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AIDS infested India - deadly threat to Bangladesh

From where Bangladesh stand and taken to by current regime, its grave risk for every Bangladeshis from fast expanding AIDS risk in india. More so with thousands Bangladeshis go to india for medical or other visit and thousands from india visit Bangladesh for $10 billion market.

And recently present regime in Bangladesh allowed india transit through Bangladesh which greatly exposed Bangladeshi population to indian AIDS threat.

Bangladeshi population would come under deadly AIDS threat as indian transit proposal asked to provide indian truck drivers week long stay inside Bangladesh.

Considering all these facts and impending danger to all Bangladeshis, its more than justified to have awareness on the issue.

Besides, india trying to get access through Pakistan to Afghanistan and elsewhere, Pakistan would face same threat in future as well.

But obiviously indians dont want anyone to be aware and hide behind deception.
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And recently present regime in Bangladesh allowed india transit through Bangladesh which greatly exposed Bangladeshi population to indian AIDS threat.


Ofcourse the free market society must be curved then, isn't it!!

You are the right person to start this program in your country and do good for it. I would suggest go even further, lets not even chat/blog here but go out there and create a anti-Indian trade movement then.

That will surely solve the problems of AIDS in your country. Problem Solved!!!
Good effort to create divide and rule. First degrade Idune Vhai then milk Janaji. It seems like
"Kalo, Dhalo aar agosalo
Sabb Indianer Vhiter pesalo"?:cheesy:

What do you say, Indian friends?

Can you please put some light that how my both posts were related. An how it leads to division?

idune's post was senseless flame that's what I said. At least Jana ji had a point, whether I agree or not.

This is a serious forum man , not yahoo chat room.
Good effort to create divide and rule. First degrade Idune Vhai then milk Janaji. It seems like
"Kalo, Dhalo aar agosalo
Sabb Indianer Vhiter pesalo"?:cheesy:

What do you say, Indian friends?

M_Saint you can see your beloved friend Idune has come up with relatively old articles to make cheap shots against Indians and India..if he put half of the working time that put up in finding this articles he can find the steps taken by the Indian Govt to stop spreading of this diseases..I gave him some link proving about our NGO organizations and firms taking steps in creating awareness among the drivers..and I already told that its the responsibility of your government to create awareness from your side if you feel threatened because of it..And I don't personally like mixing religion in an epidemic like this..as I mentioned in my previous post..Discrimination to the Aids patient is not because he/she is from a particular religion.Its because of the fear about that disease...
You are the right person to start this program in your country and do good for it. I would suggest go even further, lets not even chat/blog here but go out there and create a anti-Indian trade movement then.

Trade and transit are not same thing, get that through your skull. Transit and logistic around it greatly increases risk spreading indian AIDS into Bangladesh and anywhere in south Asia.
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Trade and transit are not same thing, get that through your skull. Transit and logistic around it greatly increases spreading indian AIDS into Bangladesh and anywhere in south Asia.

How many varieties of AIDS you know?? :what: ..Well if epidemic is spreading in Bangladesh because of Indian truck drivers then people in you country are also responsible for it..you very well aware that how this diseases spread..think hard ...If your side is clean you don't have to fear about spreading of this diseases ...:azn:
Trade and transit are not same thing, get that through your skull. Transit and logistic around it greatly increases risk spreading indian AIDS into Bangladesh and anywhere in south Asia.

As per topic starter trade and transit of Indians exposed BD. Point to ponder on dubious thread.

Link -How does HIV spread.

* Unprotected relationship with infected person (either heterosexual or homosexual)

a) Relationship with infected male
b) Relationship with infected male result in infection into female

This is high possibility.
* Transfusion of infected blood or blood products
Transfusion of hiv infected blood or blood products

Low possiblity.

* Infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth process and through breast – feeding

Infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth process and through breast feeding

Low possiblity.

* Use of infected needles and instruments without sterilization or sharing of needles and syringes by HIV drug addicts

Low possiblity.

I am using the word relationship for know act.

So mean to say Indians come to BD to commit known act ?

I am only trying to convince the topic starter about how HIV spreads.
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India looks askance at Gates' AIDS grant

By Ranjit Devraj

NEW DELHI - A US$100 million grant to fight HIV/AIDS in India, announced by the world's richest man Bill Gates soon after he landed in the national capital on Monday, has stirred controversy after policy makers voiced concern of a suspected hidden US agenda behind the largesse.

Speaking at a function - one of many scheduled for him on his busy, four-day itinerary covering the cities of Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore - Microsoft chairman Gates said that the money was the "largest single initiative focused on a single country" by the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.

But many are skeptical, among them India's Health Minister Shatrughan Sinha who, speaking at a public function on the weekend, denounced US ambassador Robert Blackwill's attempts to promote US-led AIDS initiatives based on kite-flying projections that India would have 25 million AIDS sufferers by 2010.

Asked about the government's questioning of the AIDS statistics, Gates, during a visit to a voluntary agency where he met people with HIV, said what was important was the disease and not the figures.

Controversy has been building since last Wednesday when Blackwill quoted the figures from a report released recently by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He also referred to $63 million spent by the United States for containment of AIDS in India over the past five years.

According to the CIA report, the spread of AIDS in India, Russia and China posed serious threats to international health and the world's economy unless urgent measures, including vaccination, were taken to contain the disease in these countries.

In the report, the three countries - together with Nigeria and Ethiopia - are projected to outstrip sub-Saharan Africa in the number of people living with AIDS by 2010. The report says that an estimated 50 million to 75 million people could be living with the disease.

