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Ahmadis in Pakistan

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May be off topic but tell me how many of us here chose there religion, didn't we inherit it whether we are Hindu , Muslims or Ahmadiya. So tell me how can we do any king of discrimination with any one who is not himself responsible for what he is?

Yes Off topic.
I am waiting for Agno to answer it as i dont know of any atrocities committed by Muslims against ahmadis if we did the Qadiyanis would have ceased to exist in Pakistan but they are out there , so where are the atrocities ?

You are a troll and a fool to think that in this information age anything can be hidden and not dug out. I have already warned you not to open this particular can of worms since YOU (mainstream Muslims) are going to lose the 'battle of atrocities' in Pakistan. The Indians here, especially those from BR, will drown you out with 'links':

In a program aired on 7 September 2008 the anchor of the religious program 'Alam Online', Dr. Amir Liaquat Hussain--also former federal minister for religious affairs--declared the murder of Ahmadi sect members to be necessary (Wajib ul Qatal) according to Islamic teachings, because its followers don't believe in the last prophet, Mohammad, peace be upon him. Dr. Amir repeated his instruction several times, urging fundamentalists Muslims to kill without fear.

While on air the anchor person also pressured the other two Islamic scholars (from two different sects) on the program to support the statement. This resulted in a unanimous decision among the scholars, on air during a popular television show, to urge lynching with the intent to kill. This was not a one-off. On September 9, Mr. Hussain answered a query with the comment that blasphemers are liable to be put to death.

According to the information received, at 1:15pm on September 8, 18 hours after the broadcast, six persons entered the Fazle Umer Clinic, a two-story hospital at Mirpur Khas city and two of them went to the second floor and started pressuring 45 year-old Dr. Abdul Manan Siddiqui to come downstairs to attend to a patient in crisis. Dr. Manan left his office and descended into an ambush. He was shot 11 times and died on the spot. His private guard was also shot and is in a serious condition. A woman was also injured by firing. The killers remained at the hospital until the doctor was declared dead, then they walked out of the building's front entrance. Police registered the killers as unknown.

On September 9, 48 hours after the broadcast, Mr. Yousaf, a 75 year-old rice trader and district chief of the Ahmadi sect was killed on his way to prayer in Nawab Shah, Sindh province. Yousaf was fired on from people on motor bikes, and sustained three bullet wounds. He died on the way to the hospital. The assailants had taken a route past a police station. No one was arrested.

Pakistan: Anchor man calls for lynching of Ahmadis, two people murdered - Jihad Watch

I am sure you didn't really need me reminding you of this episode. :disagree:
May be off topic but tell me how many of us here chose there religion, didn't we inherit it whether we are Hindu , Muslims or Ahmadiya. So tell me how can we do any king of discrimination with any one who is not himself responsible for what he is?

Simple anyone who converts to other religion from Islam is a infidel & must be killed where as any one who convets to Islam from other religion is a great....

HYPOCRISY & INTOLERANCE, people consider their beliefs as divine truth but what other believe is a pathetic lie & a follower of Satan

the wicket circle of declaring others as a advocates of Satan must stop
You are a troll and a fool to think that in this information age anything can be hidden and not dug out. I have already warned you not to open this particular can of worms since YOU (mainstream Muslims) are going to lose the 'battle of atrocities' in Pakistan. The Indians here, especially those from BR, will drown you out with 'links':

In a program aired on 7 September 2008 the anchor of the religious program 'Alam Online', Dr. Amir Liaquat Hussain--also former federal minister for religious affairs--declared the murder of Ahmadi sect members to be necessary (Wajib ul Qatal) according to Islamic teachings, because its followers don't believe in the last prophet, Mohammad, peace be upon him. Dr. Amir repeated his instruction several times, urging fundamentalists Muslims to kill without fear.

While on air the anchor person also pressured the other two Islamic scholars (from two different sects) on the program to support the statement. This resulted in a unanimous decision among the scholars, on air during a popular television show, to urge lynching with the intent to kill. This was not a one-off. On September 9, Mr. Hussain answered a query with the comment that blasphemers are liable to be put to death.

According to the information received, at 1:15pm on September 8, 18 hours after the broadcast, six persons entered the Fazle Umer Clinic, a two-story hospital at Mirpur Khas city and two of them went to the second floor and started pressuring 45 year-old Dr. Abdul Manan Siddiqui to come downstairs to attend to a patient in crisis. Dr. Manan left his office and descended into an ambush. He was shot 11 times and died on the spot. His private guard was also shot and is in a serious condition. A woman was also injured by firing. The killers remained at the hospital until the doctor was declared dead, then they walked out of the building's front entrance. Police registered the killers as unknown.

On September 9, 48 hours after the broadcast, Mr. Yousaf, a 75 year-old rice trader and district chief of the Ahmadi sect was killed on his way to prayer in Nawab Shah, Sindh province. Yousaf was fired on from people on motor bikes, and sustained three bullet wounds. He died on the way to the hospital. The assailants had taken a route past a police station. No one was arrested.

Pakistan: Anchor man calls for lynching of Ahmadis, two people murdered - Jihad Watch

I am sure you didn't really need me reminding you of this episode. :disagree:

Dr.? the guy has "jaali degree"

and I don't see how state is responsible here.

