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Ahmadis in Pakistan

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I have been reading the posts and I found my knowledge of Islam increased a bit. Being a Hindu, I am not aware of intricaties of Islam. But if in Islam it is said that Muhammed is last prophet then where is the confusion? Ahmadiyas are then classified as sect whose base is Islam but they have slightly different beliefs. There are many examples around the world which are similar.

However, Ahmediya's base is Islam and therefore I think it is not appropriate not to give them equal rights. Being a Islamic nation GoP should amend the law to give anyone whose ideology is based on Islam all the equal rights and benifits.

I hope I did not offend anyone, and if I have, I apologize in advance.
I have been reading the posts and I found my knowledge of Islam increased a bit. Being a Hindu, I am not aware of intricaties of Islam. But if in Islam it is said that Muhammed is last prophet then where is the confusion? Ahmadiyas are then classified as sect whose base is Islam but they have slightly different beliefs. There are many examples around the world which are similar.

However, Ahmediya's base is Islam and therefore I think it is not appropriate not to give them equal rights. Being a Islamic nation GoP should amend the law to give anyone whose ideology is based on Islam all the equal rights and benifits.

I hope I did not offend anyone, and if I have, I apologize in advance.

Ahmadis dont believe that Muhammad SAW is the Last prophet and they have their own Prophet , Book , Hadith which makes them a Non Muslim .
This is the fuss , they have created a whole new religion , we dont have any issues with that but they need to move on.
The "in Pakistan" bit is deliberate, for we never discuss the pros and cons of any religion, the nature of any religion, the way to practice any religion. We're discussing Ahmedis as a people of Pakistan and their rights (or lack of) as people of Pakistan.

OK i agree with you asim on this but what about them being discriminated as many believe ??

Why "Cant" we discuss that "what" is the Issue between "Them" and "Us" ??

If there is no understanding of that what is the point discussing the consequences?

It would be like we keep discussing the war on Iraq and we undermine why it started !
OK i agree with you asim on this but what about them being discriminated as many believe ??

Why "Cant" we discuss that "what" is the Issue between "Them" and "Us" ??

If there is no understanding of that what is the point discussing the consequences?

It would be like we keep discussing the war on Iraq and we undermine why it started !

I think we should make a list of the "discriminations"
Here is a video showing anti-Ahmadi operation by the Punjab Police in Lathianwala, Faisalabad. Recorded on 10th August 2009.

Pakistani authorities removed Kalima and Names of Allah and Muhammad from the Ahmadiyya Mosque. Approximately 300 Policemen and Elite Force commandos were engaged in the raid.

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Don't be a fool - there are far more instances of Muslims belonging to mainstream Islam committing atrocities upon minorities in Pakistan - you really don't want to open that can of worms.

Since Ahmadis try to put on a Mask of being non Violent this article shows what they are all about.

And dont impose your foolish ignorance on others , Muslims committing atrocities against ahmadis ?

When the hell did that happen , if Muslims would have been committing atrocities the "Rabwah" would have been wiped out by now.

Moreover it was a pathetic attempt by you to generalize violence on all Muslims , Islam does not teach to do violent acts against anyone but Enemies of Islam.

The amount of violence present against ahmadis is justifiable since their acts that we have been discussing earlier in the tread deeply hurt Muslims so it lies in what ahmadis do and claim.

I think we should make a list of the "discriminations"

These Cyberworriers can claim to do anything but it does not matter as Zaban e khalq is Zaban e Khuda.

Asim believes in liberty & so do i but when asim gives ahmadis the liberty to call themselves what ever they want at that very moment , He takes away the freedom of Muslims to their identity being Misused by "Murtids" who ain't even Muslims.

Its funny the way this world works.
These Cyberworriers can claim to do anything but it does not matter as Zaban e khalq is Zaban e Khuda.

Asim believes in liberty & so do i but when asim gives ahmadis the liberty to call themselves what ever they want at that very moment , He takes away the freedom of Muslims to their identity being Misused by "Murtids" who ain't even Muslims.

Its funny the way this world works.

Keeping in Mind that Muslim is a word used in Qura'an for the followers of Muhammad (S.A.W). It directly maps onto the conditions that include condition of Last Prophet. Any one not fulfilling these conditions cannot use the name Muslim.
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These Cyberworriers can claim to do anything but it does not matter as Zaban e khalq is Zaban e Khuda.

Asim believes in liberty & so do i but when asim gives ahmadis the liberty to call themselves what ever they want at that very moment , He takes away the freedom of Muslims to their identity being Misused by "Murtids" who ain't even Muslims.

Its funny the way this world works.

yaar both of you are right. None of you are wrong :woot:

1) If Ahmedis using our identity = If somebody using your passport its an offence and you will react or Ahmedis copied your work of what you wrote in 23 years (Prophethood) and then changed little bit here n there to show it like their own work which is not true and an offence

2) If Ahmedis using our identity = Its not copyrighted let them do it

Both of you are right - its just how you take it :thinktank:

I Agree with Asim on each word he says as i think he is a die hard freedom supporter & i respect his view on this matter .

But what we need o understand is that "No One" is "Forcing" ahmadis not to use "identity" but they are using this identity which "Does not belong to them" it belongs to us.

How can Asim give one person a freedom by taking other's ??
If Asim puts your Photo on my passport that you can have freedom of travel , would it be fair with me ???
yaar both of you are right. None of you are wrong :woot:

1) If Ahmedis using our identity = If somebody using your passport its an offence and you will react or Ahmedis copied your work of what you wrote in 23 years (Prophethood) and then changed little bit here n there to show it like their own work which is not true and an offence

2) If Ahmedis using our identity = Its not copyrighted let them do it

Both of you are right - its just how you take it :thinktank:
I don't know, its used in Quran though.
I don't know, its used in Quran though.

sorry did not understand :undecided:

Btw Qur'an is not copyrighted - it is a book of God for the whole Mankind and not only for Muslims
sorry did not understand :undecided:

Btw Qur'an is not copyrighted - it is a book of God for the whole Mankind and not only for Muslims

What I meant was that Quran used word "Muslim" for the ummat of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
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