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Ahmadis in Pakistan

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Quran clearly says "You are on to your deen and we are on to our deen".

Lakum deenukum waliya deen.

Ultimate foresight about Freedom of Speech shown in the Quran 1400 years ago. I told you before I have no doubts in the wisdom of the Quran, just the way people interpret it.
Unlike Ahmadiyas,
Sunni, Shia, Wahabbi, Deobandi, Barelvi etc believe in the finality of our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

Unlike Ahmadiyas,
They do not believe in any other prophet.

This is the difference that makes them non-muslims.

I am not saying it.. Quran Said it, Hadiths Said this.

I think the base line here is that Ahmadi's are not considered a sect of Islam but a different religion altogether.

Ahmadis dont believe that Muhammad SAW is the Last prophet and they have their own Prophet , Book , Hadith which makes them a Non Muslim .
This is the fuss , they have created a whole new religion , we dont have any issues with that but they need to move on.

Again, the issue is not about what they believe and whether you agree with their beliefs or not, nor is it about the terrorists attacks on the Ahmadi mosques - the issue is the denial of rights of Ahmadis in Pakistan, through forcefully denying them the right to call themselves what they believe they are (Muslims) to call their places of worship what they wish to (Mosques), and for the State to punish them if they voice their beliefs.

No one has so far been able to argue why these restrictions on Ahmadis practicing their faith as they wish do not constitute discrimination, nor has anyone been able to illustrate where in the Quran it calls for 'discrimination and forcing people to practice their faith differently than they want'. Instead people just keep making the sam bigoted argument of 'Ahmadis are not Muslims'. They may not be Muslims, but imposing restrictions and discrimination against a community on the basis of disagreement with their faith is not justified in the Quran, nor is it acceptable morally or ethically.

The Ahmadis are righfully demanding their rights (when they are not under fear of being imprisoned or lynched by nutjob Muslim mobs) - it is mainstream Muslims who oppose the giving Ahmadis their rights and ending blatant discrimination that shames Islam and Pakistan that need to 'move on' and learn how to be more civilized, tolerant and respectful of other faiths.
Where are you Emo, Agnostic, ghutto, Asim? please enlighten us all on this very fact.

I am talking about the origin era of qadyaniat.

if i am not wring qadianiat was started after 1857
I am talking about the origin era of qadyaniat.

if i am not wring qadianiat was started after 1857

Yeah nd it is proved by the wrds of ALLAH that prophet MUHAMMAD SALLALHO ALIIHYE WASSALAM is the last prophet
Since Ahmadis try to put on a Mask of being non Violent this article shows what they are all about.

And dont impose your foolish ignorance on others , Muslims committing atrocities against ahmadis ?

When the hell did that happen , if Muslims would have been committing atrocities the "Rabwah" would have been wiped out by now.

Moreover it was a pathetic attempt by you to generalize violence on all Muslims , Islam does not teach to do violent acts against anyone but Enemies of Islam.

The amount of violence present against ahmadis is justifiable since their acts that we have been discussing earlier in the tread deeply hurt Muslims so it lies in what ahmadis do and claim.


And it was a pathetic attempt by YOU to generalize violence by some Ahmadis on all Ahmadis.

As I pointed out, there are far more instances of mainstream Muslims committing atrocities against Ahmadis and other minorities than vice versa in Pakistan - so refrain from casting stones at other communities when your own has plenty of sins of its own.
NO ONE supports the call for murder here so where is the onus on us Muslims here ??
You did say "Jihad", so that is physical harm (All these Mullahs call for the slaughter of innocent Pakistanis).

Why dont you change it to a title "Should we condemn the killing of qadianis by extremists or not"
Laila kaun tha, majnu kaun thi?

Aisi baat ki hai aap ne. The problem is not with the terrorists killing Ahmedis, they kill everyone. The problem is with the LAW of Pakistan discriminating against Ahmedis and the call to change this law through a parliamentary resolution.

NO you can not insult any religion. No one supports that. And if you have been following than many Pakistanis and Indians both have been banned for insulting religion and we agree with it.

