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Ahmadis in Pakistan

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And for the same reason please stop bashing and BSing against the State of Pakistan and its constitution.

BSing for you, but i stand by my point Ordinance XX is the most stupid Ordinance of Pakistan's history & its violation of basic rights of religious freedom :pakistan:
Ordinance XX

On 26 April 1984, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the President of Pakistan, issued the anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX, which effectively prohibited Ahmadis from preaching or professing their beliefs.The ordinance, which was supposed to prevent "anti-Islamic activities," forbids Ahmadis to call themselves Muslim or to "pose as Muslims." This means that they are not allowed to profess the Islamic creed publicly or call their places of worship mosques. Ahmadis in Pakistan are also barred by law from worshipping in non-Ahmadi mosques or public prayer rooms, performing the Muslim call to prayer, using the traditional Islamic greeting in public, publicly quoting from the Qur'an, preaching in public, seeking converts, or producing, publishing, and disseminating their religious materials. These acts are punishable by imprisonment of up to three years

Persecution of Ahmadiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Addition of new sections 298B and 298C, Act XLV of 1860.
In the Pakistan Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860), in Chapter XV, after section 298A, the following new sections shall be added, namely:
“298B. Misuse of epithets, descriptions and titles, etc., reserved for certain holy personages or places.
Any person of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves ‘Ahmadis’ or by any other name) who by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation;
refers to, or addresses, any person, other than a Caliph or companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),as ‘Ameerul Mumineen’, ‘Khalifa-tui-Mumineen’, ‘Khalifa-tul-Muslimeen’, ‘Sahaabi’ or ‘Razi Allah Anho’
refers to, or addresses, any person, other than a wife of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as ‘Ummul-Mumineen’
(c) refers to, or addresses, any person, other than a member of the family (Ahle-bait) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as ‘Ahle-bait’; or
refers to, or names, or calls, his place of worship as ‘Masjid’;
shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.
Any person of the Quadiani group or Lahori group (who call themselves Ahmadis or by any other name) who by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, refers to the mode or form of call to prayers followed by his faith as ‘Azan’ or recites Azan as used by the Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine.
298C. Person of Quadiani group etc., calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith.
Any person of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves ‘Ahmadis’ or by any other name), who, directly or indirectly, poses himself as Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.”

All these conditions that leads to Ahmadis being prosecuted are something we have already talked about.

The Paths cross and that leads to confrontation.
then why is there Hue & cry when Europeans ban Veil?

Muslims must also follow law of land & end their hypocrisy

These hypocrites accuse us of 'pandering to the Indian audience' when we are also the same ones arguing for Muslim rights and against Muslim vilification on threads related to the ban of the Burqa and headscarves, on threads about the opposition to building a mosque next to the site of the WTC Towers, on threads about the derogatory ad campaign against Muslims on buses in NYC.

Many of these people cherish this bigotry and intolerance is all I can think of - but in that case they should stop talking about 'Islam is a religion of peace, respect, equality and tolerance', since that obviously is not the Islam they follow.
All these conditions that leads to Ahmadis being prosecuted are something we have already talked about.

The Paths cross and that leads to confrontation.

What is that supposed to mean? That you find this discrimination and denial of rights by the State of Pakistan, in violation of basic Islamic principles of 'equality and freedom of religion', as completely acceptable?
outrages the religious feelings of Muslims

Muslims are the most sensitive intolerant people on the face of planet when it comes to their religion any one else? Ohh well he's advocate of Devil & Lucifier :lol:

i stand by my words, Ordinance XX, MY FOOT
And for the same reason please stop bashing and BSing against the State of Pakistan and its constitution.
Changing a legislation is not the same as abuse. There are good grounds for this change, and that is what we're arguing for, not simply making fun of our own country.
As discussed earlier ordinance XX was a political compulsion in zia era. the concerns could have been taken care of by simply defining Ahmadis as non-muslims (rightly or wrongly). But the clauses seeking punishment for Ahmedis is really inhumane.
@Asim:How about going through the courts? file a petition in apex court. cuz i don't see any such change coming through the parliament.
As discussed earlier ordinance XX was a political compulsion in zia era. the concerns could have been taken care of by simply defining Ahmadis as non-muslims (rightly or wrongly). But the clauses seeking punishment for Ahmedis is really inhumane.

Zia listed himself as an ahmadi when he applied for a military career in the British India army. :lol:

You can check his British service record.
Zia listed himself as an ahmadi when he applied for a military career in the British India army. :lol:

You can check his British service record.


I never knew that, damn hilarious :rofl:

I never knew that, damn hilarious :rofl:

Read this:

"His British-era military service records revealed that he had declared himself Ahmedi and got a letter of recommendation from Qadian to get a good job in military. The anti Zia elements raised hell upon this discovery. His associates first tried to defend him by saying that it was impossible to get a good job in military during the British rule without a letter from Qadian. Then they claimed that many of the top military officers from British era were either Ahmedi or had a letter of recommendation from Qadian. They went to show how easy it is to get Canadian or European immigration if someone has a letter from Ahmediyya leader. Woodbridge, Toronto, Canada is full of immigrants who got by obtaining a letter from Ahmedi leader.

Despite these measures anti-Zia elements still consider him a covert Ahmadi."


Could someone please check his records and find out, I would lmao. Zia probably burnt them if they are not in British control that is.
@Asim:How about going through the courts? file a petition in apex court. cuz i don't see any such change coming through the parliament.
The parliament makes the law, the courts implement the law. The change has to come from the Parliament.
yes i know, file a petition, so that the law could be upheld/taken a stay against. atleast you people can protect any future apprehensions under this law.
What is that supposed to mean? That you find this discrimination and denial of rights by the State of Pakistan, in violation of basic Islamic principles of 'equality and freedom of religion', as completely acceptable?

No I do not.

But the issue is here "equality and freedom of religion"

When a particular religion tend to show a distorted form of your own religion then care must be taken.

Also, I am against all the laws that were made during Dictatorial Regimes. With the passage of dictators rule, the laws they made with sheer force, should also have been abolished. Unfortunately, this didn't happen.
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