Besides, You and I both know that Pakistani State machinery IS used against law often.


I think this ‘roona dhoona’ of you and Asim being Moderators of this forum, where majority of the members are from India, will not get you anywhere. I would strongly suggest, if both of you have the guts and want to be the champion for the cause of Ahmadis, that you get your azzes to Pakistan and fight for their cause. I can bet, Emo is in dire need of your service and will be happy to use as needed.

HYPOCRISY & INTOLERANCE, people consider their beliefs as divine truth but what other believe is a pathetic lie & a fol of Satan

there are reasons for people to believe as such. proofs which are scientifically and historically proved as well.
Don't get carried away by EMOtions.
Simple anyone who converts to other religion from Islam is a infidel & must be killed where as any one who convets to Islam from other religion is a great....

HYPOCRISY & INTOLERANCE, people consider their beliefs as divine truth but what other believe is a pathetic lie & a follower of Satan

the wicket circle of declaring others as a advocates of Satan must stop

This is not specific to Pakistan.

We are talking about "Ahmadis in Pakistan"

I think this ‘roona dhoona’ of you and Asim being Moderators of this forum, where majority of the members are from India, will not get you anywhere. I would strongly suggest, if both of you have the guts and want to be the champion for the cause of Ahmadis, that you get your azzes to Pakistan and fight for their cause. I can bet, Emo is in dire need of your service and will be happy to use as needed.

Are you threatening someone online ?What can you people do besides killing those who disagree with your views.Now thats a sign of backwardness.
Take my Advice: Grow the hell up.
Well first of all there is no comparison in American and Pakistani Society.

But for the sake of argument. If you are in Christian country and you call yourself Christian and your place of worship Church but instead you pray believe in Muhammad (S.A.W), what would be the reaction of state and people?

In the US, that implements more of the Islamic principles of 'equality, justice and freedom of religion', the response would be nothing. The various Christian denominations would likely reject me as a Christian, but the State itself would not care - I would not be threatened with imprisonment for calling myself a Christian, and the State would protect me in case of 'violent Christian mobs' threatening to lynch me.

And by the way, principles of 'equality, justice and freedom of religion for all' are not 'American' or 'Western' principles alone, they are mentioned in the Quran, and they are self-evidently true principles for all of humanity, not just Western societies.

Nowhere in Islam does it condone discrimination and prejudice against other faiths, and those that continue to support such discrimination do so because as a majority they fear the minority and do not wish the minority to have the same rights as them.
Dr.? the guy has "jaali degree"

lo kar lo gal!!!

and I don't see how state is responsible here.

Besides, You and I both know that Pakistani State machinery IS used against law often.

State has used the sensitivity of people regarding religion to make its both ends meet & ZAB was pretty successful in that

This is not specific to Pakistan.

We are talking about "Ahmadis in Pakistan"

Ahmadis are part of Pakistan & attitude of Pakistanis towards Religion as a whole is also a factor :agree:

there are reasons for people to believe as such. proofs which are scientifically and historically proved as well.
Don't get carried away by EMOtions.

not going into the validity of those proofs but its an established fact that non of the religions are ready to tolerate each other practically & the circle of violence continues

I think this ‘roona dhoona’ of you and Asim being Moderators of this forum, where majority of the members are from India, will not get you anywhere. I would strongly suggest, if both of you have the guts and want to be the champion for the cause of Ahmadis, that you get your azzes to Pakistan and fight for their cause. I can bet, Emo is in dire need of your service and will be happy to use as needed.


If you have nothing constructive to say then please don't comment.

This is a pretty obvious trend by multiple posters that support bigotry and discrimination in Pakistan - when you have no response to the arguments made against the black laws against Ahmadis, you choose to attack the posters with asinine and infantile comments such as those above.

Either refute the arguments made or leave please. Trolling will get you banned.

I think this ‘roona dhoona’ of you and Asim being Moderators of this forum, where majority of the members are from India, will not get you anywhere. I would strongly suggest, if both of you have the guts and want to be the champion for the cause of Ahmadis, that you get your azzes to Pakistan and fight for their cause. I can bet, Emo is in dire need of your service and will be happy to use as needed.

Laaton ke bhoot baaton se nahi maantay?
Dr.? the guy has "jaali degree"

and I don't see how state is responsible here.

Besides, You and I both know that Pakistani State machinery IS used against law often.
Why did the State not arrest and imprison this man and the others for inciting hatred and violence against a community?

Because the State itself has laws that discriminate and violate the rights of that community.

Any way, BB's demand for 'atrocities against Ahmadis' is fulfilled.
If you have nothing constructive to say then please don't comment.

This is a pretty obvious trend by multiple posters that support bigotry and discrimination in Pakistan - when you have no response to the arguments made against the black laws against Ahmadis, you choose to attack the posters with asinine and infantile comments such as those above.

Either refute the arguments made or leave please. Trolling will get you banned.
I think we should close down the forum, because apparently for discussing real issues and problems of Pakistan we need to go to Pakistan and start shouting on the streets of Pakistan. Why were we stupid enough to create a forum?
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