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Air War Is Coming:---


There is a heavy prediction of a future air to air conflict in the coming days---. India is getting some serious advice from " foreign mercenaries " in how to attack and destroy Paf---.

Right now is the lull before the storm---. Pakistan is not going to gain anything by looking for peace or acting peaceful---.

Paf might suffer heavily at the hands of the enemy---. It made the ultimate blunder in combat by not attacking the enemy the first time---.

That was the moment to escalate the situation and knock out the enemy ingressing aircraft right then and there at the border---.

It would have been possible to shoot down at least 15 --- 20 enemy aircraft at three different places of incursion.

Now that would have shown the preparedness of the air force against a surprise attack and its will to fight---.

But letting the enemy go was a show of Incompetence and a lack of decision making under duress by the pakistani Air Chief Marshall Mujahid Anwar---.

Prime Minster must order the military chief to court martial the Air chief marshall for a lackadaisical approach against enemy force during first strike and dismiss him from service in total disgrace---.

The result of the second skirmish set up by the Paf had more predictability in favoring the Paf---due to the trap setup by the Paf---. The trap was of a limited setup----then locking and pointing the strike weapons away from the original lock was strange as well---. Why play that game---.
At this moment---the enemy is not beaten---but it is baffled---
you're jus assuming nothing will come @MastanKhan :crazy::crazy::crazy: if we strike on Indian strategic targets in IOK/India major/full fledged war currently happening and Pakistan can't sustain that much longer have no options but unless go nuclear against Indian armed force and result you know @MastanKhan :crazy::crazy:
Only those in a Indian/Pakistani population center should be taken seriously when advocating for more war.

For those who have studied air-burst triangle-pattern targeting, with hard-target redundancy, you are already aware what a full exchange would mean for any two adversaries.

All energy should be focused on peace.
avoid such threads which may hurt and decrease morale of our forces during any war even if we are suffering from any loss we should appreciate our military leadership and army to keep their morale high here we have not suffered any damage during air combat but inflicted losses to enemy airforce so it is best performance by airchief and any bashing and unnecessary criticism is unjustified and will only favor our enemies
war with india is a never ending cycle becuase of india's size
we cant fight and win conventional war every time with india
instead we need to FIX the problem in rashtarpati bhawan

you kill the mafia boss if they go against you
Even if an air war is coming, we can't do much about that on emergency basis.
We have to fight with our current fleet.
So chill out, enjoy current victory and be humble, for there's nothing Paf can do pre-emptively

There is a heavy prediction of a future air to air conflict in the coming days---. India is getting some serious advice from " foreign mercenaries " in how to attack and destroy Paf---.

Right now is the lull before the storm---. Pakistan is not going to gain anything by looking for peace or acting peaceful---.

Paf might suffer heavily at the hands of the enemy---. It made the ultimate blunder in combat by not attacking the enemy the first time---.

That was the moment to escalate the situation and knock out the enemy ingressing aircraft right then and there at the border---.

It would have been possible to shoot down at least 15 --- 20 enemy aircraft at three different places of incursion.

Now that would have shown the preparedness of the air force against a surprise attack and its will to fight---.

But letting the enemy go was a show of Incompetence and a lack of decision making under duress by the pakistani Air Chief Marshall Mujahid Anwar---.

Prime Minster must order the military chief to court martial the Air chief marshall for a lackadaisical approach against enemy force during first strike and dismiss him from service in total disgrace---.

The result of the second skirmish set up by the Paf had more predictability in favoring the Paf---due to the trap setup by the Paf---. The trap was of a limited setup----then locking and pointing the strike weapons away from the original lock was strange as well---. Why play that game---.

At this moment---the enemy is not beaten---but it is baffled---

That's what I said during first drama of surgical strike as well as at time of second stunt, Military leadership idiotically spent more time and efforts in disapproving Indian claims which was unnecessary as stories could have been debunked later by media latter on (Like happened this time) - but official knee jerk stance of nothing happened effectively cut our options to retaliate. Two time opportunity knocked the doors to inflict heavy damage (without going to full war) which would have been justified as India was boosting about doing aggression. I hope our military strategists will use brain in future, and will try gain maximum benefit from repeat of any such stunt.
Mastan Bhai, do you really think "A War IS Comming????" i dont think so....
unless their is another attack of Pulwama magnitude.... also election will be announced in couple of days.... so the care taker govt may not venture there...

IT is coming, it is here.
Modi won't let go power that easily; it is a lesson of history
wars started to stay in power.
Funny mastankhan is always bashing PAF and naming it's chief. I wonder what is the beef between you and PAF.
here is suggestion why not join the PAF and try to become leader of it. Instead of keyboard bashing that we are hearing from you.....

No disrespect intended tho. Stop creating threads and give a hint you know everything!
Both the countries corrupt to the core and talking about war.

Its only the common man who wants to die for their respective country...the elites dont...they are laughing their way to the bank.
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