea, to protect China's national interests.

What China has to do now is to tell (to convince) people how Japan set the 識別區 but blame China to do the same thing as they did.
It is a matter of media influence, not only a matter of showing your military force.
I was expecting such actions will be made in 5 years or even longer,
I don't really think China is ready for it. There is still a long way to go.

Or maybe they have some brilliant idea in mind, or maybe the head leader got water in his head. Who knows.

Well our options are kinda limited, where are we suppose to drill? Carriers must drill at sea and at the moment both East and South is "sensitive," so unless we shoot our carriers into space, they must at least pass through, if even just to get to another sea.

And btw @Viet The US pretty much calls South China Sea home with it's ports and super carriers, and you don't seem bothered, how is three to five ships from China and the carrier is junk btw, a threat?

You only see it as a threat because you choose to. Is there any reason for you to think this is a sneak attack on Vietnam?
What China has to do now is to tell (to convince) people how Japan set the 識別區 but blame China to do the same thing as they did.
It is a matter of media influence, not only a matter of showing your military force.
CV-16's normal training plan, it doesn't matter with East China Sea ADIZ event. According to current information,i just point out China will own 3x carrier strick groups maybe more, and PLAN's strick groups will sail in SCS and ECS.

Don't be too surprised CV-16 in SCS, only the beginning for PLAN's Aircraft Carrier building.
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Well our options are kinda limited, where are we suppose to drill? Carriers must drill at sea and at the moment both East and South is "sensitive," so unless we shoot our carriers into space, they must at least pass through, if even just to get to another sea.

And btw @Viet The US pretty much calls South China Sea home with it's ports and super carriers, and you don't seem bothered, how is three to five ships from China and the carrier is junk btw, a threat?

You only see it as a threat because you choose to. Is there any reason for you to think this is a sneak attack on Vietnam?
It is about a question of trust and to be clear about intention of other. we had naval clashes not long ago. The dispute has calmed down a bit but it is still simmering.

I hope China has notified Vietnam beforehand that you want to do some "exercises" in the region. I can tell you If not, the arrival of your aircraft carrier and destroyers is considered a serious threat to Vietnamese postion in the Spratlys and will trigger our inevitable counteractions, even the you call the carrier a junk. I´m pretty sure, many of your subs escort the battle group.

Not only Vietnam, but the Philippines and the US have reasons to be wary. The US aircraft carrier George Washington is operating in the region. As I said any mistake or miscalculation of either side would lead to things that nobody wants to see at the end of the day.
I was expecting such actions will be made in 5 years or even longer,
I don't really think China is ready for it. There is still a long way to go.

Or maybe they have some brilliant idea in mind, or maybe the head leader got water in his head. Who knows.
China may assume the US is weak and a declining force. Perhaps Mr Xi thinks it is now the right time to test. We are heading to the abyss.
Vietnam and Philippines should also establish ADIG zones close to their territories. Seems chinese think they can play this chess game better.
In the coming days there is a high level chance that USA will encourage these nations in that direction. Chinese are shooting themselves on their foots with their outrageous claims.
China Navy and PLAN's carrier strick group will deploy in South China Sea and East China Sea, to protect China's national interests.

Hey bros, get use to it coz CV-16 only just the beginning latter China will build other carrier strick groups.
you should avoid fueling nationalistic sentiments by declaring all is yours and needs to be protected. How far do you want to go, to protect China's national interests?

The situation right now reminds me a bit of the days before the WWI broke out. Both Germany and France trunken by nationalism and delusions of grandeur vowed: only one could survive.
you should avoid fueling nationalistic sentiments by declaring all is yours and needs to be protected. How far do you want to go, to protect China's national interests?

The situation right now reminds me a bit of the days before the WWI broke out. Both Germany and France trunken by nationalism and delusions of grandeur vowed: only one could survive.
HEHE, u compare CN and VN with Germany and France before WWI ?

Relax bro, the CV-16 won't get into ur EEZ area, won't into ur 12 sea mil off the coast. CV-16 strick group just sailing in South China Sea, sailing between NanSha/Spratly Islands and XiSha/Paracel Islands, sailing international waterway of SCS. And Chinese built a new A.C port in HaiNan island for the carrier strick group.

See CV-16 won't threat any country, just training in South China Sea like other cargo ships sailing there every day.
HEHE, u compare CN and VN with Germany and France before WWI ?

Relax bro, the CV-16 won't get into ur EEZ area, won't into ur 12 sea mil off the coast. CV-16 strick group just sailing in South China Sea, sailing between NanSha/Spratly Islands and XiSha/Paracel Islands, sailing international waterway of SCS. And Chinese built a new A.C port in HaiNan island for the carrier strick group.

See CV-16 won't threat any country, just training in South China Sea like other cargo ships sailing there every day.
no, I compare China to Japan. I guess you prepare for a showdown of Senkakus. Good luck!

I guess after Japan falls, Vietnam will be the next domino that falls. If Vietnam falls, then Southeast Asia is lost. Simple as that. Vietnam will become a province and will be re-integrated into the new Chinese empire. The rest of East Asia will become tribute states or slaves. Sick.
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