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Air Force Question Thread

I just saw ur post here just now sorry for being late.
Usa would never allow pakistan to use F 16's in maritime role . But other I would certainly say F 16's are true multiroler AC for Paf and Paf used them in both a2g and a2a roles in wartimes and they were highly successful .
Rose mirages on the other hand are quite formidable ones esp one's from 25th and 27th sqn as they will carry N.weapon when were need arises plus they have complete night strike capibility . Your question regarding Mirages horus , my answer is maybe paf looking to replace non rose mirages with just but I dont see more then 2 sqn's being rasied from them and paf is looking to buy 50 mirages in price of 0.5 F 16 , they can stick on for 10 years and maybe paf thiinks by that time economic conditions would improve so they can buy anyother platform .
Although whatever I heard was mirages would be replaced by west origin AC and in case of war we will go for J 10's otherwise west origin AC.
Jf 17's a2g role is tested on north west region and they are infact great and Block 3 will have goodies with it which will make it a formidable weapon system
F-7 PG have sucessfully intercepted and locked on eagle once and man what an interception it was , ifI am not wrong AC was from 20 sqn . PG will serve us till the final AC induction of JFT block 3
which western plate0oarm will let you carry nuclear weapons apart from rafale..i am eager to see this
which western plate0oarm will let you carry nuclear weapons apart from rafale..i am eager to see this
Too early too say but don't forget Paf's personal may times on media stated that mirages ideal replacement is Rafale , but for next 10 years I don't see any new western platform in paf mainly because of our economic situation.
Too early too say but don't forget Paf's personal may times on media stated that mirages ideal replacement is Rafale , but for next 10 years I don't see any new western platform in paf mainly because of our economic situation.
The pessimistic billi in your Avatar looks more promising than paf's procurement plans :D
The pessimistic billi in your Avatar looks more promising than paf's procurement plans :D

When you get in trouble with mods for smacking "innocent" little mousies here (not that you do, but if you do).....best part is mods here are even red too lol:


OK I will stop derailing this thread now lol :whistle::angel:
take it to whatever we can continue there lol
Too early too say but don't forget Paf's personal may times on media stated that mirages ideal replacement is Rafale , but for next 10 years I don't see any new western platform in paf mainly because of our economic situation.
buying rafale will not be possible..typhoon, f16 wont let integration..so i dont see any western option..best next thing will be to get stealth AC from china
buying rafale will not be possible..typhoon, f16 wont let integration..so i dont see any western option..best next thing will be to get stealth AC from china
Thats another thing and it's already in pipeline , neither u nor I have seen future so we share what we think or know.
I shared mine knowledge I can get wrong but down the road eventually u will see a western platform which can be 5th or euro 6th gen or who know's we see 4.5 gen top of the line fighter :)
F-16 was inducted as Air Defence fighter in 1983 and was tasked only with Air to Air missions until the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan at the end of 1980's and that's when the Thompson-CSF ALTIS II laser designation pod was installed for Air to Ground missions. It is said that LANTRIN pod was not available in market, however it was in USAF service in 1987. The same year PAF started installing Thompson-CSF ALTIS II laser designation pod, which is French. I am assuming that Thompson-CSF ALTIS II laser designation pod was installed on PAF F-16's with US permission. This means permission from US for SOM would be required also for use on F-16's ?

US approval needed, along with OEM support in integration. SOM seems to be the only option considering that any request for sale of AGM-158 JASSM to Pakistan will almost certainly be declined.

Secondly, although F-16's have taken part in extensive A2G Ops on western border, still PAF prioritizes them as front line Air Defence fighter. This could pertain that onus of future Air to Ground Ops could fall mostly on JF-17, apart from the obvious use of ROSE Mirages. Another reason for extensive use of F-16's Air strikes on western border could not only be because of their capabilities but also that JF-17 had just started to get inducted into PAF at that time. The saga of ALCM is limited to Mirages only. A new aircraft or a smaller version of Raád on JF-17 could enhance use of ALCM in PAF.

Agreed. F-16 role is primarily air defence since PAF doesn't possess/use HARM, Harpoon, air-to-ground cruise missiles and Durandal with them, AFAIK.

Raad (and later Raad-II) were developed as strategic weapons, i.e., primarily meant to carry a nuclear payload. A smaller version, if developed, will likely come in the ~700-800kg weight class with a smaller warhead (~250kg) and a smaller range, potentially compromising the second strike capability in aerial domain.

Now, if this is what is required, why not acquire the CM-802AKG with local assembly/production rights and label it indigenous?

PN has already done it with C-602 (Zarb), that is operated by the NSFC.

US approval needed, along with OEM support in integration. SOM seems to be the only option considering that any request for sale of AGM-158 JASSM to Pakistan will almost certainly be declined.

Agreed. F-16 role is primarily air defence since PAF doesn't possess/use HARM, Harpoon, air-to-ground cruise missiles and Durandal with them, AFAIK.

Raad (and later Raad-II) were developed as strategic weapons, i.e., primarily meant to carry a nuclear payload. A smaller version, if developed, will likely come in the ~700-800kg weight class with a smaller warhead (~250kg) and a smaller range, potentially compromising the second strike capability in aerial domain.

Now, if this is what is required, why not acquire the CM-802AKG with local assembly/production rights and label it indigenous?

PN has already done it with C-602 (Zarb), that is operated by the NSFC.


For Naval air support from fighter aircrafts, the first question which pops in mind is, Are 30 aircrafts an effective proponent for PN? 12 of them being Mirage-V and others are JF-17's from 2nd Sqd.

Then comes the missile. Mirage-V can carry one exocet, while JF-17 can carry 2 x C-802. Its not just the anti-ship missile that Pakistan needs. There is no equivalent of AGM-65 for ground support in PAF service. JF-17 lacks not just cruise missile but an Air to ground missile for supporting troops on the ground.

Since Mirages are being mentioned, what if IAF asks UAE, EAF and QAF etc to sell their remaining Mirgae 2000's to it or if the tender for sale at cheap price is floated and IAF raises hand to buy, what will be PAF's stance?
Since Mirages are being mentioned, what if IAF asks UAE, EAF and QAF etc to sell their remaining Mirgae 2000's to it or if the tender for sale at cheap price is floated and IAF raises hand to buy, what will be PAF's stance?


It will be---It is the man behind the machine---we are not afraid to die---. Angels will come and help us---man with a long white beard and wearing a green dress will catch the bombs and will grab the missiles---.
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