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G7 'deeply concerned' at tensions in East, South China Seas

you are NOT important enough to give you the power to do whatever you want.
If you continue the course, your downfall comes earlier than you can imagine :cry:
Odd sense of superiority coming from Vietnamese. :coffee: Chinese only trust national strengh.:china:


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China is such a pathetic country.
having $4tn in forex, but look for some dollars in the waters of Vietnam.
Relax, American seek for oil in Middel East even OIL WAR, China just search for oil in SCS.
We should attack Vietnam with the pretext of WMD LOL.....
Just like the US on Iraq ;)
go to do your homework. stupid viets.
Don't you know China decline G7 invitation? We even rejected america's G2, let alone G7.
any proof for your statement?
:coffee: Pity, the world is not so simple as u thought buddy. China is not only a export nation also a big customer market, in the world except American market, China is N.o2.

China is important to G7 export. When ur Vietnam get the same economy achievement, then u can feel that, right now u r just 1/100 (2013 Vietnam GDP: 171.2bil $, 2013 GuangXi province of China GDP: 232.2bil $).

what can Zhuang Authonom do ? do chinese modify the stastic figure ?:p:
BRICS is a no-name club. Besides China, no other country comes close in terms of economics power.
4 of the BRICS members are in the top 10 in GDP and they are rising. The potential is high for India and Brazil. Although, they still need time to develop but the potential will be surpassing everyone in G7, except USA.

Vietnam has rare earth, one of the world's largest rare earth reserves.
Vietnam, Japan to Boost Rare Earth Cooperation
You don't get it, do you? You don't have processing technology and efficiency to mine and process rare earth metal to make its profitable and in large quantity. That's why we control over 90% of the world's rare earth supply because we have the technology, we process it efficiently, and we can do it in massive quantity that make its cheap for everyone in the tech industry. When it comes to do everything efficiently, we are a MONSTER!
no problem to replace these products with others. Korean and Japanese products are better anyway. these companies can produce all stuffs in Vietnam or other ASEAN members.

for example, Vietnam soon produces 50% of all Samsung smartphones, tablets, PCs, etc...
if Samsung decides to shutdown all factories in China due to economics reason (e.i. high cost), we can produce the other 50%.
As ur logic, i need to add Iphone and Ipad into that list...:coffee:
G8 should be understand,now is not Qing dynasty....
Ai,are G7?Where is Russia?:sad:
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4 of the BRICS members are in the top 10 in GDP and they are rising. The potential is high for India and Brazil. Although, they still need time to develop but the potential will be surpassing everyone in G7, except USA.

You don't get it, do you? You don't have processing technology and efficiency to mine and process rare earth metal to make its profitable and in large quantity. That's why we control over 90% of the world's rare earth supply because we have the technology, we process it efficiently, and we can do it in massive quantity that make its cheap for everyone in the tech industry. When it comes to do everything efficiently, we are a MONSTER!

Dude don't listen to him he's an idiot on par with Niceguy or Vixuyen. He's been wrong in almost every occasion:

From saying Indonesia's economy will collapse during last QE to accusing Rainsy of being a Chinese puppet, but not accusing the actual puppet Hun Sen himself!
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BRICS is a no-name club. Besides China, no other country comes close in terms of economics power.

Looks like you're exposing your two-faced mentality again. Before you called for ASEAN unity, and then said Vietnam should make Thailand collapse. You've also begged Russia and India to help Vietnam before, but now you mock them as "no-name" countries with bad economies. Looks like this snake slithered right out of the Mekong jungles :coffee:.
Looks like you're exposing your two-faced mentality again. Before you called for ASEAN unity, and then said Vietnam should make Thailand collapse. You've also begged Russia and India to help Vietnam before, but now you mock them as "no-name" countries with bad economies. Looks like this snake slithered right out of the Mekong jungles :coffee:.
That little Viet friend has a history of being a two-face rat. Now even the Indians are getting tired of his act. LOL
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