Volunteer agencies, led by the Joint Action Council, that work on human rights issues linked to AIDS, wrote to Sinha demanding that the government take a stand on the issue. In a pointed reference to projections made separately by Gates and Blackwill, Sinha said, "I fail to understand how people holding such important positions can stand on our soil and say that India will have 25 million sufferers of AIDS by 2010."

Sinha accused Gates and Blackwill of spreading fear in India about AIDS and said that he suspected that "false propaganda" was being used to help the interests of transnational corporations and people who were against India's "safety and security".

Possibly as a reaction to the controversy generated by the issue, Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee did not show up at a high-power lunch on Monday with Gates, who instead went to meet him briefly at his residence. Sinha, too, declined to meet Gates and flew to the bustling port city of Mumbai, where the former film star is partly based.

Earlier this year, the health ministry said that 3.97 million people were infected with the virus that could lead to AIDS. The figures, derived from a report by the ministry's Sentinel Surveillance Survey, said that the spread of the virus had been contained.

Meenakshi Dutt Ghosh, project director for the National AIDS Control Organization, said in a televised interview on Monday, "We have no idea how these [CIA] figures were arrived at ... going by the Sentinel Surveillance Survey, 10.9 million people could be suffering from AIDS by 2010."

In the past, the ministry has expressed extreme annoyance at figures released by UN agencies that differed from its own. For example, the ministry objected to figures released by such agencies in 2000 which said that 310,000 Indians had died of AIDS in India the previous year, but did not care to explain how that figure was arrived at. The figures were later retracted.

Said Dr C P Thakur, Sinha's immediate predecessor as health minister. "No agency has the means to calculate epidemiological statistics in this country or the authority to release them to the public."

But different international agencies have continued to cite other statistics on how many Indians are dead or dying from AIDS. "Every year we update our information and we are surprised to see other figures cited freely," Sinha said.

Gates said that the $100 million grant would be used for program that focus on mobile populations, such as truck drivers and migrant laborers who are considered to be at higher risk of acquiring and spreading AIDS.

Last year, Gates' foundation issued a $100 million challenge grant to the UK-based International AIDS Vaccine Initiative that has since signed an agreement with the Indian government to develop a vaccine to specifically target prevalent strains in this country.

In interviews given to Indian publications ahead of his tour, Gates declared that as with his software company Microsoft Corp, the key to his charity was the large number of smart people that were attracted to it and that had formed "partnerships".

Ethnic Indians form 20 percent of Microsoft Corp's engineering force and Gates said that this led him to have a special interest in India, a country he is visiting for the fifth time and where the company maintains software development centers.

To help cement this position in the country, Gates agreed on Tuesday to provide assistance of $1 million for the Media Lab Asia project of the government, besides extending $20 million for an e-learning initiative called "Shiksha". Gates made the commitments during an hour-long meeting with Communications and IT Minister Pramod Mahajan.

Mahajan had earlier explained the purpose and idea behind the Media Lab Asia project to Gates and expressed hope that with Microsoft extending assistance to it, more international funds would find their way into the socio-economic project. Under the Shiksha project, the Microsoft assistance will involve the training of 80,000 teachers, along with 3.5 million students, over a three to five year period. The project will be coordinated by the department of IT.

Asia Times
Dude I don't know why are you posting the news which is 10 years old itself..in case you didn't notice we have Congress in power now for the second term and Vajpayee is not our Prime Minister now its Manmohan Singh..and also we our govt don't accept any grant because our govt is pretty much confident that it can handle our nation economy with out any outside aid ..and I can understand your concern about Indian Aids patients so for the peace of mind of yours i am happy to tell you that our Govt and NGO organisations are working hard to create awareness among people about this disease. and I think its working better than expected.I hope you can sleep calmly now..
By 2010 around 25 million indians with AIDs/HIV, if the news was older risk is even greater now than years back.
By 2010 around 25 million indians with AIDs/HIV, if the news was older risk is even greater now than years back.

In 2008 the official figure of AIDs patients in India was 2.5 million..I don't see it will reach 25 million.sorry to disappoint you..

HIV and AIDS in India

this link contains everything please read the last part telling about the drop of infection in Southern states..i am not claming that we had victory in it but we are slowly but surely creating awareness...
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what's the main mode of transmission in india?drug injecting?

You can get some information on how AIDS is spreading in India and its neighbouring countries from the news below.

South Asian Media Net

AIDS centre opens on India-Nepal border
Friday, October 23,2009

KATHMANDU: A brand new drop-in centre has been launched on the India-Nepal border, providing truck drivers with essential HIV/AIDS services. The centre, the only health provider in the area, is part of the cross border initiative of the ITF's South Asian HIV project. It is designed to reach out to those working on the 2000 trucks that cross the border every day.

Truck drivers and their assistants will have access to essential counselling services and information on sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS. Workers at the centre will distribute condoms and refer people who require blood tests or other medical services to a nearby clinic run by the Family Planning Association of Nepal. Meanwhile the ITF-affiliated union and project partner, the Independent Transport Workers’ Association of Nepal, is backing up the centre’s services by providing an information telephone hotline and raising awareness of HIV through outreach work. A women’s health programme will also be initiated in the coming months.

The centre’s services are also open to the local community.

“The pandemic is growing very fast in south Asia, a region with porous borders and high rates of migration. This means infection can travel very quickly from one country to another. That’s why it is important to keep challenging stigma and discrimination by ensuring the right information is made available to those who are at the highest risk,” said Dr Asif Altaf, ITF HIV/AIDS coordinator.
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