No one supports that (for the sake of argument I'll agree), but if one wants to then they can.

Yes they have been banned on this forum since we don't allow that, this is a private organization with its own rules and laws and doesn't reflect the position of the state in any way. We are not running a country or are subject to the vote of our members, we're running a forum.
OK i agree with you asim on this but what about them being discriminated as many believe ??

Why "Cant" we discuss that "what" is the Issue between "Them" and "Us" ??

If there is no understanding of that what is the point discussing the consequences?

It would be like we keep discussing the war on Iraq and we undermine why it started !

There is no justification for discrimination - period. No theological issue between XYZ community and ABC community justifies discrimination by one against the other. If you cannot understand this simple fact then you are beyond redemption.
Who will protect them from the state when they still say that they are Muslims despite for you being no argument on that matter.

And where STATE OF Pakistan calls for killing them??

Tariq Aziz the famous person appointed by Musharraf is a qadiani, Musharraf's wife is from qadiani family.

Ex-COAS Jehangir Karamat is said to be a qadiani (im not sure of it just quoting the media reports so can be wrong too)

Many qadianis are posted at some responsible seats in Pakistan so where the State is killing them ??????
BTW, is this it? is this all they want? to be called Muslim? is this why they defame Pakistani Nation and State in the whole world?

If I was forced by the US government to not call myself a Muslim and my 'place of worship' a mosque, and threatened with imprisonment if I dared express my beliefs, then I would be pretty angry with the country that so openly exhibited prejudice against me and refused to allow me to practice my faith as I chose to.

If you deny a people basic human rights, then why would you even expect loyalty from them for the system that denies them those rights?

But that said, as other posters mentioned in the beginning of the thread, Ahmadis in Pakistan have contributed a tremendous amount to Pakistan, despite this open prejudice and discrimination against them.
And where STATE OF Pakistan calls for killing them??
Phir wohi baat. Watch the video in the first post of this thread. Clearly the constitution of Pakistan has made it unlawful to say Ahmedi's are Muslims.

Tariq Aziz the famous person appointed by Musharraf is a qadiani, Musharraf's wife is from qadiani family.

Ex-COAS Jehangir Karamat is said to be a qadiani (im not sure of it just quoting the media reports so can be wrong too)

Many qadianis are posted at some responsible seats in Pakistan so where the State is killing them ??????
Yeh sab toh wohi baatein hain jo Indians karte hain "Our President is a Muslim, our PM is a Sikh". Doesn't mean anything as long as fundamentally we've not done things right.
Its not what they want its what those want who created them.;)

Are you incapable of logical thought or deliberately trolling?

Millions of Ahmadis get up each day and raise and teach their children to 'fool other Muslims' and 'divide Islam' - is that your bigoted view?
Question: Do you people deny that the persecution of Ahmadis is happening?

people here are openly saying that Blasphemy of Ahmadi Mosque by Police is a good step by Police :blink:

But that said, as other posters mentioned in the beginning of the thread, Ahmadis in Pakistan have contributed a tremendous amount to Pakistan, despite this open prejudice and discrimination against them.

Guess what they think that Ahmadis are rich because of obvious reasons HUH!!!!
May be off topic but tell me how many of us here chose there religion, didn't we inherit it whether we are Hindu , Muslims or Ahmadiya. So tell me how can we do any king of discrimination with any one who is not himself responsible for what he is?
If I was forced by the US government to not call myself a Muslim and my 'place of worship' a mosque, and threatened with imprisonment if I dared express my beliefs, then I would be pretty angry with the country that so openly exhibited prejudice against me and refused to allow me to practice my faith as I chose to.

If you deny a people basic human rights, then why would you even expect loyalty from them for the system that denies them those rights?

But that said, as other posters mentioned in the beginning of the thread, Ahmadis in Pakistan have contributed a tremendous amount to Pakistan, despite this open prejudice and discrimination against them.

Well first of all there is no comparison in American and Pakistani Society.

But for the sake of argument. If you are in Christian country and you call yourself Christian and your place of worship Church but instead you pray believe in Muhammad (S.A.W), what would be the reaction of state and people?
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