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Air Force bombers land on [undisclosed] South China Sea island airport for first time


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Air Force bombers land on island airport for first time
China Daily, May 19, 2018


An H-6K bomber during an exercise. [Photo/Xinhua]

The People's Liberation Army Air Force landed its H-6K bomber aircraft on an airport in the South China Sea during a recent exercise, marking the first time Chinese bombers have used an airport in the region.

Several H-6Ks from an unidentified aviation division, headed by division commander Hao Jianke, took off from an undisclosed air base in South China and made a simulated strike against sea targets before landing on an island in the South China Sea, according to a statement published by the Air Force on Friday.

The aircraft then conducted takeoff drills using the island's airport, the statement said. It noted the operation provided experience for Air Force bomber units to use islands as their bases.

The division involved in the exercise has taken part in patrols over the western Pacific Ocean, South China Sea and plateaus, according to the Air Force.

The statement quoted Wang Mingliang, a researcher at the PLA Air Force Command College, as saying that takeoff and landing exercises on islands in the South China Sea will help the Air Force strengthen its combat capability to deal with marine security threats.

Wang Yanan, editor of Aerospace Knowledge, told China Daily that after the Air Force's bombers are able to be deployed on islands in the South China Sea, their operational range as well as China's maritime defense parameters will be tremendously extended, adding to existing prowess to deter any plots to compromise China's territorial integrity from the sea.

According to the Chinese government, there are at least four large airports in the South China Sea - on Yongxing Island in the Xisha Islands and Meiji, Zhubi and Yongshu reefs in the Nansha Islands - that are capable of handling large aircraft.

In 2016, large jetliners from Chinese airlines carried out landings and takeoffs using airports on Meiji, Zhubi and Yongshu reefs.

The H-6K is the PLA's most advanced bomber and is capable of carrying supersonic cruise missiles to make precision strikes against land targets or ships. Foreign analysts speculate that the aircraft has a flight range of about 3,500 kilometers while China's CJ-10 series cruise missiles have a minimum range of 1,500 km, which means the bomber is able to hit targets at least 5,000 km from where it takes off.

Aviation Industry Corp of China, the nation's leading aircraft maker, is developing a new long-range strategic bomber, which observers say is likely to have an operational range of at least 12,000 kilometers and a maximum carrying capacity of 20 metric tons of bombs and missiles.

@cirr , @Cybernetics , @Daniel808 , @terranMarine :D
Even without China's Military Base in South China Sea Territory, PLAAF's H-6K Long range bomber pairing with CJ-10 Cruise Missile already cover the Entire South East Asia , East Asia (including Western Pacific) and South Asia.

Now, with China's Military Base H-6K Bomber with CJ-10 Cruise Missile even can reach further.

So, for War-mongering monkey who love to sound they want to war with China. Better think twice, can your country hold a rain of hundreds of CJ-10 Cruise Missile?
Want your country back to the stone age? :coffee: Even your radar cannot cover entire South China Sea Zone, only China have it.

If you want to survive and don't face extinction better Be Smart and Realistic like Philipines President, Mr.Rodrigo Duterte :enjoy:
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Even without China's Military Base in South China Sea Territory, PLAAF's H-6K Long range bomber pairing with CJ-10 Cruise Missile already cover the Entire South East Asia , East Asia (including Western Pacific) and South Asia.

Now, with China's Military Base H-6K Bomber with CJ-10 Cruise Missile even can reach further.

So, for War-mongering monkey who love to sound they want to war with China. Better think twice, can your country hold a rain of hundreds of CJ-10 Cruise Missile?
Want your country back to the stone age? :coffee: Even your radar cannot cover entire South China Sea Zone, only China have it.

If you want to survive and don't face extinction better Be Smart and Realistic like Philipines President, Mr.Rodrigo Duterte :enjoy:
The worst part is refueling version of H-6K is on the table. If Tanker and H-6K with refueling rod both take off from Spratly island. The combat radius will easily increase by another 700km to 1000km.
According to the Chinese government, there are at least four large airports in the South China Sea - on Yongxing Island in the Xisha Islands and Meiji, Zhubi and Yongshu reefs in the Nansha Islands - that are capable of handling large aircraft.

The number of Chinese airstrips in the SCS is only going to increase from here. :enjoy:
The number of Chinese airstrips in the SCS is only going to increase from here. :enjoy:

That's a textbook case of power projection, which is urgently needed if China wants to make sure it will never fight a war at home.

Unlike the unstable US regime, however, power projection capacity does not/will not translate into a more warlike foreign policy in in Beijing.

The fact is that the developed/hegemonic West is the one that is having problems with a non-Western country rising into global prominence' the rest of the world has no/little qualms with that. So, power projection is aimed at them (as well as those at the receiving ends of their leashes -- whoever they may be).

Considering that the West is having problems to even recognize China's territorial integrity with little neo-fascist games through their businesses like fashion and civil aviation, power projection is not luxury, but a vital necessity.

Nonetheless, power projection capacity, along with nuclear triad, won't lead to warlike foreign policy in China. It won't either lead to hard security alliance making although China may more openly provide security guarantees to friendly governments regarding their political stability against US interventions.
Even without China's Military Base in South China Sea Territory, PLAAF's H-6K Long range bomber pairing with CJ-10 Cruise Missile already cover the Entire South East Asia , East Asia (including Western Pacific) and South Asia.

Now, with China's Military Base H-6K Bomber with CJ-10 Cruise Missile even can reach further.

So, for War-mongering monkey who love to sound they want to war with China. Better think twice, can your country hold a rain of hundreds of CJ-10 Cruise Missile?
Want your country back to the stone age? :coffee: Even your radar cannot cover entire South China Sea Zone, only China have it.

If you want to survive and don't face extinction better Be Smart and Realistic like Philipines President, Mr.Rodrigo Duterte :enjoy:
Boy, stop self mast...
Boy, stop self mast...
Actually VN also got some Soviet bombers and may used them during Cambodian war. But bomber is not useful for modern war cos its big, slow and require escort fighter, so VN stopped using bomber .

I told u already, PLAF is stupid, its fan boys are stupid too. See PLAF got no single win in air combat in history.

Bsc of the PLAF stupidity in air combat, thats why CN fan boys here still think their bomber has some use when VN just dumped all bombers after Cambodian invasion :laugh:
These bombers are a little bit old, but with those long-range (>500 km) missiles, under the protection of our 4th/5th gen fighter jets, and our AEW&C planes, even the US carriers dare not to come close, and the monkey's entire suck a$$ navy, military bases and air force, etc. will be destroyed completely with just one wave of strike...

And they can also carry this baby:
Only fry monkeys left....
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Actually VN also got some Soviet bombers and may used them during Cambodian war. But bomber is not useful for modern war cos its big, slow and require escort fighter, so VN stopped using bomber .

I told u already, PLAF is stupid, its fan boys are stupid too. See PLAF got no single win in air combat in history.

Bsc of the PLAF stupidity in air combat, thats why CN fan boys here still think their bomber has some use when VN just dumped all bombers after Cambodian invasion :laugh:
Such old slow moving bombers are easy targets. True, Chinese pilots have never fought a single modern air combat in history.
Just one question, can your suck a$$ airforce get even close to this monster???
Man, the US airforce in 1972 attacked Hanoi by 207 x B52 bombers and 2,000 fighter and support aircraft. Chinese airforce is just a kindergarten. No wonder, no single Chinese aircraft appeared in the last VN-CN war.

That's a textbook case of power projection, which is urgently needed if China wants to make sure it will never fight a war at home.

Unlike the unstable US regime, however, power projection capacity does not/will not translate into a more warlike foreign policy in in Beijing.

The fact is that the developed/hegemonic West is the one that is having problems with a non-Western country rising into global prominence' the rest of the world has no/little qualms with that. So, power projection is aimed at them (as well as those at the receiving ends of their leashes -- whoever they may be).

Considering that the West is having problems to even recognize China's territorial integrity with little neo-fascist games through their businesses like fashion and civil aviation, power projection is not luxury, but a vital necessity.

Nonetheless, power projection capacity, along with nuclear triad, won't lead to warlike foreign policy in China. It won't either lead to hard security alliance making although China may more openly provide security guarantees to friendly governments regarding their political stability against US interventions.
Do you believe what you wrote?

@jhungary @gambit

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